BAMM: Bidirectional Autoregressive Motion Model - 2024-04-01
KTPFormer: Kinematics and Trajectory Prior Knowledge-Enhanced Transformer for 3D Human Pose Estimation - 2024-03-31
Towards Variable and Coordinated Holistic Co-Speech Motion Generation - 2024-03-30
Egocentric Scene-aware Human Trajectory Prediction - 2024-03-30
InterDreamer: Zero-Shot Text to 3D Dynamic Human-Object Interaction - 2024-03-28
MMM: Generative Masked Motion Model - 2024-03-27
Egocentric Scene-aware Human Trajectory Prediction - 2024-03-27
Move as You Say, Interact as You Can: Language-guided Human Motion Generation with Scene Affordance - 2024-03-26
ConvoFusion: Multi-Modal Conversational Diffusion for Co-Speech Gesture Synthesis - 2024-03-26
Move as You Say, Interact as You Can: Language-guided Human Motion Generation with Scene Affordance - 2024-03-26
Motion Generation from Fine-grained Textual Descriptions - 2024-03-26
SINC: Spatial Composition of 3D Human Motions for Simultaneous Action Generation - 2024-03-26
Make-Your-Anchor: A Diffusion-based 2D Avatar Generation Framework - 2024-03-25
Diffusion Model is a Good Pose Estimator from 3D RF-Vision - 2024-03-24
HumanPerformer: Synthesizing a Long Motion Sequence from a Story with a Text2Motion Retriever - 2024-03-24
Champ: Controllable and Consistent Human Image Animation with 3D Parametric Guidance - 2024-03-21
LaserHuman: Language-guided Scene-aware Human Motion Generation in Free Environment - 2024-03-21
DanceCamera3D: 3D Camera Movement Synthesis with Music and Dance - 2024-03-20
CoMo: Controllable Motion Generation through Language Guided Pose Code Editing - 2024-03-20
Motion Mamba: Efficient and Long Sequence Motion Generation with Hierarchical and Bidirectional Selective SSM - 2024-03-19
THOR: Text to Human-Object Interaction Diffusion via Relation Intervention - 2024-03-17
MambaTalk: Efficient Holistic Gesture Synthesis with Selective State Space Models - 2024-03-14
Platypose: Calibrated Zero-Shot Multi-Hypothesis 3D Human Motion Estimation - 2024-03-10
Tri-Modal Motion Retrieval by Learning a Joint Embedding Space - 2024-03-01
Motion-X: A Large-scale 3D Expressive Whole-body Human Motion Dataset - 2024-01-26
Multi-Track Timeline Control for Text-Driven 3D Human Motion Generation - 2024-01-16
GUESS:GradUally Enriching SyntheSis for Text-Driven Human Motion Generation - 2024-01-05
Inter-X: Towards Versatile Human-Human Interaction Analysis - 2023-12-26
MotionScript: Natural Language Descriptions for Expressive 3D Human Motions - 2023-12-19
Cross-Modal Retrieval for Motion and Text via DopTriple Loss - 2023-12-06
OmniMotionGPT: Animal Motion Generation with Limited Data - 2023-11-30
MoMask: Generative Masked Modeling of 3D Human Motions - 2023-11-29
Human Motion Generation: A Survey - 2023-11-15
Act As You Wish: Fine-Grained Control of Motion Diffusion Model with Hierarchical Semantic Graphs - 2023-11-02
Guided Motion Diffusion for Controllable Human Motion Synthesis - 2023-10-29
Breaking The Limits of Text-conditioned 3D Motion Synthesis with Elaborative Descriptions - 2023-10-01
T2M-GPT: Generating Human Motion from Textual Descriptions with Discrete Representations - 2023-09-24
T2M-GPT: Generating Human Motion from Textual Descriptions with Discrete Representations - 2023-09-24
Fg-T2M: Fine-Grained Text-Driven Human Motion Generation via Diffusion Model - 2023-09-12
AttT2M: Text-Driven Human Motion Generation with Multi-Perspective Attention Mechanism - 2023-09-01
Priority-Centric Human Motion Generation in Discrete Latent Space - 2023-08-30
TMR: Text-to-Motion Retrieval Using Contrastive 3D Human Motion Synthesis - 2023-08-25
TEDi: Temporally-Entangled Diffusion for Long-Term Motion Synthesis - 2023-07-29
MotionGPT: Human Motion as a Foreign Language - 2023-07-19
NIFTY: Neural Object Interaction Fields for Guided Human Motion Synthesis - 2023-07-14
Executing your Commands via Motion Diffusion in Latent Space - 2023-05-19
MoFusion: A Framework for Denoising-Diffusion-based Motion Synthesis - 2023-05-15
Trace and Pace: Controllable Pedestrian Animation via Guided Trajectory Diffusion - 2023-04-04
