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Releases: chakra-ui/panda

@pandacss/[email protected]

29 Jan 19:47
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Patch Changes

@pandacss/[email protected]

29 Jan 19:47
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Patch Changes

@pandacss/[email protected]

29 Jan 19:47
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Minor Changes

  • a2fb5cc: - Add support for explicitly specifying config related files that should trigger a context reload on change.

    We automatically track the config file and (transitive) files imported by the config file as much as possible, but
    sometimes we might miss some. You can use this option as a workaround for those edge cases.

    Set the dependencies option in panda.config.ts to a glob or list of files.

    export default defineConfig({
      // ...
      dependencies: ['path/to/files/**.ts'],
    • Invoke config:change hook in more situations (when the --watch flag is passed to panda codegen,
      panda cssgen, panda ship)

    • Watch for more config options paths changes, so that the related artifacts will be regenerated a bit more reliably
      (ex: updating the config.hooks will now trigger a full regeneration of styled-system)

Patch Changes

@pandacss/[email protected]

29 Jan 19:47
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@pandacss/[email protected]

29 Jan 19:47
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@pandacss/[email protected]

29 Jan 19:46
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Minor Changes

  • f778d3e: You can now set and override defaultValues in pattern configurations.

    Here's an example of how to define a new hstack pattern with a default gap value of 40px:

      patterns: {
        hstack: {
          properties: {
            justify: { type: 'property', value: 'justifyContent' },
            gap: { type: 'property', value: 'gap' },
          // you can also use a token like '10'
          defaultValues: { gap: '40px' },
          transform(props) {
            const { justify, gap, } = props
            return {
              display: 'flex',
              alignItems: 'center',
              justifyContent: justify,

Patch Changes

@pandacss/[email protected]

29 Jan 19:47
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@pandacss/[email protected]

29 Jan 19:47
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Minor Changes

  • a2fb5cc: - Add support for explicitly specifying config related files that should trigger a context reload on change.

    We automatically track the config file and (transitive) files imported by the config file as much as possible, but
    sometimes we might miss some. You can use this option as a workaround for those edge cases.

    Set the dependencies option in panda.config.ts to a glob or list of files.

    export default defineConfig({
      // ...
      dependencies: ['path/to/files/**.ts'],
    • Invoke config:change hook in more situations (when the --watch flag is passed to panda codegen,
      panda cssgen, panda ship)

    • Watch for more config options paths changes, so that the related artifacts will be regenerated a bit more reliably
      (ex: updating the config.hooks will now trigger a full regeneration of styled-system)

Patch Changes

@pandacss/[email protected]

29 Jan 19:46
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Minor Changes

  • 5fcdeb7: Update every utilities connected to the colors tokens in the @pandacss/preset-base (included by default)
    to use the color-mix CSS function.

    This function allows you to mix two colors together, and we use it to change the opacity of a color using the
    {color}/{opacity} syntax.

    You can use it like this:

      bg: 'red.300/40',
      color: 'white',

    This will generate:

    @layer utilities {
      .bg_red\.300\/40 {
        --mix-background: color-mix(in srgb, var(--colors-red-300) 40%, transparent);
        background: var(--mix-background, var(--colors-red-300));
      .text_white {
        color: var(--colors-white);
    • If you're not using any opacity, the utility will not use color-mix
    • The utility will automatically fallback to the original color if the color-mix function is not supported by the
    • You can use any of the color tokens, and any of the opacity tokens.

    The utilities transform function also receives a new utils object that contains the colorMix function, so you
    can also use it on your own utilities:

    export default defineConfig({
      utilities: {
        background: {
          shorthand: 'bg',
          className: 'bg',
          values: 'colors',
          transform(value, args) {
            const mix = args.utils.colorMix(value)
            // This can happen if the value format is invalid (e.g. `bg: red.300/invalid` or `bg: red.300//10`)
            if (mix.invalid) return { background: value }
            return {
              background: mix.value,

    Here's a cool snippet (that we use internally !) that makes it easier to create a utility transform for a given

    import type { PropertyTransform } from '@pandacss/types'
    export const createColorMixTransform =
      (prop: string): PropertyTransform =>
      (value, args) => {
        const mix = args.utils.colorMix(value)
        if (mix.invalid) return { [prop]: value }
        const cssVar = '--mix-' + prop
        return {
          [cssVar]: mix.value,
          [prop]: `var(${cssVar}, ${mix.color})`,

    then the same utility transform as above can be written like this:

    export default defineConfig({
      utilities: {
        background: {
          shorthand: "bg",
          className: "bg",
          values: "colors",
          transform: createColorMixTransform("background"),
  • f778d3e: You can now set and override defaultValues in pattern configurations.

