Writing & validating appbuilder configuration with CUE #7
Replies: 2 comments
1: Importing & using upstream's schema in CUEHere, we'll grab the upstream schema along with 2 examples of appbuilder configs, and show a few things:
Note that whilst CUE is a Go-lang library, aimed at projects validating their users' inputs and configs, it's also a CLI tool - which is what we'll be using primarily. For reproducibility, the process is codified in the following Makefile. Click to expand, mouse-over the content to pop up a "copy" button in the top rightSRC_SCHEMA_URL=https://raw.githubusercontent.com/choria-io/go-choria/19ffe32b817c2746aa978cba81ebb70c690910b3/internal/fs/schemas/builder.json
rm -f builder.json natsctl.yaml builder.cue demo.yaml INVALID.demo.yaml
curl -s --location $(SRC_SCHEMA_URL) >builder.json
curl -s --location $(SRC_APP_NATSCTL_URL) >natsctl.yaml
curl -s --location $(SRC_APP_DEMO_IN_README_URL) | sed -n '40,68p' > demo.yaml
builder.cue: builder.json
cue import jsonschema: builder.json -f
.PHONY: validate-sources
validate-sources: natsctl.yaml demo.yaml builder.cue
cue vet -c builder.cue natsctl.yaml
cue vet -c builder.cue demo.yaml
INVALID.demo.yaml: demo.yaml
sed '13s/exec/Exec/' demo.yaml > INVALID.demo.yaml
.PHONY: validate-invalid-demo
validate-invalid-demo: INVALID.demo.yaml builder.cue
cue vet -c builder.cue INVALID.demo.yaml To use the Makefile, we'll need a standard *nix toolset, along with the CUE cli, which is a single binary download. Note that the Makefile pins its inputs at specific commits - this is purely for reproducibility's sake, and has nothing to do with the underlying import or code. First, let's generate the CUE version of the upstream schema: $ make builder.cue
curl -s --location https://raw.githubusercontent.com/choria-io/go-choria/19ffe32b817c2746aa978cba81ebb70c690910b3/internal/fs/schemas/builder.json >builder.json
cue import jsonschema: builder.json -f Here's the contents of the auto-generated `builder.cue`:import "strings"
// io.choria.builder.v1.application
// Choria Builder Application Specification
// A unique name for this application
name: #shortname
description: #description
version: #semver
// Contact details for the author
author: strings.MinRunes(1)
// A list of commands that make up the application
commands: #commands & [_, ...]
#shortname: strings.MinRunes(1) & =~"^[a-z0-9_-]*$"
#semver: strings.MinRunes(5) & =~"^(0|[1-9]\\d*)\\.(0|[1-9]\\d*)\\.(0|[1-9]\\d*)(?:-((?:0|[1-9]\\d*|\\d*[a-zA-Z-][0-9a-zA-Z-]*)(?:\\.(?:0|[1-9]\\d*|\\d*[a-zA-Z-][0-9a-zA-Z-]*))*))?(?:\\+([0-9a-zA-Z-]+(?:\\.[0-9a-zA-Z-]+)*))?$"
#rpc_filter: {
// Target nodes in a specific sub-collective, defaults to
// configured main collective
collective?: string
// List of fact filters, like operatingsystem=CentOS, as typed in
// -F filters on the CLI
facts?: [...string]
// List of agents to require, as typed in -A filters on the CLI
agents?: [...string]
// List of classes to match on, as typed in -C filters on the CLI
classes?: [...string]
// List of identities to target, as typed in -I filters on the CLI
identities?: [...string]
// List of combined filters to match on targets, as typed in -W
// filters on the CLI
combined?: [...string]
// Compound filter to use, as typed in -S filters on the CLI
compound?: string
// The discovery method to use
discovery_method?: "mc" | "broadcast" | "choria" | "puppetdb" | "external" | "flatfile" | "file" | "inventory"
// Number of seconds to allow for discovery to complete
discovery_timeout?: int & >=0
// Enables windowed dynamic discovery timeout
dynamic_discovery_timeout?: bool
// Path to a file listing node names in text or JSON format
nodes_file?: string
// Discovery options as a map of string values
discovery_options?: {
#standard_command: {
// A unique name for this command
name: #shortname
description: #description
// When set always confirms the operation using the value as
// prompt
confirm_prompt?: string
type: _
#description: strings.MinRunes(1)
#generic_flag: {
// A unique name for this flag
name: #shortname
description: #description
// Indicates this flag must be passed
required?: bool | *false
// String to show as value place holder in help output
placeholder?: string
#generic_transform: {
// A JQ query to pass the data through
query: string
#generic_argument: {
// A unique name for this argument
name: #shortname
description: #description
// Indicates that this flag must be passed
required?: bool | *false
#commands: [...(#rpc_command | #parent_command | #kv_command | #exec_command | #discover_command) & _]
#parent_command: #standard_command & {
type: "parent"
// Additional CLI commands to add
commands?: #commands & [_, ...]
