diff --git a/jquery.console.js b/jquery.console.js
index 794fc23..e8f0be8 100644
--- a/jquery.console.js
+++ b/jquery.console.js
@@ -37,799 +37,809 @@
// Safari 4.0.5 (6531.22.7) (Mac)
// Google Chrome 5.0.375.55 (Mac)
- var isWebkit = !!~navigator.userAgent.indexOf(' AppleWebKit/');
- $.fn.console = function(config){
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // Constants
- // Some are enums, data types, others just for optimisation
- var keyCodes = {
- // left
- 37: moveBackward,
- // right
- 39: moveForward,
- // up
- 38: previousHistory,
- // down
- 40: nextHistory,
- // backspace
- 8: backDelete,
- // delete
- 46: forwardDelete,
- // end
- 35: moveToEnd,
- // start
- 36: moveToStart,
- // return
- 13: commandTrigger,
- // tab
- 18: doNothing,
- // tab
- 9: doComplete
- };
- var ctrlCodes = {
- // C-a
- 65: moveToStart,
- // C-e
- 69: moveToEnd,
- // C-d
- 68: forwardDelete,
- // C-n
- 78: nextHistory,
- // C-p
- 80: previousHistory,
- // C-b
- 66: moveBackward,
- // C-f
- 70: moveForward,
- // C-k
- 75: deleteUntilEnd,
- // C-l
- 76: clearScreen,
- // C-u
- 85: clearCurrentPrompt
- };
- if(config.ctrlCodes) {
- $.extend(ctrlCodes, config.ctrlCodes);
- }
- var altCodes = {
- // M-f
- 70: moveToNextWord,
- // M-b
- 66: moveToPreviousWord,
- // M-d
- 68: deleteNextWord
- };
- var shiftCodes = {
- // return
- 13: newLine,
- };
- var cursor = ' ';
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // Globals
- var container = $(this);
- var inner = $('
- // erjiang: changed this from a text input to a textarea so we
- // can get pasted newlines
- var typer = $('');
- // Prompt
- var promptBox;
- var prompt;
- var continuedPromptLabel = config && config.continuedPromptLabel?
- config.continuedPromptLabel : "> ";
- var column = 0;
- var promptText = '';
- var restoreText = '';
- var continuedText = '';
- var fadeOnReset = config.fadeOnReset !== undefined ? config.fadeOnReset : true;
- // Prompt history stack
- var history = [];
- var ringn = 0;
- // For reasons unknown to The Sword of Michael himself, Opera
- // triggers and sends a key character when you hit various
- // keys like PgUp, End, etc. So there is no way of knowing
- // when a user has typed '#' or End. My solution is in the
- // typer.keydown and typer.keypress functions; I use the
- // variable below to ignore the keypress event if the keydown
- // event succeeds.
- var cancelKeyPress = 0;
- // When this value is false, the prompt will not respond to input
- var acceptInput = true;
- // When this value is true, the command has been canceled
- var cancelCommand = false;
- // External exports object
- var extern = {};
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // Main entry point
- (function(){
- extern.promptLabel = config && config.promptLabel? config.promptLabel : "> ";
- container.append(inner);
- inner.append(typer);
- typer.css({position:'absolute',top:0,left:'-9999px'});
- if (config.welcomeMessage)
- message(config.welcomeMessage,'jquery-console-welcome');
- newPromptBox();
- if (config.autofocus) {
- inner.addClass('jquery-console-focus');
- typer.focus();
- setTimeout(function(){
- inner.addClass('jquery-console-focus');
- typer.focus();
- },100);
- }
- extern.inner = inner;
- extern.typer = typer;
- extern.scrollToBottom = scrollToBottom;
- extern.report = report;
- extern.showCompletion = showCompletion;
- extern.clearScreen = clearScreen;
- })();
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // Reset terminal
- extern.reset = function(){
- var welcome = (typeof config.welcomeMessage != 'undefined');
- var removeElements = function() {
- inner.find('div').each(function(){
- if (!welcome) {
- $(this).remove();
- } else {
- welcome = false;
- }
- });
- };
- if (fadeOnReset) {
- inner.parent().fadeOut(function() {
- removeElements();
- newPromptBox();
- inner.parent().fadeIn(focusConsole);
- });
- }
- else {
- removeElements();
- newPromptBox();
- focusConsole();
- }
- };
- var focusConsole = function() {
- inner.addClass('jquery-console-focus');
- typer.focus();
- };
- extern.focus = function(){
- focusConsole();
- }
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // Reset terminal
- extern.notice = function(msg,style){
- var n = $('').append($('').text(msg))
- .css({visibility:'hidden'});
- container.append(n);
- var focused = true;
- if (style=='fadeout')
- setTimeout(function(){
- n.fadeOut(function(){
- n.remove();
- });
- },4000);
- else if (style=='prompt') {
- var a = $('
- n.append(a);
- focused = false;
- a.click(function(){ n.fadeOut(function(){ n.remove();inner.css({opacity:1}) }); });
- }
- var h = n.height();
- n.css({height:'0px',visibility:'visible'})
- .animate({height:h+'px'},function(){
- if (!focused) inner.css({opacity:0.5});
- });
- n.css('cursor','default');
- return n;
- };
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // Make a new prompt box
- function newPromptBox() {
- column = 0;
- promptText = '';
- ringn = 0; // Reset the position of the history ring
- enableInput();
- promptBox = $('');
- var label = $('');
- var labelText = extern.continuedPrompt? continuedPromptLabel : extern.promptLabel;
- promptBox.append(label.text(labelText).show());
- label.html(label.html().replace(' ',' '));
- prompt = $('');
- promptBox.append(prompt);
- inner.append(promptBox);
- updatePromptDisplay();
- };
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // Handle setting focus
- container.click(function(){
- // Don't mess with the focus if there is an active selection
