Class: a blueprint for how a data structure should function.
Constructor: instructs the class to set up the initial state of an object.
Object: instance of a class that stores the state of a class.
Method: set of instructions that can be called on an object.
Parameter: values that can be specified when creating an object or calling a method.
Return value: specifies the data type that a method will return after it runs.
Inheritance: allows one class to use functionality defined in another class.
- ArrayList: stores a list of data of a specified type.
ArrayList<Integer> grades = new ArrayList<Integer>();
//To add values to an array, you can use the add() function;
- HashMap: a hashmap is like a dictionary containing sets of keys and a value for each key.
HashMap<String, Integer> friends = new HashMap<String, Integer>();
//To add values to a hashmap, you can use the put() function;
friends.put("Boo", 2);
- char: A single character. Should be initiated using single quotes. char is a primitive type.
char letter = 'a';
- string: Object containing multiple characters. Should be initiated with double quotes. String is not a primitive type, it's a reference type.
String text = "Hello world";
If trying to access a character in a string, the following triggers an error:
String dnaStrand;
int item = 0;
//error: char cannot be dereferenced
As char is a primitive and not an object, it cannot be dereferenced. To access a character in a string, it should be done that way:
String dnaStrand;
int item = 0;
The 8 variable types are:
- boolean
- char
- int
- float
- byte
- short
- long
- double