Fixes diagnostics in the specified project or solution.
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roslynator fix <PROJECT|SOLUTION>
-a, --analyzer-assemblies <PATH>
--batch-size <BATCH_SIZE>
--culture <CULTURE_ID>
--diagnostic-fixer-map <DIAGNOSTIC_ID=FIXER_FULL_NAME>
--diagnostic-fix-map <DIAGNOSTIC_ID=EQUIVALENCE_KEY>
--diagnostics-fixable-one-by-one <DIAGNOSTIC_ID>
--file-banner <FILE_BANNER>
--file-log <FILE_PATH>
--file-log-verbosity <LEVEL>
--fix-scope <FIX_SCOPE>
-h, --help
--ignored-diagnostics <DIAGNOSTIC_ID>
--ignored-projects <PROJECT_NAME>
--language <LANGUAGE>
--max-iterations <MAX_ITERATIONS>
-m, --msbuild-path <DIRECTORY_PATH>
--projects <PROJECT_NAME>
-p, --properties <NAME=VALUE>
--severity-level <LEVEL>
--supported-diagnostics <DIAGNOSTIC_ID>
-v, --verbosity <LEVEL>
Path to one or more project/solution files.
Define one or more paths to an analyzer assembly or a directory that should be searched recursively for analyzer assemblies.
Defines maximum number of diagnostics that can be fixed in one batch.
Defines culture that should be used to display diagnostic message.
Defines mapping between diagnostic and its fixer (CodeFixProvider). If there are two (or more) fixers for a diagnostic and both provide a fix it is necessary to determine which one should be used to fix the diagnostic. Set verbosity to 'diagnostic' to see which diagnostics cannot be fixed due to multiple fixers.
Defines mapping between diagnostic and its fix (CodeAction).
Defines diagnostics that can be fixed even if there is no FixAllProvider for them.
Defines text that should be at the of each source file.
Path to a file that should store output.
Verbosity of the file log. Allowed values are q[uiet], m[inimal], n[ormal], d[etailed] and diag[nostic].
Defines fix scope. Allowed values are project (default) or document.
Indicates whether each document should be formatted.
Show command line help.
Indicates whether analyzers that are referenced in a project should be ignored.
Indicates whether fixing should continue even if compilation has errors.
Defines compiler diagnostics that should be ignored even if --ignore-compiler-errors is not set.
Defines diagnostics that should not be reported.
Defines projects that should not be analyzed.
Defines project language. Allowed values are cs[harp] or v[isual-]b[asic]
Defines maximum numbers of fixing iterations.
Defines a path to MSBuild directory.
Defines projects that should be analyzed.
Defines one or more MSBuild properties.
Defines minimally required severity for a diagnostic. Allowed values are hidden, info (default), warning or error.
Defines diagnostics that should be reported.
Verbosity of the log. Allowed values are q[uiet], m[inimal], n[ormal], d[etailed] and diag[nostic].
Redirected/piped input will be used as a list of project/solution paths separated with newlines.
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