- if (window.getSelection().toString()) {
- return false;
- }
- inner.addClass('jquery-console-focus');
- inner.removeClass('jquery-console-nofocus');
- if (isWebkit) {
- typer.focusWithoutScrolling();
- } else {
- typer.css('position', 'fixed').focus();
- }
- scrollToBottom();
- return false;
- });
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // Handle losing focus
- typer.blur(function(){
- inner.removeClass('jquery-console-focus');
- inner.addClass('jquery-console-nofocus');
- });
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // Bind to the paste event of the input box so we know when we
- // get pasted data
- typer.bind('paste', function(e) {
- // wipe typer input clean just in case
- typer.val("");
- // this timeout is required because the onpaste event is
- // fired *before* the text is actually pasted
- setTimeout(function() {
- typer.consoleInsert(typer.val());
- typer.val("");
- }, 0);
- });
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // Handle key hit before translation
- // For picking up control characters like up/left/down/right
- typer.keydown(function(e){
- cancelKeyPress = 0;
- var keyCode = e.keyCode;
- // C-c: cancel the execution
- if(e.ctrlKey && keyCode == 67) {
- cancelKeyPress = keyCode;
- cancelExecution();
- return false;
- }
- if (acceptInput) {
- if (e.shiftKey && keyCode in shiftCodes) {
- cancelKeyPress = keyCode;
- (shiftCodes[keyCode])();
- return false;
- } else if (e.altKey && keyCode in altCodes) {
- cancelKeyPress = keyCode;
- (altCodes[keyCode])();
- return false;
- } else if (e.ctrlKey && keyCode in ctrlCodes) {
- cancelKeyPress = keyCode;
- (ctrlCodes[keyCode])();
- return false;
- } else if (keyCode in keyCodes) {
- cancelKeyPress = keyCode;
- (keyCodes[keyCode])();
- return false;
- }
- }
- });
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // Handle key press
- typer.keypress(function(e){
- var keyCode = e.keyCode || e.which;
- if (isIgnorableKey(e)) {
- return false;
- }
- // C-v: don't insert on paste event
- if ((e.ctrlKey || e.metaKey) && String.fromCharCode(keyCode).toLowerCase() == 'v') {
- return true;
- }
- if (acceptInput && cancelKeyPress != keyCode && keyCode >= 32){
- if (cancelKeyPress) return false;
- if (
- typeof config.charInsertTrigger == 'undefined' || (
- typeof config.charInsertTrigger == 'function' &&
- config.charInsertTrigger(keyCode,promptText)
- )
- ){
- typer.consoleInsert(keyCode);
+(function($) {
+ var isWebkit = !!~navigator.userAgent.indexOf(' AppleWebKit/');
+ $.fn.console = function(config) {
+ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // Constants
+ // Some are enums, data types, others just for optimisation
+ var keyCodes = {
+ // left
+ 37: moveBackward,
+ // right
+ 39: moveForward,
+ // up
+ 38: previousHistory,
+ // down
+ 40: nextHistory,
+ // backspace
+ 8: backDelete,
+ // delete
+ 46: forwardDelete,
+ // end
+ 35: moveToEnd,
+ // start
+ 36: moveToStart,
+ // return
+ 13: commandTrigger,
+ // tab
+ 18: doNothing,
+ // tab
+ 9: doComplete
+ };
+ var ctrlCodes = {
+ // C-a
+ 65: moveToStart,
+ // C-e
+ 69: moveToEnd,
+ // C-d
+ 68: forwardDelete,
+ // C-n
+ 78: nextHistory,
+ // C-p
+ 80: previousHistory,
+ // C-b
+ 66: moveBackward,
+ // C-f
+ 70: moveForward,
+ // C-k
+ 75: deleteUntilEnd,
+ // C-l
+ 76: clearScreen,
+ // C-u
+ 85: clearCurrentPrompt
+ };
+ if (config.ctrlCodes) {
+ $.extend(ctrlCodes, config.ctrlCodes);
- }
- if (isWebkit) return false;
- });
- function isIgnorableKey(e) {
- // for now just filter alt+tab that we receive on some platforms when
- // user switches windows (goes away from the browser)
- return ((e.keyCode == keyCodes.tab || e.keyCode == 192) && e.altKey);
- };
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // Rotate through the command history
- function rotateHistory(n){
- if (history.length == 0) return;
- ringn += n;
- if (ringn < 0) ringn = history.length;
- else if (ringn > history.length) ringn = 0;
- var prevText = promptText;
- if (ringn == 0) {
- promptText = restoreText;
- } else {
- promptText = history[ringn - 1];
- }
- if (config.historyPreserveColumn) {
- if (promptText.length < column + 1) {
- column = promptText.length;
- } else if (column == 0) {
- column = promptText.length;
- }
- } else {
- column = promptText.length;
- }
- updatePromptDisplay();
- };
- function previousHistory() {
- rotateHistory(-1);
- };
- function nextHistory() {
- rotateHistory(1);
- };
- // Add something to the history ring
- function addToHistory(line){
- history.push(line);
- restoreText = '';
- };
- // Delete the character at the current position
- function deleteCharAtPos(){
- if (column < promptText.length){
- promptText =
- promptText.substring(0,column) +
- promptText.substring(column+1);
- restoreText = promptText;
- return true;
- } else return false;
- };
- function backDelete() {
- if (moveColumn(-1)){
- deleteCharAtPos();
- updatePromptDisplay();
- }
- };
- function forwardDelete() {
- if (deleteCharAtPos()){
- updatePromptDisplay();
- }
- };
- function deleteUntilEnd() {
- while(deleteCharAtPos()) {
- updatePromptDisplay();
- }
- };
- function clearCurrentPrompt() {
- extern.promptText("");
- };
- function clearScreen() {
- inner.children(".jquery-console-prompt-box, .jquery-console-message").slice(0, -1).remove();
- extern.report(" ");
- extern.focus();
- };
- function deleteNextWord() {
- // A word is defined within this context as a series of alphanumeric
- // characters.
