layout | title | description |
default |
Comsat |
Comsat integrates lightweight threads and actors with the JVM web stack. |
COMSAT (or Comsat) is a set of open source libraries that integrate Quasar with various web or enterprise technologies (like HTTP services and database access). With Comsat, you can write web applications that are scalable and performing and, at the same time, are simple to code and maintain.
Comsat is not a web framework. In fact, it does not add new APIs at all (with one exception, Web Actors, mentioned later). It provides implementation to popular (and often, standard) APIs like Servlet, JAX-RS, and JDBC, that can be used efficiently within Quasar fibers.
Comsat does provide one new API that you may choose to use: Web Actors. Web actors let you define a Quasar actor that receives and responds to HTTP requests and web socket messages. The Web Actors API is rather minimal, and is intended to do one job and do it well: simplify two-way communication between your server and the client.
COMSAT 0.6.0 has been released.
COMSAT 0.5.0 has been released.
COMSAT 0.4.0 has been released.
COMSAT 0.3.0 has been released.
COMSAT 0.2.0 has been released.
COMSAT 0.1.0 has been released.
Java 7 is required to use COMSAT.
First, you need the quasar-core
dependency. With Maven:
or, for JDK8:
The corresponding Gradle dependencies are respectively co.paralleluniverse:quasar-core:0.7.2
or, for JDK8, co.paralleluniverse:quasar-core:0.7.2@jdk8
Then add the following Maven/Gradle dependencies:
Feature | Artifact |
Servlet integration for defining fiber-per-request servlets. | co.paralleluniverse:comsat-servlet:0.6.0 |
A fiber-blocking Clojure Ring adapter based on Jetty 9.3. | co.paralleluniverse:comsat-ring-jetty9:0.6.0 |
HTTP Kit-based fiber-blocking HTTP client. | co.paralleluniverse:comsat-httpkit:0.6.0 |
Jersey server integration for defining REST services. | co.paralleluniverse:comsat-jersey-server:0.6.0 |
Dropwizard integration including Jersey, ApacheHttpClient and JDBI. | co.paralleluniverse:comsat-dropwizard:0.6.0 |
Spring Framework Web MVC fiber-blocking controller methods integration. | co.paralleluniverse:comsat-spring-webmvc:0.6.0 |
Spring Boot auto-configuration support for Web MVC controllers. | co.paralleluniverse:comsat-spring-boot:0.6.0 |
Spring Security configuration support for fibers. | co.paralleluniverse:comsat-spring-security:0.6.0 |
JAX-RS client integration for HTTP calls with fibers. | co.paralleluniverse:comsat-jax-rs-client:0.6.0 |
ApacheHttpClient integration for HTTP calls with fibers. | co.paralleluniverse:comsat-httpclient:0.6.0 |
Retrofit integration with fibers. | co.paralleluniverse:comsat-retrofit:0.6.0 |
JDBI integration with fibers. | co.paralleluniverse:comsat-jdbi:0.6.0 |
JDBC integration with fibers. | co.paralleluniverse:comsat-jdbc:0.6.0 |
jOOQ integration with fibers. | co.paralleluniverse:comsat-jooq:0.6.0 |
MongoDB fiber-blocking integration for the Allanbank API. | co.paralleluniverse:comsat-mongodb-allanbank:0.6.0 |
OkHttp HTTP+SPDY client integration. | co.paralleluniverse:comsat-okhttp:0.6.0 |
The Web Actors API. | co.paralleluniverse:comsat-actors-api:0.6.0 |
Deploy HTTP, SSE and WebSocket Web Actors as Undertow handlers. | co.paralleluniverse:comsat-actors-undertow:0.6.0 |
Deploy HTTP, SSE and WebSocket Web Actors as Netty handlers. | co.paralleluniverse:comsat-actors-netty:0.6.0 |
Deploy HTTP, SSE and WebSocket Web Actors in J2EE 7 Servlet and WebSocket (JSR-356) embedded and standalone containers. | co.paralleluniverse:comsat-actors-servlet:0.6.0 |
Use Comsat in the Tomcat servlet container without java agent. | co.paralleluniverse:comsat-tomcat-loader:0.6.0[:jdk8] (for JDK 8 optionally add the jdk8 classifier) |
Use Comsat in the Jetty servlet container without the java agent. | co.paralleluniverse:comsat-jetty-loader:0.6.0[:jdk8] (for JDK 8 optionally add the jdk8 classifier) |
Spring Framework Web integration allows using fiber-blocking controllers. | co.paralleluniverse:comsat-spring-web:0.6.0 |
Apache Kafka producer integration module. | co.paralleluniverse:comsat-kafka:0.6.0 |
A Gradle template project and a Maven archetype using various integration modules and featuring setup with both Dropwizard and standalone Tomcat are available for jumpstart and study. Both have a without-comsat
branch which is useful to clearly see the (minimal, if any) porting effort required (branches comparison works very well for this purporse).