    Here's an example of how to define a new hstack pattern with a default gap value of 40px:

      patterns: {
        hstack: {
          properties: {
            justify: { type: 'property', value: 'justifyContent' },
            gap: { type: 'property', value: 'gap' },
          // you can also use a token like '10'
          defaultValues: { gap: '40px' },
          transform(props) {
            const { justify, gap, } = props
            return {
              display: 'flex',
              alignItems: 'center',
              justifyContent: justify,
  • 250b4d1: ### Container Query Theme

    Improve support for CSS container queries by adding a new containerNames and containerSizes theme options.

    You can new define container names and sizes in your theme configuration and use them in your styles.

    export default defineConfig({
      // ...
      theme: {
        extend: {
          containerNames: ['sidebar', 'content'],
          containerSizes: {
            xs: '40em',
            sm: '60em',
            md: '80em',

    The default container sizes in the @pandacss/preset-panda preset are shown below:

    export const containerSizes = {
      xs: '320px',
      sm: '384px',
      md: '448px',
      lg: '512px',
      xl: '576px',
      '2xl': '672px',
      '3xl': '768px',
      '4xl': '896px',
      '5xl': '1024px',
      '6xl': '1152px',
      '7xl': '1280px',
      '8xl': '1440px',

    Then use them in your styles by referencing using @<container-name>/<container-size> syntax:

    The default container syntax is @/<container-size>.

    import { css } from '/styled-system/css'
    function Demo() {
      return (
        <nav className={css({ containerType: 'inline-size' })}>
              fontSize: { '@/sm': 'md' },

    This will generate the following CSS:

    .cq-type_inline-size {
      container-type: inline-size;
    @container (min-width: 60em) {
      .\@\/sm:fs_md {
        container-type: inline-size;

    Container Query Pattern

    To make it easier to use container queries, we've added a new cq pattern to @pandacss/preset-base.

    import { cq } from 'styled-system/patterns'
    function Demo() {
      return (
        <nav className={cq()}>
              fontSize: { base: 'lg', '@/sm': 'md' },

    You can also named container queries:

    import { cq } from 'styled-system/patterns'
    function Demo() {
      return (
        <nav className={cq({ name: 'sidebar' })}>
              fontSize: { base: 'lg', '@sidebar/sm': 'md' },

Patch Changes

  • 7c7340e: Add support for token references with curly braces like {} in media queries, just like the
    token( alternative already could.

      // ✅ this is fine now, will resolve to something like
      // `@container (min-width: 56em)`
      '@container (min-width: {sizes.4xl})': {
        color: 'green',

    Fix an issue where the curly token references would not be escaped if the token path was not found.

  • Updated dependencies [5fcdeb7]

  • Updated dependencies [7c7340e]

  • Updated dependencies [250b4d1]

  • Updated dependencies [a2fb5cc]

@pandacss/[email protected]

29 Jan 19:46
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Minor Changes

  • a2fb5cc: - Add support for explicitly specifying config related files that should trigger a context reload on change.

    We automatically track the config file and (transitive) files imported by the config file as much as possible, but
    sometimes we might miss some. You can use this option as a workaround for those edge cases.

    Set the dependencies option in panda.config.ts to a glob or list of files.

    export default defineConfig({
      // ...
      dependencies: ['path/to/files/**.ts'],
    • Invoke config:change hook in more situations (when the --watch flag is passed to panda codegen,
      panda cssgen, panda ship)

    • Watch for more config options paths changes, so that the related artifacts will be regenerated a bit more reliably
      (ex: updating the config.hooks will now trigger a full regeneration of styled-system)

Patch Changes

  • ea3f554: Add config validation:

    • Check for duplicate between token & semanticTokens names
    • Check for duplicate between recipes/patterns/slots names
    • Check for token / semanticTokens paths (must end/contain 'value')
    • Check for self/circular token references
    • Check for missing tokens references
    • Check for conditions selectors (must contain '&')
    • Check for breakpoints units (must be the same)

    You can set validate: 'warn' in your config to only warn about errors or set it to none to disable validation

  • Updated dependencies [5fcdeb7]

  • Updated dependencies [250b4d1]

  • Updated dependencies [f778d3e]

  • Updated dependencies [a2fb5cc]