- // Delete up to the next alphanumeric character
- while(
- column < promptText.length &&
- !isCharAlphanumeric(promptText[column])
- ) {
- deleteCharAtPos();
- updatePromptDisplay();
- }
- // Then, delete until the next non-alphanumeric character
- while(
- column < promptText.length &&
- isCharAlphanumeric(promptText[column])
- ) {
- deleteCharAtPos();
- updatePromptDisplay();
- }
- };
+ var altCodes = {
+ // M-f
+ 70: moveToNextWord,
+ // M-b
+ 66: moveToPreviousWord,
+ // M-d
+ 68: deleteNextWord
+ };
+ var shiftCodes = {
+ // return
+ 13: newLine,
+ };
+ var cursor = ' ';
+ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // Globals
+ var container = $(this);
+ var inner = $('');
+ // erjiang: changed this from a text input to a textarea so we
+ // can get pasted newlines
+ var typer = $('');
+ // Prompt
+ var promptBox;
+ var prompt;
+ var continuedPromptLabel = config && config.continuedPromptLabel ?
+ config.continuedPromptLabel : "> ";
+ var column = 0;
+ var promptText = '';
+ var restoreText = '';
+ var continuedText = '';
+ var fadeOnReset = config.fadeOnReset !== undefined ? config.fadeOnReset : true;
+ // Prompt history stack
+ var history = [];
+ var ringn = 0;
+ // For reasons unknown to The Sword of Michael himself, Opera
+ // triggers and sends a key character when you hit various
+ // keys like PgUp, End, etc. So there is no way of knowing
+ // when a user has typed '#' or End. My solution is in the
+ // typer.keydown and typer.keypress functions; I use the
+ // variable below to ignore the keypress event if the keydown
+ // event succeeds.
+ var cancelKeyPress = 0;
+ // When this value is false, the prompt will not respond to input
+ var acceptInput = true;
+ // When this value is true, the command has been canceled
+ var cancelCommand = false;
+ // External exports object
+ var extern = {};
+ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // Main entry point
+ (function() {
+ extern.promptLabel = config && config.promptLabel ? config.promptLabel : "> ";
+ container.append(inner);
+ inner.append(typer);
+ typer.css({ position: 'absolute', top: 0, left: '-9999px' });
+ if (config.welcomeMessage)
+ message(config.welcomeMessage, 'jquery-console-welcome');
+ newPromptBox();
+ if (config.autofocus) {
+ inner.addClass('jquery-console-focus');
+ typer.focus();
+ setTimeout(function() {
+ inner.addClass('jquery-console-focus');
+ typer.focus();
+ }, 100);
+ }
+ extern.inner = inner;
+ extern.typer = typer;
+ extern.scrollToBottom = scrollToBottom;
+ extern.report = report;
+ extern.showCompletion = showCompletion;
+ extern.clearScreen = clearScreen;
+ })();
+ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // Reset terminal
+ extern.reset = function() {
+ var welcome = (typeof config.welcomeMessage != 'undefined');
+ var removeElements = function() {
+ inner.find('div').each(function() {
+ if (!welcome) {
+ $(this).remove();
+ } else {
+ welcome = false;
+ }
+ });
+ };
+ if (fadeOnReset) {
+ inner.parent().fadeOut(function() {
+ removeElements();
+ newPromptBox();
+ inner.parent().fadeIn(focusConsole);
+ });
+ } else {
+ removeElements();
+ newPromptBox();
+ focusConsole();
+ }
+ };
- function newLine() {
- var lines = promptText.split("\n");
- var last_line = lines.slice(-1)[0];
- var spaces = last_line.match(/^(\s*)/g)[0];
- var new_line = "\n" + spaces;
- promptText += new_line;
- moveColumn(new_line.length);
- updatePromptDisplay();
- };
+ var focusConsole = function() {
+ inner.addClass('jquery-console-focus');
+ typer.focus();
+ };
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // Validate command and trigger it if valid, or show a validation error
- function commandTrigger() {
- var line = promptText;
- if (typeof config.commandValidate == 'function') {
- var ret = config.commandValidate(line);
- if (ret == true || ret == false) {
- if (ret) {
- handleCommand();
- }
- } else {
- commandResult(ret,"jquery-console-message-error");
+ extern.focus = function() {
+ focusConsole();
- } else {
- handleCommand();
- }
- };
- // Scroll to the bottom of the view
- function scrollToBottom() {
- var version = jQuery.fn.jquery.split('.');
- var major = parseInt(version[0]);
- var minor = parseInt(version[1]);
- // check if we're using jquery > 1.6
- if ((major == 1 && minor > 6) || major > 1) {
- inner.prop({ scrollTop: inner.prop("scrollHeight") });
- }
- else {
- inner.attr({ scrollTop: inner.attr("scrollHeight") });