There's a Comsat-Ring Clojure Leiningen template as well which includes an auto-instrument
branch that doesn't need any explicit suspendable-marking code (suspendable!
, defsfn
, sfn
etc.) thanks to Pulsar's new auto-instrumentation feature.
This GitHub project contains examples covering most of the COMSAT functionality: puniverse/comsat-examples.
Finally there are several regularly updated third-party bootstrap projects: Comsat + Dropwizard + jOOQ, Comsat Web Actors Stock Quotes (ported from Akka), Spring MVC + Tomcat standalone servlet container.
Comsat runs code in Quasar fibers, which rely on bytecode instrumentation. This instrumentation is done in one of three ways: via a Java agent that must be loaded into the Servlet container; with a custom class-loader available for Tomcat and Jetty; or at compilation time.
AOT instrumentation is an advanced topic explained in the Quasar documentation.
When using AOT instrumentation alone, all of your fiber-blocking dependencies will need to have been AOT-compiled already. Please note that some Comsat modules, such as comast-jersey-server
, rely on dynamic instrumentation of third-party libraries and so they cannot be used with AOT instrumentation alone.
To use the Java agent, the following must be added to the java command line (or use your favorite build tool to add this as a JVM argument) when launching the process:
Java agent instrumentation works with standalone Java applications and embedded Servlet containers but at present it cannot be used with standalone Servlet containers.
If you're using Tomcat as your embedded or standalone Servlet container, a custom class-loader is available for use instead of the Java Agent. You'll need to put comsat-tomcat-loader-{{site.version}}.jar
(or, for JDK8, comsat-tomcat-loader-{{site.version}}-jdk8.jar
) into Tomcat's common/lib
Then, include the following in your webapp's META-INF/context.xml
{% include_snippet loader ./comsat-test-war/src/main/webapp/META-INF/context.xml %}
The Tomcat instrumenting class-loader has been verified to work with Tomcat 7.0.62 and Tomcat 8.0.23 standalone Servlet containers.
If you're using Jetty as your embedded Servlet container, you have the option to use a custom class-loader instead of the Java agent. You'll need to put comsat-jetty-loader-{{site.version}}.jar
(or, for JDK8, comsat-jetty-loader-{{site.version}}-jdk8.jar
) into Jetty's lib
Then, include a <Set name="classLoader">
tag in your webapp's context xml:
{% include_snippet context xml ./comsat-jetty-loader/src/test/resources/webapps/dep.xml %}
Install Gradle, then clone the repository:
git clone
and finally run:
gradle install
The full testsuite can be run with gradle build
{% capture javadoc %}{{site.baseurl}}/javadoc/co/paralleluniverse{% endcapture %}
Comsat supports the Servlet 3.x specification (Java EE 6) and enables you to write servlets that can scale to many concurrent visitors, even if servicing each requests takes a very long time, or requires calling many other services. Under the hood, Comsat does this by turning each servlet request into an asynchronous request, and then services each on a separate fiber. Calls to other web services or to a database can be fiber- rather than thread-blocking. As a result, Comsat can serve many thousands of concurrent requests with only a handful of OS threads. You, on the other hand, don't need to adopt a cumbersome asynchronous programming model. You can write the servlet code as you normally would, making synchronous (fiber-blocking) calls, provided that you use Comsat implementations.
To write a Comsat (fiber-per-request) servlet, simply extend FiberHttpServlet
rather than the usual javax.servlet.HttpServlet
, and either annotate it with @WebServlet
, declare it in web.xml
or use the programmatic initializer API. Note how the service
and all the doXXX
methods are suspendable since they're annotated with @Suspendable
, although they don't declare throwing SuspendExecution
in order to retain full servlet API compatibility.
You can deploy your servlet as you normally would, either as a WAR file (remember to enable async support for it), or in an embedded servlet container.
It is recommended that you then configure your servlet container to limit the number of threads in its thread pool to some small number, as all these threads do is create the fiber (which runs in the fiber thread pool) and return.
{% include_snippet FiberHttpServlet example ./comsat-servlet/src/test/java/co/paralleluniverse/fibers/servlet/ %}
Then you can simply add it as a regular servlet to you favorite servlet containter, e.g. for embedded Jetty:
{% include_snippet servlet registration ./comsat-servlet/src/test/java/co/paralleluniverse/fibers/servlet/ %}
To learn about writing servlets, you can refer to the Java Servlets tutorial.
Finally some options can be configured globally via system properties or per-servlet through standard servlet configuration attributes:
(ms): defines the asynchronous request's timeout (default = 120 seconds).- The following features are enabled by default and together they can add up to 8% overhead:
: if present ortrue
as a system property or iftrue
as a servlet config option it will disable the translation of exceptions to standard synchronous server exceptions viadispatch
: if present ortrue
as a system property or iftrue
as a servlet config option it will disable the translation of async forward requests to standard synchronous forwards.