#discover_command: #standard_command & {
type: "discover"
// Optional filters to apply to the request, will be merged with
// standard options if set
filter?: #rpc_filter
// Enables standard RPC filters like -C, -I etc
std_filters?: bool | *false
// List or arguments to accept after the command name
arguments?: [...#generic_argument]
// List of flags to add to the command
flags?: [...#generic_flag]
#exec_command: #standard_command & {
type: "exec"
// Additional CLI commands to add
commands?: #commands
// The command to execute, supports template interpolation
command: strings.MinRunes(1)
#kv_command: #standard_command & {
type: "kv"
// Additional CLI commands to add
commands?: #commands
// The name of the Key-Value store bucket
bucket: =~"\\A[a-zA-Z0-9_-]+\\z" & strings.MinRunes(1)
// The key to act on
key: strings.MinRunes(1)
// The value to store for the put operation
value?: string
// The action to perform against the bucket and key
action: "get" | "put" | "del" | "history"
// Renders the result in JSON format for get and history actions
json?: bool | *false
#rpc_command: #standard_command & {
type: "rpc"
// Additional CLI commands to add
commands?: #commands
transform?: #generic_transform
// Details of the RPC request
request?: {
// The agent to call
agent?: #shortname
// The action to call
action?: #shortname
// Free form list of input arguments as a hash, values support
// template interpolation
inputs?: {
[string]: string
// Optional filters to apply to the request, will be merged with
// standard options if set
filter?: #rpc_filter
// Enables standard RPC filters like -C, -I etc
std_filters?: bool | *false
// Enable flags to adjust the output format like --json, --table
// etc
output_format_flags?: bool | *false
// Sets a specific output format, not compatible with
// output_format_flags
output_format?: "senders" | "json" | "table"
// Enables the --display flag, not compatible with display
display_flag?: bool | *false
// Force a specific display format to be used, not compatible with
// display_flags
display?: "ok" | "failed" | "all" | "none"
// Disables the progress bar
no_progress?: bool
// Batch size to use when executing the RPC request, not
// compatible with batch_flags
batch?: int
// When batch is given this is the seconds to sleep between
// batches, not compatible with batch_flags
batch_sleep?: int
// Enables the --batch and --batch-sleep flags
batch_flags?: bool | *false
// Prompts for confirmation when no filter is active resulting on
// an action against all nodes
all_nodes_confirm_prompt?: string
// List of flags to add to the command
flags?: [...#generic_flag & {
// Choria reply filter
reply_filter?: string
... Now, let's use this file to validate 2 known-good examples of appbuilder config: $ make validate-sources
curl -s --location https://gist.githubusercontent.com/ripienaar/44fb9516ffb736bd9d5d2b280c533819/raw/75dde5827dfc256e930ceaca6ee10580dd9f39ef/gistfile1.txt >natsctl.yaml
curl -s --location https://raw.githubusercontent.com/choria-io/appbuilder/cd7e8e940965a72bcdd92bf38f7ad51219cf3f55/README.md | sed -n '40,68p' > demo.yaml
cue vet -c builder.cue natsctl.yaml
cue vet -c builder.cue demo.yaml
$ echo $?
0 The Now let's create an intentionally-invalid config, by subtly changing the demo config (it's the demo config extracted from the README in the appbuilder repo) to reference an "Exec" command type instead of the correct "exec" casing: $ make validate-invalid-demo
sed '13s/exec/Exec/' demo.yaml > INVALID.demo.yaml
cue vet -c builder.cue INVALID.demo.yaml
commands.0: 4 errors in empty disjunction:
commands.0.type: conflicting values "discover" and "parent":
commands.0.type: conflicting values "exec" and "parent":
commands.0.type: conflicting values "kv" and "parent":
commands.0.type: conflicting values "rpc" and "parent":
make: *** [Makefile:27: validate-invalid-demo] Error 1 Well, whilst it's definitely blowing up un-avoidably and noisily, such that we wouldn't try and use the Looking back at the To finish, let's compare the volume of code. Now, whilst it's possible to represent any JSON Schema as a single, long line of JSON, the canonical form of the schema is more verbose than the CUE equivalent ... by quite some margin: $ jq < builder.json | wc -l
$ cue fmt builder.cue
$ cat builder.cue | wc -l
$ # *including* how many blank lines of human-friendly white-space? :-)
$ grep -c ^$ builder.cue
62 The next replies in this discussion will improve this auto-generated schema. We'll also start to tease apart the difference between a policy-based schema and a human-delighting abstraction - because those 2 roles aren't the same! |
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This looks pretty great, but I been holding off replying until the "next replies in this discussion" just fyi, not forgot about this :) At the moment I steped away a bit from the schema based validation as in the end the validators just isnt good enough to handle many possible permutations and to figure out intent correctly. So now just validating in code. So very much still looking for good options here |
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When I find an awesome tool that asks me to configure it with YaML, I try and figure out how I can actually configure it using CUE :-) CUE lets me write, validate, abstract and understand my configs really nicely.
I'm going to put a series of replies in this discussion that show the evolution of using CUE to write and validate appbuilder configs: starting with simply importing the currently-defined schema from the upstream repo into CUE's syntax and validating appbuilder configs; moving into writing appbuilder configs directly in CUE; and pointing forwards to writing opinionated and constraining abstractions over the top of appbuilder's generality using CUE.
Hopefully this discussion thread is useful for folks rolling the tool out into their orgs who want to help their users Do The Right Thing, and Not Shoot Themselves In The Foot. If it also happens to silently make a case for adopting CUE in other places then that's entirely unintentional; and also fine :-)
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