- }
- };
+ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // Reset terminal
+ extern.notice = function(msg, style) {
+ var n = $('').append($('').text(msg))
+ .css({ visibility: 'hidden' });
+ container.append(n);
+ var focused = true;
+ if (style == 'fadeout')
+ setTimeout(function() {
+ n.fadeOut(function() {
+ n.remove();
+ });
+ }, 4000);
+ else if (style == 'prompt') {
+ var a = $('
+ n.append(a);
+ focused = false;
+ a.click(function() {
+ n.fadeOut(function() {
+ n.remove();
+ inner.css({ opacity: 1 })
+ });
+ });
+ }
+ var h = n.height();
+ n.css({ height: '0px', visibility: 'visible' })
+ .animate({ height: h + 'px' }, function() {
+ if (!focused) inner.css({ opacity: 0.5 });
+ });
+ n.css('cursor', 'default');
+ return n;
+ };
+ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // Make a new prompt box
+ function newPromptBox() {
+ column = 0;
+ promptText = '';
+ ringn = 0; // Reset the position of the history ring
+ enableInput();
+ promptBox = $('');
+ var label = $('');
+ var labelText = extern.continuedPrompt ? continuedPromptLabel : extern.promptLabel;
+ promptBox.append(label.text(labelText).show());
+ label.html(label.html().replace(' ', ' '));
+ prompt = $('');
+ promptBox.append(prompt);
+ inner.append(promptBox);
+ updatePromptDisplay();
+ };
+ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // Handle setting focus
+ container.click(function() {
+ // Don't mess with the focus if there is an active selection
+ if (window.getSelection().toString()) {
+ return false;
+ }
- function cancelExecution() {
- if(typeof config.cancelHandle == 'function') {
- config.cancelHandle();
- }
- }
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // Handle a command
- function handleCommand() {
- if (typeof config.commandHandle == 'function') {
- disableInput();
- addToHistory(promptText);
- var text = promptText;
- if (extern.continuedPrompt) {
- if (continuedText)
- continuedText += '\n' + promptText;
- else continuedText = promptText;
- } else continuedText = undefined;
- if (continuedText) text = continuedText;
- var ret = config.commandHandle(text,function(msgs){
- commandResult(msgs);
+ inner.addClass('jquery-console-focus');
+ inner.removeClass('jquery-console-nofocus');
+ if (isWebkit) {
+ typer.focusWithoutScrolling();
+ } else {
+ typer.css('position', 'fixed').focus();
+ }
+ scrollToBottom();
+ return false;
- if (extern.continuedPrompt && !continuedText)
- continuedText = promptText;
- if (typeof ret == 'boolean') {
- if (ret) {
- // Command succeeded without a result.
- commandResult();
- } else {
- commandResult(
- 'Command failed.',
- "jquery-console-message-error"
- );
- }
- } else if (typeof ret == "string") {
- commandResult(ret,"jquery-console-message-success");
- } else if (typeof ret == 'object' && ret.length) {
- commandResult(ret);
- } else if (extern.continuedPrompt) {
- commandResult();
- }
- }
- };
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // Disable input
- function disableInput() {
- acceptInput = false;
- };
+ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // Handle losing focus
+ typer.blur(function() {
+ inner.removeClass('jquery-console-focus');
+ inner.addClass('jquery-console-nofocus');
+ });
- // Enable input
- function enableInput() {
- acceptInput = true;
- }
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // Reset the prompt in invalid command
- function commandResult(msg,className) {
- column = -1;
- updatePromptDisplay();
- if (typeof msg == 'string') {
- message(msg,className);
- } else if ($.isArray(msg)) {
- for (var x in msg) {
- var ret = msg[x];
- message(ret.msg,ret.className);
+ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // Bind to the paste event of the input box so we know when we
+ // get pasted data
+ typer.bind('paste', function(e) {
+ // wipe typer input clean just in case
+ typer.val("");
+ // this timeout is required because the onpaste event is
+ // fired *before* the text is actually pasted
+ setTimeout(function() {
+ typer.consoleInsert(typer.val());
+ typer.val("");
+ }, 0);
+ });
+ //helper function to figure out new character added to input
+ difference = function(value1, value2) {
+ var output = [];
+ for (i = 0; i < value2.length; i++) {
+ if (value1[i] !== value2[i]) {
+ output.push(value2[i]);
+ }
+ }
+ return output.join("");
- } else { // Assume it's a DOM node or jQuery object.