- The following workarounds are enabled by default only when running in their respective servlet container and they can add up to 3% overhead:
"Overhead" here means "percentage of execution time" and it has been measured in benchmarks with no request processing (immediate response) and localhost
network on an Linux Ubuntu Trusty box.
You can easily create Comsat REST services with the JAX-RS API, the standard Java REST service API. Comsat integrates with Jersey, the reference JAX-RS implementation.
All you need to do in order to enjoy Comsat's scalabilty, is replace the line
in your web.xml
file, which is how you would normally use Jersey in a Servlet container, with:
Your resource methods (the ones you annotate with @GET
, @PUT
etc.) can now be made suspendable by declaring throws SuspendExecution
. Comsat would then run each request in a fiber. Your resource methods are free to use Comsat's JDBC implementation, or Comsat's JAX-RS client.
Here is an example of REST resource declaration:
{% include_snippet REST resource example ./comsat-jersey-server/src/test/java/co/paralleluniverse/fibers/jersey/ %}
And then initialization of the jersey container:
{% include_snippet jersey registration ./comsat-jersey-server/src/test/java/co/paralleluniverse/fibers/jersey/ %}
To learn about writing REST services with JAX-RS, please refer to the Jersey User Guide.
{:.alert .alert-info} Note: Web Actors are a great way to write REST services, as well as web-socket services, for interactive web applications.
The Comsat Ring adapter is a fiber-blocking adapter based on Jetty 9: it will make your Ring handler run in a fiber rather than in a thread, boosting efficiency without requiring handler logic changes.
Comsat Ring is based on Pulsar, so it is necessary that the handler's fiber-blocking logic and all functions calling it are declared suspendable through either the sfn
/ defsfn
macros or the suspendable!
call (please refer to Pulsar docs for details). This often means declaring suspendable the handler itself and middlewares applied to it. You can avoid making suspendable the resulting handler passed to the adapter though, as latter will do it for you.
So rather than:
(ns myapp.core
(:use ring.adapter.jetty))
(defn- hello-world [request]
(Thread/sleep 100)
{:status 200
:headers {"Content-Type" "text/plain"}
:body "Hello World"})
(defn run [] (run-jetty hello-world {:port 8080}))
Just setup Pulsar as described in the docs, remembering to add the [co.paralleluniverse/comsat-ring-jetty9 "{{site.version}}"]
dependency, and change your use
or require
clauses slightly:
(ns myapp.core
(:use co.paralleluniverse.fiber.ring.jetty9)
(:import (co.paralleluniverse.fibers Fiber))
(:require [co.paralleluniverse.pulsar.core :as pc]))
(pc/defsfn hello-world [request]
(Fiber/sleep 100)
{:status 200
:headers {"Content-Type" "text/plain"}
:body "Hello World"})
(defn run [] (run-jetty hello-world {:port 8080}))
Your handler is now running inside fibers rather than threads.
HTTP Kit is a minimalist, efficient, Ring-compatible HTTP client/server for Clojure that supports async operation. The client API is an async subset of clj-http and the comsat-httpkit
integration converts it back to straightforward fiber-blocking clj-http
through the await
function. Being only 18 lines of code, this integration also shows how easy it is to integrate Clojure async APIs with Pulsar.
Just add comsat-httpkit
to your dependencies and require
the co.paralleluniverse.fiber.httpkit.client
namespace. You can then use request
, get
, delete
, head
, post
, put
, options
, patch
inside your fibers as you would use clj-http
(currently limited to the clj-http
features supported by HTTP Kit):
(ns myapp
[co.paralleluniverse.fiber.httpkit.client :refer :all]
[co.paralleluniverse.pulsar.core :refer [fiber]]))
(defn -main []
(println @(fiber (get ""))))
Have also a look at the testsuite ported from HTTP Kit.
The fiber blocking version of the Apache Http Client can be used with FiberHttpClientBuilder
For example:
{% include_snippet client configuration ./comsat-httpclient/src/test/java/co/paralleluniverse/fibers/httpclient/ %}
After that you can call the regular API from fibers:
{% include_snippet http call ./comsat-httpclient/src/test/java/co/paralleluniverse/fibers/httpclient/ %}
If you prefer to use the future API you should build a regular HttpAsyncClient
and then wrap it with FiberCloseableHttpAsyncClient.wrap
, for example
{% include_snippet client configuration ./comsat-httpclient/src/test/java/co/paralleluniverse/fibers/httpasyncclient/ %}
Then you can use it as follows:
{% include_snippet future calls ./comsat-httpclient/src/test/java/co/paralleluniverse/fibers/httpasyncclient/ %}
Comsat's integrated HTTP client is a JAX-RS client (specifically, a Jersey client). To create a client instance compatible with Quasar fibers, use the AsyncClientBuilder
Client client = AsyncClientBuilder.newClient();
You can also pass a configuration:
Client client = AsyncClientBuilder.newClient(config);
or use the builder API:
{% include_snippet client creation ./comsat-jax-rs-client/src/test/java/co/paralleluniverse/fibers/ws/rs/client/ %}
Then the usage is like the regular API, for example:
{% include_snippet http call ./comsat-jax-rs-client/src/test/java/co/paralleluniverse/fibers/ws/rs/client/ %}
To learn how to use the HTTP client, please refer to the Jersey documentation, or the JAX-RS client Javadoc.