Taming Diffusion Models for Audio-Driven Co-Speech Gesture Generation - 2023-03-18
GOAL: Generating 4D Whole-Body Motion for Hand-Object Grasping - 2023-03-16
Synthesis of Compositional Animations from Textual Descriptions - 2023-01-23
Synthesis of Compositional Animations from Textual Descriptions - 2023-01-23
FLAME: Free-form Language-based Motion Synthesis & Editing - 2023-01-01
EDGE: Editable Dance Generation From Music - 2022-11-27
ActFormer: A GAN-based Transformer towards General Action-Conditioned 3D Human Motion Generation - 2022-11-23
Listen, Denoise, Action! Audio-Driven Motion Synthesis with Diffusion Models - 2022-11-17
HUMANISE: Language-conditioned Human Motion Generation in 3D Scenes - 2022-10-18
Human Motion Diffusion Model - 2022-10-03
TEACH: Temporal Action Composition for 3D Humans - 2022-09-12
MotionDiffuse: Text-Driven Human Motion Generation with Diffusion Model - 2022-08-31
MotionDiffuse: Text-Driven Human Motion Generation with Diffusion Model - 2022-08-31
TM2T: Stochastic and Tokenized Modeling for the Reciprocal Generation of 3D Human Motions and Texts - 2022-08-04
TM2T: Stochastic and Tokenized Modeling for the Reciprocal Generation of 3D Human Motions and Texts - 2022-08-04
TEMOS: Generating diverse human motions from textual descriptions - 2022-07-22
CLIP-Actor: Text-Driven Recommendation and Stylization for Animating Human Meshes - 2022-07-21
Implicit Neural Representations for Variable Length Human Motion Generation - 2022-07-15
Multi-Objective Diverse Human Motion Prediction with Knowledge Distillation - 2022-06-01
Bailando: 3D Dance Generation by Actor-Critic GPT with Choreographic Memory - 2022-03-24
MotionCLIP: Exposing Human Motion Generation to CLIP Space - 2022-03-15
MotionCLIP: Exposing Human Motion Generation to CLIP Space - 2022-03-15
3D Skeleton-based Human Motion Prediction with Manifold-Aware GAN - 2022-03-01
You Never Stop Dancing: Non-freezing Dance Generation via Bank-constrained Manifold Projection - 2022-01-01
Transflower: probabilistic autoregressive dance generation with multimodal attention - 2021-12-01
Action-Conditioned 3D Human Motion Synthesis with Transformer VAE - 2021-09-19
HuMoR: 3D Human Motion Model for Robust Pose Estimation - 2021-08-18
Stochastic Scene-Aware Motion Prediction - 2021-08-18
AI Choreographer: Music Conditioned 3D Dance Generation with AIST++ - 2021-07-30
Human Motion Prediction Using Manifold-Aware Wasserstein GAN - 2021-07-16
Synthesizing Long-Term 3D Human Motion and Interaction in 3D Scenes - 2021-06-14
Linguistic Descriptions of Human Motion with Generative Adversarial Seq2Seq Learning - 2021-05-01
We are More than Our Joints: Predicting how 3D Bodies Move - 2021-04-02
Action2Motion: Conditioned Generation of 3D Human Motions - 2020-10-12
Action2Motion: Conditioned Generation of 3D Human Motions - 2020-10-12
DLow: Diversifying Latent Flows for Diverse Human Motion Prediction - 2020-07-22
Context-aware Human Motion Prediction - 2020-03-23
Language2Pose: Natural Language Grounded Pose Forecasting - 2019-11-27
AMASS: Archive of Motion Capture as Surface Shapes - 2019-04-05
Dance with Melody: An LSTM-autoencoder Approach to Music-oriented Dance Synthesis - 2018-10-15
HP-GAN: Probabilistic 3D human motion prediction via GAN - 2017-11-27
Text2Action: Generative Adversarial Synthesis from Language to Action - 2017-10-24
A Recurrent Variational Autoencoder for Human Motion Synthesis - 2017-01-01
The KIT Motion-Language Dataset - 2016-12-01
Keep it SMPL: Automatic Estimation of 3D Human Pose and Shape from a Single Image - 2016-07-27
A deep learning framework for character motion synthesis and editing - 2016-07-11
Statistical mutual conversion between whole body motion primitives and linguistic sentences for human motions - 2015-09-01
SMPL: A Skinned Multi-Person Linear Model - 2015-01-01
Modeling Human Locomotion with Topologically Constrained Latent Variable Models - 2007-01-01
Representing cyclic human motion using functional analysis - 2005-12-01
Learning Statistical Models of Human Motion - 2000-10-19