diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index a65f72b597..d7f52579aa 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ Tale is a minimal Jekyll theme curated for storytellers. Checkout the demo [here

## Features
- Easy installation
- Compatible with GitHub Pages
- Responsive design (looks just as good on mobile)
@@ -16,6 +17,7 @@ Tale is a minimal Jekyll theme curated for storytellers. Checkout the demo [here
- [Disqus comments (can be enabled if needed)](#enabling-comments)
## Installation
There are 3 ways to install this theme
1. Install it as a Ruby Gem (for self-hosted sites)
@@ -23,75 +25,81 @@ There are 3 ways to install this theme
3. Fork the project directly
### Ruby Gem method
1. Add this line to your `Gemfile`:
-gem "tale"
+ ```ruby
+ gem "tale"
+ ```
2. Install the theme's gems and dependencies:
-$ bundle
+ ```bash
+ $ bundle
+ ```
3. In `_config.yml` add these lines:
-theme: tale
+ ```yaml
+ theme: tale
-permalink: /:year-:month-:day/:title
-paginate: 5
+ permalink: /:year-:month-:day/:title
+ paginate: 5
+ ```
-Remove any other `theme:` lines.
+ Remove any other `theme:` lines.
4. Rename `index.md` to `index.html`. Without this, the `jekyll-paginate` gem will not work.
5. In `about.md`, change the `layout:` field to `post`:
-layout: post
+ ```Markdown
+ layout: post
+ ```
### GitHub Pages method
1. Add these 2 lines in to your `Gemfile`:
-gem "jekyll-remote-theme"
-gem "jekyll-paginate"
+ ```ruby
+ gem "jekyll-remote-theme"
+ gem "jekyll-paginate"
+ ```
2. Install the newly added gems:
-$ bundle
+ ```bash
+ $ bundle
+ ...
+ ```
3. In `_config.yml` add these lines:
-remote_theme: chesterhow/tale
+ ```yaml
+ remote_theme: chesterhow/tale
-permalink: /:year-:month-:day/:title
-paginate: 5
+ permalink: /:year-:month-:day/:title
+ paginate: 5
- - jekyll-paginate
- - jekyll-remote-theme
+ plugins:
+ - jekyll-paginate
+ - jekyll-remote-theme
+ ```
-Remove any other `theme:` or `remote_theme:` lines.
+ Remove any other `theme:` or `remote_theme:` lines.
4. Rename `index.md` to `index.html`. Without this, the `jekyll-paginate` gem will not work.
5. In `about.md`, change the `layout:` field to `post`:
-layout: post
+ ```Markdown
+ layout: post
+ ```
### Fork method
1. Fork this repository
2. Delete the unnecessary files/folders: `CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md`, `LICENSE`, `README.md`, `tale.gemspec`
@@ -103,17 +111,22 @@ baseurl: "/tale" # delete this line
## Usage
Once you've installed the theme, you're ready to work on your Jekyll site. To start off, I would recommend updating `_config.yml` with your site's details.
To build and serve your site, run:
$ bundle exec jekyll serve
+ Server address:
+ Server running... press ctrl-c to stop.
-And you're all set! Head over to to see your site in action.
+And you're all set! Head over to