All of the JAX-RS API is supported, and blocking calls are fiber- rather than thread-blocking. If you want to execute several requests in parallel, you may use any of the "async" methods that return a Future
Future response = resourceTarget.request("text/plain").header("Foo", "bar").async().get(String.class);
Calling Future.get()
would also just block the fiber and not any OS thread.
{:.alert .alert-info}
Note: A method that makes use of the API and runs in a fiber must be declared suspendable (normally by declaring throws SuspendExecution
{:.alert .alert-warn} Note: the Jersey client's current implementation (since 2.5) has a significant disadvantage w.r.t ApacheHttpClient because it uses one thread per http call. Therefore it is not recommended until this is fixed.
lets you access REST API through java interface. In order to use it from fibers you should first declare a Suspendable
{% include_snippet interface ./comsat-retrofit/src/test/java/co/paralleluniverse/fibers/retrofit/ %}
This interface can then be registered with FiberRestAdapterBuilder
and then used from fibers:
{% include_snippet registration ./comsat-retrofit/src/test/java/co/paralleluniverse/fibers/retrofit/ %}// ...
// usage from fiber context
{% include_snippet usage ./comsat-retrofit/src/test/java/co/paralleluniverse/fibers/retrofit/ %}
Comsat integrates with OkHttp, a modern HTTP+SPDY client and offers fiber-blocking OkHttpClient
and Call
Build fiber-friendly, fully OkHttp-compatible FiberOkHttpClient
and FiberCall
as follows:
Request req = ...;
OkHttpClient client = new FiberOkHttpClient();
Call call = client.newCall(req);
OkHttp's urlconnection
and apache
modules are supported as well: just pass an FiberOkHttpClient
instance when building OkUrlFactory
and OkApacheClient
OkUrlFactory factory = new OkUrlFactory(new FiberOkHttpClient());
OkApacheClient client = new OkApacheClient(new FiberOkHttpClient());
The comsat-jdbc
project makes the JDBC API more efficient when using Quasar fibers (or fiber-backed actors). To use JDBC in fibers, simply wrap your database driver's DataSource
with FiberDataSource
, and use it to obtain connections. For example:
{% include_snippet DataSource wrapping ./comsat-jdbc/src/test/java/co/paralleluniverse/fibers/jdbc/ %}
Then the DataSource can be used with the regular API from fibers, For example:
{% include_snippet DataSource usage ./comsat-jdbc/src/test/java/co/paralleluniverse/fibers/jdbc/ %}// ...
// usage in fiber context
{% include_snippet connection usage ./comsat-jdbc/src/test/java/co/paralleluniverse/fibers/jdbc/ %}
{:.alert .alert-info}
Note: A method that makes use of the API and runs in a fiber must be declared suspendable (normally by declaring throws SuspendExecution
Normally, Comsat transforms asynchronous (callback based) API into fiber-blocking operations. JDBC, however, has no asynchronous API. comsat-jdbc
simply runs the actual thread-blocking JDBC operations in a thread pool, and blocks the calling fiber until the operation has completed execution in the thread pool. As a result, you will not get any scalability benefits by calling your database in fibers (unlike, say, calling web services), because an OS thread will still block on every JDBC call. In practice, though, it matters little, as your database is likely to be a narrower bottleneck than the OS scheduler anyway.
{:.alert .alert-warn} Note: Your application may only may direct use of the Comsat JDBC data source, because methods calling the API must be declared suspendable (or run on regular threads). Database access frameworks (like various ORM solutions) that make use of JDBC cannot use this data source and be used in Quasar fibers. In the future, we will provide separate integration module for some popular database access libraries.
If you want to learn how to use JDBC, the JDBC tutorial is a good resource.
Servlets often make use of JDBC data sources exposed through JNDI. If you do that, you can declare a COMSAT (i.e. a fiber-aware) JDBC data source through JNDI that will wrap your native data source. To do so, use the co.paralleluniverse.fibers.jdbc.FiberDataSourceFactory
DataSource factory, and pass in the number of threads you'd like COMSAT to use in the JDBC worker pool.
