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Adding an '_active' Attribute to Button Recipes #2431

Answered by astahmer
NoelYoon96 asked this question in Q&A
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it looks like an escaping issue happening because of the ., which leads to invalid CSS syntax
this might happen if some tokens are not found (and therefore won't be replaced at build-time to their CSS variable equivalent)

can you try without using token( when not necessary (e.g composite values like border), ex:

const buttonRecipe = cva({
  base: {
    border: '0',
    cursor: 'pointer',
    display: 'inline-block',
    lineHeight: '1',
    fontStyle: 'normal',
    fontWeight: '400',
  variants: {
    colorType: {
      none: {
        color: 'coldBlack900',
        backgroundColor: 'coldBlackG100',
      whiteRound: {
        border: '1px solid token(grayscale.coldBlack300)',

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