This project is hosted on NPM. You can see it here. This project uses semantic-versioning to manage versions.
Below is a guide for releasing:
- Checkout the main branch and run
git pull
to ensure you have the latest changes in main. - Be sure to check the changelog and ensure it has been updated accordingly.
- Verify that the version number in the package.json is correct.
- Confirm that the version matches the latest released version. The publish script will update the version.
- Login to npm on the command line.
- Run one of the following npm release scripts.
When run, these commands do the following:
- Runs tests.
- Bumps the version number in the package.json file according to the release command that has been run via npm version command.
- Publishes the release to npm via npm publish command.
- Creates a new git commit/tag in the process of publishing to npm.