In order to do that first you have to include comsat-jdbc-{{site.version}}.jar
in your container's runtime classpath, by putting it into the container's lib
If you're using TOMCAT
, the following example is a snippet of META-INF/context.xml
that will declare a DataSource under the jdbc/fiberdb
name, which wraps a native DB declared under the jdbc/globalds
<Context path="/">
{% include_snippet fiber ds ./comsat-test-war/src/main/webapp/META-INF/context.xml %}</Context>
In order to do the same thing with Jetty
, you have to include similar definition in your WEB-INF/jetty-env.xml
{% include_snippet fiber ds ./comsat-test-war/src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/jetty-env.xml %}
To use the powerful API of JDBI to access databases you first have to create an IDBI
instance using the FiberDBI
{% include_snippet creation ./comsat-jdbi/src/test/java/co/paralleluniverse/fibers/jdbi/ %}
The created instance can be used both with the Fluent API as well as with the SqlObject
API. First the fluent API example:
{% include_snippet usage ./comsat-jdbi/src/test/java/co/paralleluniverse/fibers/jdbi/ %}
As for the SqlObject
API, declare first a Suspendable
interface. Here is an example:
{% include_snippet interface ./comsat-jdbi/src/test/java/co/paralleluniverse/fibers/jdbi/ %}
The interface now can be registered and used as usual from fibers:
{% include_snippet registration ./comsat-jdbi/src/test/java/co/paralleluniverse/fibers/jdbi/ %}//...
// usage in fiber context
{% include_snippet usage ./comsat-jdbi/src/test/java/co/paralleluniverse/fibers/jdbi/ %}
JOOQ is a comprehensive solution to access SQL databases. In order to use jOOQ from fibers, all you have to do is to provide a connection originated from FiberDataSource
, for example:
{% include_snippet creation ./comsat-jooq/src/test/java/co/paralleluniverse/fibers/jooq/ %}// ...
// mapper definition
{% include_snippet mapper ./comsat-jooq/src/test/java/co/paralleluniverse/fibers/jooq/ %}// ...
// usage in fiber context
{% include_snippet usage ./comsat-jooq/src/test/java/co/paralleluniverse/fibers/jooq/ %}
Comsat integrates with MongoDB and offers a fiber-blocking allanbank API.
This is how you get a fiber-friendly MongoDatabase
instance, which you can then use regularly from fibers:
MongoClient mongoClient = FiberMongoFactory.createClient( "mongodb://localhost:" + port + "/test?maxConnectionCount=10" ).asSerializedClient();
MongoDatabase mongoDb = mongoClient.getDatabase("mydb");
Dropwizard is a Java framework for developing ops-friendly, high-performance, RESTful web services.
Only few changes are needed in order to use dropwizard with fibers.
First the YAML configuration file:
{% include_snippet server ./comsat-dropwizard/src/test/resources/server.yml %}
The number of concurrent threads needed for the comsat-dropwizard
container will be low even if the number of concurrent connection is high because threads will just hand the established connections to newly created fibers. 50 to 200 threads will be enough but you should increase the queue size. You also need to configure an adequate requestLog
appender (or disable it). Next is the httpClient
{% include_snippet httpclient ./comsat-dropwizard/src/test/resources/server.yml %}
You should also increase maxConnections
The DB configuration will be as usual (and, as usual, you should include the DB driver in your runtime classpath):
{% include_snippet db ./comsat-dropwizard/src/test/resources/server.yml %}
As for the code:
{% include_snippet app ./comsat-dropwizard/src/test/java/co/paralleluniverse/fibers/dropwizard/ %}
Instead of extending the regular io.dropwizard.Application
class, you should extend the Comsat's FiberApplication
. Your regular run
function should be named fiberRun
instead. The creation of the HTTP client should be through FiberHttpClientBuilder
and the creation of jdbi
should be through FiberDBIFactory
Spring Framework is a popular Dependency Injection engine; it integrates with many enterprise Java tools and libraries and complements them with uniform and easy-to-use APIs.
Spring Boot adds fast project bootstrap facilities, convention over configuration, auto-configuration based on classpath (and other conditions) and embedded Tomcat and Jetty containers integration. It also provides Actuator, a set of ready-to-use facilities for production environments like auditing, health-checks, metrics and JMX monitoring/management through JMX's native protocol, HTTP, SSH or telnet.
Spring Security is a comprehensive Java security framework encompassing authentication and authorization for traditional and web applications, and the de-facto standard for securing Spring-based projects.
Comsat provides the ability to write fiber-blocking Spring Web MVC controllers with (optional) Spring Boot auto-configuration and (still optional) Spring Security context inheritance for fibers.
