Our application is about making users safety a priority and helping them with planning safe travels, Users can also volunteer as a companion to help people travel safe, especially when they are alone. Users can also know the time when most crimes in their neighborhood take place and safeguard themselves from the assaulters.
- Login / Register
- Responsive website
- Upload multiple pictures of danger locations
- Reponsive and interactive map integration to locate danger Zones
- Share bad experiences related to particular location
- Get insights about other experience in zones
- Know the time at which zones are safer to travel in
- Best used for traveling to new areas to know the history of the area beforehand
Install ALert with npm
Clone this repository with :
git clone "[email protected]:ahtihska/Alert_HackMIT.git"
Install npm dependecies. Go to project root folder.
npm install
npm start
sudo npm install -g --force nodemon
Start MongoDB in separate terminal:
Run in separate terminal:
node seeds/index.js
nodemon app.js