- inner.append(msg);
- }
- newPromptBox();
- };
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // Report some message into the console
- function report(msg,className) {
- var text = promptText;
- promptBox.remove();
- commandResult(msg,className);
- extern.promptText(text);
- };
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // Display a message
- function message(msg,className) {
- var mesg = $('');
- if (className) mesg.addClass(className);
- mesg.filledText(msg).hide();
- inner.append(mesg);
- mesg.show();
- };
+ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // Handle key hit before translation
+ // For picking up control characters like up/left/down/right
+ typer.keydown(function(e) {
+ typer.oldValue = typer.val();
+ oldValue = typer.val();
+ cancelKeyPress = 0;
+ var keyCode = e.which || e.code;
+ // C-c: cancel the execution
+ if (e.ctrlKey && keyCode == 67) {
+ cancelKeyPress = keyCode;
+ cancelExecution();
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (acceptInput) {
+ if (e.shiftKey && keyCode in shiftCodes) {
+ cancelKeyPress = keyCode;
+ (shiftCodes[keyCode])();
+ return false;
+ } else if (e.altKey && keyCode in altCodes) {
+ cancelKeyPress = keyCode;
+ (altCodes[keyCode])();
+ return false;
+ } else if (e.ctrlKey && keyCode in ctrlCodes) {
+ cancelKeyPress = keyCode;
+ (ctrlCodes[keyCode])();
+ return false;
+ } else if (keyCode in keyCodes) {
+ cancelKeyPress = keyCode;
+ (keyCodes[keyCode])();
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ if (isIgnorableKey(e)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ // C-v: don't insert on paste event
+ if ((e.ctrlKey || e.metaKey) && String.fromCharCode(keyCode).toLowerCase() == 'v') {
+ return true;
+ }
+ if (acceptInput && cancelKeyPress != keyCode && keyCode >= 32) {
+ if (cancelKeyPress) return false;
+ }
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // Handle normal character insertion
- // data can either be a number, which will be interpreted as the
- // numeric value of a single character, or a string
- typer.consoleInsert = function(data){
- // TODO: remove redundant indirection
- var text = (typeof data == 'number') ? String.fromCharCode(data) : data;
- var before = promptText.substring(0,column);
- var after = promptText.substring(column);
- promptText = before + text + after;
- moveColumn(text.length);
- restoreText = promptText;
- updatePromptDisplay();
- };
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // Move to another column relative to this one
- // Negative means go back, positive means go forward.
- function moveColumn(n){
- if (column + n >= 0 && column + n <= promptText.length){
- column += n;
- return true;
- } else return false;
- };
+ });
- function moveForward() {
- if(moveColumn(1)) {
- updatePromptDisplay();
- return true;
- }
- return false;
- };
- function moveBackward() {
- if(moveColumn(-1)) {
- updatePromptDisplay();
- return true;
- }
- return false;
- };
+ //after input event get new string, figure out the difference and add the character to the typer.
+ typer.on("input", function(e) {
+ var newValue = typer.val();
+ typer.consoleInsert(difference(typer.oldValue, newValue));
+ typer.val("");
+ })
+ function isIgnorableKey(e) {
+ // for now just filter alt+tab that we receive on some platforms when
+ // user switches windows (goes away from the browser)
+ return ((e.keyCode == keyCodes.tab || e.keyCode == 192) && e.altKey);
+ };
+ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // Rotate through the command history
+ function rotateHistory(n) {
+ if (history.length == 0) return;
+ ringn += n;
+ if (ringn < 0) ringn = history.length;
+ else if (ringn > history.length) ringn = 0;
+ var prevText = promptText;
+ if (ringn == 0) {
+ promptText = restoreText;
+ } else {
+ promptText = history[ringn - 1];
+ }
+ if (config.historyPreserveColumn) {
+ if (promptText.length < column + 1) {
+ column = promptText.length;
+ } else if (column == 0) {
+ column = promptText.length;
+ }
+ } else {
+ column = promptText.length;
+ }
+ updatePromptDisplay();
+ };
+ function previousHistory() {
+ rotateHistory(-1);
+ };
+ function nextHistory() {
+ rotateHistory(1);
+ };
+ // Add something to the history ring
+ function addToHistory(line) {
+ history.push(line);
+ restoreText = '';
+ };
+ // Delete the character at the current position
+ function deleteCharAtPos() {
+ if (column < promptText.length) {
+ promptText =
+ promptText.substring(0, column) +
+ promptText.substring(column + 1);
+ restoreText = promptText;
+ return true;
+ } else return false;
+ };
+ function backDelete() {
+ if (moveColumn(-1)) {
+ deleteCharAtPos();
+ updatePromptDisplay();
+ }
+ };
- function moveToStart() {
- if (moveColumn(-column))
- updatePromptDisplay();
- };
+ function forwardDelete() {
+ if (deleteCharAtPos()) {
+ updatePromptDisplay();
+ }
+ };
- function moveToEnd() {
- if (moveColumn(promptText.length-column))
- updatePromptDisplay();
- };
+ function deleteUntilEnd() {
+ while (deleteCharAtPos()) {
+ updatePromptDisplay();
+ }
+ };
+ function clearCurrentPrompt() {
+ extern.promptText("");
+ };
+ function clearScreen() {
+ inner.children(".jquery-console-prompt-box, .jquery-console-message").slice(0, -1).remove();
+ extern.report(" ");
+ extern.focus();
+ };
+ function deleteNextWord() {
+ // A word is defined within this context as a series of alphanumeric
+ // characters.