Adding support for fiber-blocking Spring Web MVC controllers is as easy as replacing in your Spring configuration class the @EnableWebMvc
annotation with @Import(FiberWebMvcConfigurationSupport.class)
, for example:
{% include_snippet import ./comsat-spring/comsat-spring-boot/comsat-spring-boot-sample-traditional/src/main/java/comsat/sample/traditional/ %}
...And declaring your controller methods as suspendable, as you would normally do with any fiber-blocking method:
{% include_snippet suspendable ./comsat-spring/comsat-spring-boot/comsat-spring-boot-sample-actuator/src/main/java/comsat/sample/actuator/ %}
Spring Web MVC controller methods that have not been annotated (nor otherwise instrumented) to be suspendable will be invoked in thread-blocking mode rather than fiber-blocking.
By default, Spring Security stores the server-side security context for the current user in a Java ThreadLocal
. For suspendable Spring Web MVC controllers to inherit the security context, the strategy Spring uses mut be reconfigured to use Java's InheritableThreadLocal
instead (please be aware that this is JVM-level global setting).
This is as easy as adding an @Import
for the
configuration class:
{% include_snippet import ./comsat-spring/comsat-spring-boot/comsat-spring-boot-sample-actuator/src/main/java/comsat/sample/actuator/ %}
At present there is one small caveat to consider when using Spring method security: as Spring will proxy secured methods so that all declared exceptions (including SuspendExecution
) are catched individually, Quasar will refuse to instrument them. In this specific case SuspendExecution
should not be declared but catched in the method body, and the method signature should be annotated with @Suspendable
If you prefer using auto-configuration, it is enough to use the FiberSpringBootApplication
or FiberSecureSpringBootApplication
annotation instead, depending if you want to use Spring Security and its support for fibers:
{% include_snippet import ./comsat-spring/comsat-spring-boot/comsat-spring-boot-sample-web-groovy-templates/src/main/java/comsat/sample/ui/ %}
Web Actors are Quasar actors that receive and respond to messages from web clients. Web actors support HTTP, WebSocket and SSE (Server-Sent Events) messages and are a convenient, efficient, and natural method to implement backends for interactive web applications.
Web Actors are deployed on a web server. Currently they can be deployed as a Netty handler, as an Undertow handler as well as in any JavaEE 7 servlet container.
Deploying web actors on top of Netty is as easy as inserting one of two Netty handlers in your pipeline: either AutoWebActorHandler
or WebActorHandler
will automatically scan the classpath for classes with the @WebActor
annotation upon first use and will then instantiate and start the appropriate actor class (among detected ones) once per client session (or connection if there's no session, see below). Its constructor requires no arguments but optionally a user-specified classloader and/or a map containing per-class actor constructor parameters can be passed in.
The only other requirement is that your channel pipeline contains separate HttpRequestDecoder
and HttpResponseEncoder
instances rather than a single HttpServerCodec
because the HttpResponseEncoder
needs to be dynamically removed when an SSE exchange starts. If you prefer, as an alternative you can pass to AutoWebActorHandler
's constructor the name of the installed HttpResponseEncoder
Here's an example server setup using AutoWebActorHandler
without construction arguments (have a look at comsat-actors-netty
's tests for further insight):
final NioEventLoopGroup bossGroup = new NioEventLoopGroup(1);
final NioEventLoopGroup workerGroup = new NioEventLoopGroup();
final ServerBootstrap b = new ServerBootstrap();, workerGroup)
.handler(new LoggingHandler(LogLevel.INFO))
.childHandler(new ChannelInitializer<SocketChannel>() {
public void initChannel(SocketChannel ch) throws Exception {
ChannelPipeline pipeline = ch.pipeline();
pipeline.addLast(new HttpRequestDecoder());
pipeline.addLast(new HttpResponseEncoder());
pipeline.addLast(new HttpObjectAggregator(65536));
pipeline.addLast(new AutoWebActorHandler());
final ChannelFuture ch = b.bind(INET_PORT).sync();
The way individual web actor references are assigned to individual HTTP exchanges is represented by the WebActorHandler.Context
interface, which provides the web actor reference and URL matching logic.
delegates context lookup (or creation) to a developer-supplied ContextProvider
which is is the only required constructor argument; here's an example server setup using WebActorHandler
and delegating all exchanges to a single actor (have a look at comsat-actors-netty
's' tests for further insight):
final MyWebActor actor = new MyWebActor();
final MActorRef<? extends WebMessage> actorRef = actor.spawn();
// ...
