To issue Verifiable Credentials, the issuer will have to first create a Schema and then a Credential Definition.
The request body must contain the schema
object, which defines the attributes, name and version of the Schema. This will create a DID-Linked Resource of type anonCredsSchema
{% swagger src="../../../.gitbook/assets/swagger.json" path="/anoncreds/schema" method="post" %} swagger.json {% endswagger %}
options (optional)
Optional Key-Value pairs of additional options.
schema (mandatory)
"attrNames": Array of attributes for the schema definition.
"issuerId": Issuer DID, use the did created by the Issuer.
"name": Name of the Schema
"version": Version of the Schema (To update existing Schema, use same name and different version)
{% swagger src="../../../.gitbook/assets/swagger.json" path="/anoncreds/schema/{schema_id}" method="get" %} swagger.json {% endswagger %}