+ // Delete up to the next alphanumeric character
+ while (
+ column < promptText.length &&
+ !isCharAlphanumeric(promptText[column])
+ ) {
+ deleteCharAtPos();
+ updatePromptDisplay();
+ }
+ // Then, delete until the next non-alphanumeric character
+ while (
+ column < promptText.length &&
+ isCharAlphanumeric(promptText[column])
+ ) {
+ deleteCharAtPos();
+ updatePromptDisplay();
+ }
+ };
+ function newLine() {
+ var lines = promptText.split("\n");
+ var last_line = lines.slice(-1)[0];
+ var spaces = last_line.match(/^(\s*)/g)[0];
+ var new_line = "\n" + spaces;
+ promptText += new_line;
+ moveColumn(new_line.length);
+ updatePromptDisplay();
+ };
+ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // Validate command and trigger it if valid, or show a validation error
+ function commandTrigger() {
+ var line = promptText;
+ if (typeof config.commandValidate == 'function') {
+ var ret = config.commandValidate(line);
+ if (ret == true || ret == false) {
+ if (ret) {
+ handleCommand();
+ }
+ } else {
+ commandResult(ret, "jquery-console-message-error");
+ }
+ } else {
+ handleCommand();
+ }
+ };
- function moveToNextWord() {
- while(
- column < promptText.length &&
- !isCharAlphanumeric(promptText[column]) &&
- moveForward()
- ) {}
- while(
- column < promptText.length &&
- isCharAlphanumeric(promptText[column]) &&
- moveForward()
- ) {}
- };
+ // Scroll to the bottom of the view
+ function scrollToBottom() {
+ var version = jQuery.fn.jquery.split('.');
+ var major = parseInt(version[0]);
+ var minor = parseInt(version[1]);
- function moveToPreviousWord() {
- // Move backward until we find the first alphanumeric
- while(
- column -1 >= 0 &&
- !isCharAlphanumeric(promptText[column-1]) &&
- moveBackward()
- ) {}
- // Move until we find the first non-alphanumeric
- while(
- column -1 >= 0 &&
- isCharAlphanumeric(promptText[column-1]) &&
- moveBackward()
- ) {}
- };
+ // check if we're using jquery > 1.6
+ if ((major == 1 && minor > 6) || major > 1) {
+ inner.prop({ scrollTop: inner.prop("scrollHeight") });
+ } else {
+ inner.attr({ scrollTop: inner.attr("scrollHeight") });
+ }
+ };
- function isCharAlphanumeric(charToTest) {
- if(typeof charToTest == 'string') {
- var code = charToTest.charCodeAt();
- return (code >= 'A'.charCodeAt() && code <= 'Z'.charCodeAt()) ||
- (code >= 'a'.charCodeAt() && code <= 'z'.charCodeAt()) ||
- (code >= '0'.charCodeAt() && code <= '9'.charCodeAt());
- }
- return false;
- };
+ function cancelExecution() {
+ if (typeof config.cancelHandle == 'function') {
+ config.cancelHandle();
+ }
+ }
- function doComplete() {
- if(typeof config.completeHandle == 'function') {
- doCompleteDirectly();
- } else {
- issueComplete();
+ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // Handle a command
+ function handleCommand() {
+ if (typeof config.commandHandle == 'function') {
+ disableInput();
+ addToHistory(promptText);
+ var text = promptText;
+ if (extern.continuedPrompt) {
+ if (continuedText)
+ continuedText += '\n' + promptText;
+ else continuedText = promptText;
+ } else continuedText = undefined;
+ if (continuedText) text = continuedText;
+ var ret = config.commandHandle(text, function(msgs) {
+ commandResult(msgs);
+ });
+ if (extern.continuedPrompt && !continuedText)
+ continuedText = promptText;
+ if (typeof ret == 'boolean') {
+ if (ret) {
+ // Command succeeded without a result.