final NioEventLoopGroup bossGroup = new NioEventLoopGroup(1);
final NioEventLoopGroup workerGroup = new NioEventLoopGroup();
final ServerBootstrap b = new ServerBootstrap();, workerGroup)
.handler(new LoggingHandler(LogLevel.INFO))
.childHandler(new ChannelInitializer<SocketChannel>() {
public void initChannel(SocketChannel ch) throws Exception {
ChannelPipeline pipeline = ch.pipeline();
pipeline.addLast(new HttpRequestDecoder());
pipeline.addLast(new HttpResponseEncoder());
pipeline.addLast(new HttpObjectAggregator(65536));
pipeline.addLast(new WebActorHandler(new WebActorHandler.ActorContextProvider() {
public WebActorHandler.ActorContext get(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, FullHttpRequest req) {
return new WebActorHandler.DefaultActorContextImpl() {
public ActorRef<? extends WebMessage> getRef() {
return actorRef;
public final boolean handlesWithWebSocket(String uri) {
return uri.startsWith("/ws");
public final boolean handlesWithHttp(String uri) {
return !handlesWithWebSocket(uri);
final ChannelFuture ch = b.bind(8080).sync();
needs (and enables by default) cookie-based client session tracking only for SSE exchanges but it can enabled for all requests through the co.paralleluniverse.comsat.webactors.netty.WebActorHandler.HttpChannelAdapter.trackSession
system property (legal values are sse
and always
). The cookie name will be JSESSIONID
as in most server-side HTTP Java APIs with session support (e.g. servlets).
The Netty WebActor backend will always include the Date
header by default but this behaviour can be configured through the co.paralleluniverse.comsat.webactors.netty.WebActorHandler.HttpChannelAdapter.omitDateHeader
system property
Session duration for the default implementation is 10 seconds but it can be configured through the co.paralleluniverse.comsat.webactors.netty.WebActorHandler.DefaultContextImpl.durationMillis
system property.
Deploying web actors on top of Undertow is as easy as using one of two Undertow handlers: either AutoWebActorHandler
or WebActorHandler
will automatically scan the classpath for classes with the @WebActor
annotation upon first use and will then instantiate and start the appropriate actor class (among detected ones) once per client session (or connection if there's no session, see below). Its constructor requires no arguments but optionally a user-specified classloader and/or a map containing per-class actor constructor parameters can be provided.
Here's an example server setup using AutoWebActorHandler
without construction arguments (have a look at comsat-actors-undertow
's tests for more insight):
final SessionManager sessionManager = new InMemorySessionManager("SESSION_MANAGER", 1, true);
final SessionCookieConfig sessionConfig = new SessionCookieConfig();
final SessionAttachmentHandler sessionAttachmentHandler =
new SessionAttachmentHandler(sessionManager, sessionConfig);
server = Undertow.builder().addHttpListener(INET_PORT, "localhost")
.setHandler(sessionAttachmentHandler.setNext(new AutoWebActorHandler())).build();
Notice that the session handler is installed as well: AutoWebActorHandler
will use Undertow sessions if available, else it will create a new actor instance for every exchange.
The way individual web actor references are assigned to individual HTTP exchanges is represented by the WebActorHandler.Context
interface, which provides the web actor reference and URL matching logic.
delegates session lookup (or creation) to a developer-supplied ContextProvider
which is the only required constructor argument; here's an example server setup using WebActorHandler
and delegating all exchanges to a single actor (have a look at comsat-actors-undertow
's' tests for further insight):
final Actor actor = new MyWebActor();
final MActorRef<? extends WebMessage> actorRef = actor.spawn();
// ...
server = Undertow.builder()
.addHttpListener(8080, "localhost")
.setHandler(new WebActorHandler(new WebActorHandler.ContextProvider() {
public WebActorHandler.ActorContext get(HttpServerExchange xch) {
return new WebActorHandler.DefaultContextImpl() {
public ActorRef<? extends WebMessage> getRef() {
return actorRef;
public final boolean handlesWithWebSocket(String uri) {
return uri.startsWith("/ws");
public final boolean handlesWithHttp(String uri) {
return !handlesWithWebSocket(uri);
If not using Undertow sessions please consider that WebActorHandler
assumes the same actor will manage a whole SSE session.
The actor context validity is 10 seconds by default but it can be configured through the co.paralleluniverse.comsat.webactors.undertow.WebActorHandler.DefaultContextImpl.durationMillis
system property.
A web actor is attached to a servlet web session. It can be spawned and attached manually (say, after the user logs in and the session is authenticated). The manual attachment API unfortunately is container dependent. A web actor can also be spawned and attached automatically by letting COMSAT spawn and attach a web actor to every newly created session and this method will be described below. Because a web actor consumes very few resources, spawning them automatically is sufficient in all but the most extreme circumstances.
For automatic deployment, all you have to do is define an actor class (one that extends BasicActor
or Actor
), and annotate it with the WebActor
annotation. For example:
@WebActor(name="chat", httpUrlPatterns="/chat", webSocketUrlPatterns="/chat/ws")
public class ChatActor extends BasicActor<WebMessage, Void> {
protected Void doRun() {
// ...
In this example, all HTTP requests to the /chat
resource, as well as all websocket messages to /chat/ws
will be received as messages by the actor. A new ChatActor
will be spawned for every new HTTP session.