+ commandResult();
+ } else {
+ commandResult(
+ 'Command failed.',
+ "jquery-console-message-error"
+ );
+ }
+ } else if (typeof ret == "string") {
+ commandResult(ret, "jquery-console-message-success");
+ } else if (typeof ret == 'object' && ret.length) {
+ commandResult(ret);
+ } else if (extern.continuedPrompt) {
+ commandResult();
+ }
- };
+ };
+ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // Disable input
+ function disableInput() {
+ acceptInput = false;
+ };
- function doCompleteDirectly() {
- if(typeof config.completeHandle == 'function') {
- var completions = config.completeHandle(promptText);
- var len = completions.length;
- if (len === 1) {
- extern.promptText(promptText + completions[0]);
- } else if (len > 1 && config.cols) {
- var prompt = promptText;
- // Compute the number of rows that will fit in the width
- var max = 0;
- for (var i = 0;i < len;i++) {
- max = Math.max(max, completions[i].length);
- }
- max += 2;
- var n = Math.floor(config.cols / max);
- var buffer = "";
- var col = 0;
- for (i = 0;i < len;i++) {
- var completion = completions[i];
- buffer += completions[i];
- for (var j = completion.length;j < max;j++) {
- buffer += " ";
- }
- if (++col >= n) {
- buffer += "\n";
- col = 0;
- }
- }
- commandResult(buffer,"jquery-console-message-value");
- extern.promptText(prompt);
+ // Enable input
+ function enableInput() {
+ acceptInput = true;
- }
- };
- function issueComplete() {
- if (typeof config.completeIssuer == 'function') {
- config.completeIssuer(promptText);
+ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // Reset the prompt in invalid command
+ function commandResult(msg, className) {
+ column = -1;
+ updatePromptDisplay();
+ if (typeof msg == 'string') {
+ message(msg, className);
+ } else if ($.isArray(msg)) {
+ for (var x in msg) {
+ var ret = msg[x];
+ message(ret.msg, ret.className);
+ }
+ } else { // Assume it's a DOM node or jQuery object.
+ inner.append(msg);
- };
+ newPromptBox();
+ };
+ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // Report some message into the console
+ function report(msg, className) {
+ var text = promptText;
+ promptBox.remove();
+ commandResult(msg, className);
+ extern.promptText(text);
+ };
+ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // Display a message
+ function message(msg, className) {
+ var mesg = $('');
+ if (className) mesg.addClass(className);
+ mesg.filledText(msg).hide();
+ inner.append(mesg);
+ mesg.show();
+ };
+ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // Handle normal character insertion
+ // data can either be a number, which will be interpreted as the
+ // numeric value of a single character, or a string
+ typer.consoleInsert = function(data) {
+ // TODO: remove redundant indirection
+ var text = (typeof data == 'number') ? String.fromCharCode(data) : data;
+ var before = promptText.substring(0, column);
+ var after = promptText.substring(column);
+ promptText = before + text + after;
+ moveColumn(text.length);
+ restoreText = promptText;
+ updatePromptDisplay();
+ };
+ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // Move to another column relative to this one
+ // Negative means go back, positive means go forward.
+ function moveColumn(n) {
+ if (column + n >= 0 && column + n <= promptText.length) {
+ column += n;
+ return true;
+ } else return false;
+ };
+ function moveForward() {
+ if (moveColumn(1)) {
+ updatePromptDisplay();
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ };
- function showCompletion(promptText, completions) {
+ function moveBackward() {
+ if (moveColumn(-1)) {
+ updatePromptDisplay();
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ };
+ function moveToStart() {
+ if (moveColumn(-column))
+ updatePromptDisplay();
+ };
+ function moveToEnd() {
+ if (moveColumn(promptText.length - column))
+ updatePromptDisplay();
+ };
+ function moveToNextWord() {
+ while (
+ column < promptText.length &&
+ !isCharAlphanumeric(promptText[column]) &&
+ moveForward()
+ ) {}
+ while (
+ column < promptText.length &&
+ isCharAlphanumeric(promptText[column]) &&
+ moveForward()
+ ) {}
+ };
+ function moveToPreviousWord() {
+ // Move backward until we find the first alphanumeric
+ while (
+ column - 1 >= 0 &&
+ !isCharAlphanumeric(promptText[column - 1]) &&
+ moveBackward()
+ ) {}
+ // Move until we find the first non-alphanumeric
+ while (
+ column - 1 >= 0 &&
+ isCharAlphanumeric(promptText[column - 1]) &&
+ moveBackward()
+ ) {}
+ };
+ function isCharAlphanumeric(charToTest) {
+ if (typeof charToTest == 'string') {
+ var code = charToTest.charCodeAt();
+ return (code >= 'A'.charCodeAt() && code <= 'Z'.charCodeAt()) ||
+ (code >= 'a'.charCodeAt() && code <= 'z'.charCodeAt()) ||
+ (code >= '0'.charCodeAt() && code <= '9'.charCodeAt());
+ }
+ return false;
+ };
- var len = completions.length;
- if (len === 1) {
+ function doComplete() {
+ if (typeof config.completeHandle == 'function') {
+ doCompleteDirectly();
+ } else {
+ issueComplete();
+ }
+ };
+ function doCompleteDirectly() {
+ if (typeof config.completeHandle == 'function') {
+ var completions = config.completeHandle(promptText);
+ var len = completions.length;
+ if (len === 1) {
extern.promptText(promptText + completions[0]);
- } else if (len > 1 && config.cols) {
+ } else if (len > 1 && config.cols) {
var prompt = promptText;
// Compute the number of rows that will fit in the width
var max = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) {
- max = Math.max(max, completions[i].length);
+ max = Math.max(max, completions[i].length);
max += 2;
var n = Math.floor(config.cols / max);
var buffer = "";
var col = 0;
for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
- var completion = completions[i];
- buffer += completions[i];
- for (var j = completion.length; j < max; j++) {
- buffer += " ";
- }
- if (++col >= n) {
- buffer += "\n";
- col = 0;
- }
+ var completion = completions[i];
+ buffer += completions[i];
+ for (var j = completion.length; j < max; j++) {
+ buffer += " ";
+ }
+ if (++col >= n) {
+ buffer += "\n";
+ col = 0;
+ }
commandResult(buffer, "jquery-console-message-value");
+ }
- };
+ };
- function doNothing() {};
+ function issueComplete() {
+ if (typeof config.completeIssuer == 'function') {
+ config.completeIssuer(promptText);
+ }
+ };
- extern.promptText = function(text){
- if (typeof text === 'string') {
- promptText = text;
- column = promptText.length;
- updatePromptDisplay();
- }
- return promptText;
- };
+ function showCompletion(promptText, completions) {
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // Update the prompt display
- function updatePromptDisplay(){
- var line = promptText;
- var html = '';
- if (column > 0 && line == ''){
- // When we have an empty line just display a cursor.
- html = cursor;
- } else if (column == promptText.length){
- // We're at the end of the line, so we need to display
- // the text *and* cursor.
- html = htmlEncode(line) + cursor;
- } else {
- // Grab the current character, if there is one, and
- // make it the current cursor.
- var before = line.substring(0, column);
- var current = line.substring(column,column+1);
- if (current){
- current =
- '' +
- htmlEncode(current) +
- '';
- }
- var after = line.substring(column+1);
- html = htmlEncode(before) + current + htmlEncode(after);
- }
- prompt.html(html);
- scrollToBottom();
- };
+ var len = completions.length;
+ if (len === 1) {
+ extern.promptText(promptText + completions[0]);
+ } else if (len > 1 && config.cols) {
+ var prompt = promptText;
+ // Compute the number of rows that will fit in the width
+ var max = 0;
+ for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) {
+ max = Math.max(max, completions[i].length);
+ }
+ max += 2;
+ var n = Math.floor(config.cols / max);
+ var buffer = "";
+ var col = 0;
+ for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
+ var completion = completions[i];
+ buffer += completions[i];
+ for (var j = completion.length; j < max; j++) {
+ buffer += " ";
+ }
+ if (++col >= n) {
+ buffer += "\n";
+ col = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ commandResult(buffer, "jquery-console-message-value");
+ extern.promptText(prompt);
+ }
+ };
- // Simple HTML encoding
- // Simply replace '<', '>' and '&'
- // TODO: Use jQuery's .html() trick, or grab a proper, fast
- // HTML encoder.
- function htmlEncode(text){
- return (
- text.replace(/&/g,'&')
- .replace(/')
- );
+ function doNothing() {};
+ extern.promptText = function(text) {
+ if (typeof text === 'string') {
+ promptText = text;
+ column = promptText.length;
+ updatePromptDisplay();
+ }
+ return promptText;
+ };
+ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // Update the prompt display
+ function updatePromptDisplay() {
+ var line = promptText;
+ var html = '';
+ if (column > 0 && line == '') {
+ // When we have an empty line just display a cursor.
+ html = cursor;
+ } else if (column == promptText.length) {
+ // We're at the end of the line, so we need to display
+ // the text *and* cursor.
+ html = htmlEncode(line) + cursor;
+ } else {
+ // Grab the current character, if there is one, and
+ // make it the current cursor.
+ var before = line.substring(0, column);
+ var current = line.substring(column, column + 1);
+ if (current) {
+ current =
+ '' +
+ htmlEncode(current) +
+ '';
+ }
+ var after = line.substring(column + 1);
+ html = htmlEncode(before) + current + htmlEncode(after);
+ }
+ prompt.html(html);
+ scrollToBottom();
+ };
+ // Simple HTML encoding
+ // Simply replace '<', '>' and '&'
+ // TODO: Use jQuery's .html() trick, or grab a proper, fast
+ // HTML encoder.
+ function htmlEncode(text) {
+ return (
+ text.replace(/&/g, '&')
+ .replace(/')
+ );
+ };
+ return extern;
+ };
+ // Simple utility for printing messages
+ $.fn.filledText = function(txt) {
+ $(this).text(txt);
+ $(this).html($(this).html().replace(/\t/g, ' ').replace(/\n/g, '
+ return this;
- return extern;
- };
- // Simple utility for printing messages
- $.fn.filledText = function(txt){
- $(this).text(txt);
- $(this).html($(this).html().replace(/\t/g, ' ').replace(/\n/g,'
- return this;
- };
- // Alternative method for focus without scrolling
- $.fn.focusWithoutScrolling = function(){
- var x = window.scrollX, y = window.scrollY;
- $(this).focus();
- window.scrollTo(x, y);
- };
+ // Alternative method for focus without scrolling
+ $.fn.focusWithoutScrolling = function() {
+ var x = window.scrollX,
+ y = window.scrollY;
+ $(this).focus();
+ window.scrollTo(x, y);
+ };
\ No newline at end of file