If you use embedded container, you have to register WebActorInitializer
as a ServletContextListener
to your servlet container. It will scan and register the web actors according to the @WebActor
{% include_snippet WebActorInitializer ./comsat-actors-servlet/src/test/java/co/paralleluniverse/comsat/webactors/servlet/ %}
Web actors may use websockets. In order to do that the container has to be configured to support it and unfortunately there's no standard mechanism for that yet. With Jetty you have to include the javax-websocket-server-impl
jar and call the following method before you start the container:
With Tomcat you have to include the tomcat-embed-websocket
jar and register ServletContainerInitilizer
context.addServletContainerInitializer(new WsSci(), null);
With Undertow you'll need the undertow-websockets-jsr
jar; the setup is then a bit more involved as Undertow's ServerWebSocketContainer
requires several construction arguments.
You can find an example for each of the servers above in the comsat-test-utils
project here: each embedded server utility class has an enableWebsockets
method that performs the websockets setup.
For further details about the Web Actors API see the Javadoc.
A web actor will receive messages of type WebMessage
, which is the supertype of all messages that can be received from or sent to a web client. The class encapsulates a message body which can be either text or binary, and a sender, which, following a common actor pattern, is the actor that sent the message.
For messages received from the web client, the sender is a virtual actor representing the web client. You can perform normal actor operations on it, like watch
to detect actor death; their semantics depend on the specific type of the message.
A single web actor instance may handle HTTP requests, emit SSE events, and handle one or more WebSocket connections.
A web actor is attached to one or more HTTP resources (as specified by @WebActor
's httpUrlPatterns
property), and an actor instance is associated with a single HTTP session. Every HTTP request to the resource, associated with the session, will be received by the actor as an HttpRequest
message. The actor can then respond with an HttpResponse
message, which it sends to the request's sender.
All HTTP request messages to a specific web actor instance will come from the same sender. If you watch
that sender actor, it will emit an ExitMessage
(signifying its death), when the session is terminated.
When you respond to an HttpRequest
with an HttpResponse
, by default, the request stream will close. If, however, you wish to send the response's body in parts (e.g., for SSE, discussed in the next section), you may call HttpRequest.openChannel
, which will return a Quasar channel that can be used to send WebDataMessage
s messages to the stream. The stream will flush after each WebDataMessage
's body has been written to it. If openChannel
has been called, the HTTP response stream will be closed when close
is called on the returned channel.
Please refer to the Javadoc for details.
SSE, or Server-Sent Events, is an HTML5 standard, supported by most modern browsers, for pushing discrete messages to the web client, without it sending new HTTP requests for each one. A good tutorial by Eric Bidelman on SSE can be found here. An SSE stream is initiated with an HTTP request; then, each event message is written to the response stream and flushed, only the messages need to be encoded according to the SSE standard. SSE also specifies that if the connection is closed, the client will attempt to reconnect with a new request after a timeout, that can be set by the server.
class contains a set of static utility methods that encode the events according to the SSE standard, and ensure that the response headers are set correctly (in terms of character encoding, etc.).
To start an SSE stream in response to an HttpRequest
, do the following:
request.getFrom().send(new HttpResponse(self(), SSE.startSSE(request)));
This will set HttpResponse
's startActor
flag, which will leave the response stream open and send back an HttpStreamOpened
message from a newly created actor representing the SSE stream. Once you receive the message, you send SSE events by sending WebDataMessage
s to that actor:
sseActor.send(new WebDataMessage(self(), SSE.event("this is an SSE event!")));
To close the stream, you send a co.paralleluniverse.actors.ShutdownMessage
to the SSE actor like so:
co.paralleluniverse.actors.ActorUtil.sendOrInterrupt(sseActor, new ShutdownMessage());
It might be convient (and elegant) to wrap the channel returned by openStream
with a mapping channel (see the Quasar docs) that will transform a message class representing the event into an SSE-encoded WebDataMessage
WebSocket is a new web protocol for low(ish)-latency, bi-directional communication between the client and the server. Web sockets are extremely useful for interactive web applications, and they fit beautifully with COMSAT Web Actors.
A web actor may register itself to handle web socket connections by declaring which WebSocket URIs it is interesten in, in the @WebActor
annotations webSocketUrlPatterns
property. Such a web actor will handle all web socket sessions at those URIs associated with the actor instance's HTTP session (a web socket is also associated with an HTTP session).
When the client connects to a web socket, the web actor will receive a WebSocketOpened
message, and each following message will be received as a WebDataMessage
. The actor can send messages to the client by replying to the sender with WebDataMessage
s of its own.
The virtual actor that's the sender of the messages received from the client represents the WebSocket session; i.e., each open web socket will have a different actor as the sender of the messages. That virtual actor dies when the web socket connection closes.
Apache Kafka is a fast publish-subscribe messaging solution rethought as a distributed commit log.
The comsat-kafka
module provides a Kafka Producer with an asynchronous send
method that will return a Quasar SettableFuture
. A Quasar SettableFuture
can block fibers in addition to threads.