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mmetering-server Build Status

MMetering is a smart metering software built on Django and Celery.

Table of Contents

  1. Install
  2. Setup
  3. Additional Information
  4. Appendix
  5. References


Clone this repository into the home folder of the target system with git clone mmetering-server. If you want to install further apps, clone them into the project folder as well.

Rename my.sample.cnf to my.cnf and fill out all necessary values. Leave out the client section until the database credentials will be set in the mysql_conf.txt file.

Rename docker-compose-sample.yml to docker-compose.yml and follow possible instructions of aditionally added plugins/apps.

Rename mysql_sample_conf.txt to mysql_conf.txt and use the same values as in the my.cnf file. Docker will use these credentials for the setup process of the mysql container. Check that the host entered in the my.cnf file is the same name as the mysql service in the docker-compose file!

Rename in mmetering_server/settings/ to and add all downloaded apps to the INSTALLED_APPS list. Furthermore, add possibly wanted domains and the localhost to ALLOWED_DOMAINS. In order to receive mails from the mmetering system if errors occur, add yourself to ADMIN and/or MANAGERS. Errors and Exceptions will be sent to ADMINS, all other system mails to MANAGERS.

Check your docker and docker-compose version:

docker >= 18.06.1
docker-compose >= 1.22.0

Run docker-compose build in order to build all necessary images. Verify that at least mmetering_server_web, mmetering_server_celery and mmetering_server_celery-beat have been built with

docker images

Finally, fire up all containers with

docker-compose up


Add user

Beside your admin account, which you create on the console with python3 createsuperuser you need to create two more user profiles in the admin backend. The first one has only the permission to view the live data on the dashboard. The second one can also create flats and meters and can download the whole data.

Log into the admin backend, click on Users -> Add User and create both users. After that, edit each of them and add the desired permissions.

Note: Both users need to have staff status in order to be able to login at all.

Add flats and meters

Log into the admin backend with either the admin or the service provider account. Follow all instructions.

Additional information

Talking Modbus using the minimalmodbus library

  • functioncode 4: read Input Registers
  • functioncode 3: read Holding Registers
  • functioncode 16: write multiple Registers (Holding)


ImportWh = instrument.read_float(int('0x48', 16), functioncode=4, numberOfRegisters=2)


Eastron SDM630

Input Registers

Description Units Hex # of Registers
Phase 1 line to neutral volts. Volts 00 2
Phase 2 line to neutral volts. Volts 02 2
Phase 3 line to neutral volts. Volts 04 2
Phase 1 current. Amps 06 2
Phase 2 current. Amps 08 2
Phase 3 current. Amps 0A 2
Phase 1 power. Watts 0C 2
Phase 2 power. Watts 0E 2
Phase 3 power. Watts 10 2
Frequency of supply voltages. Hz 46 2
Import Wh since last reset (2). kWh/MWh 48 2
Export Wh since last reset (2). kWh/MWh 4A 2
Import VArh since last reset (2). kVArh 4C 2
Export VArh since last reset (2). kVArh 4E 2
VAh since last reset (2). kVAh/ MVAh 50 2

Holding Registers

Address Parameter Hex # of Registers Valid Range Mode
40025 Password 18 4 Write password for access to protected registers. Read zero. Reading will also reset the password timeout back to one minute. Default password is 0000. r/w
40029 Network Baud Rate 1C 2 Write the network port baud rate for MODBUS Protocol, where: 0 = 2400 baud. 1 = 4800 baud. 2 = 9600 baud, default.,3 = 19200 baud. 4 = 38400 baud. Requires a restart to become effective r/w
40043 Serial Number Hi 2A 2 Read the first product serial number. ro
40045 Serial Number Lo 2C ? Read the second product serial number. ro


This software is using the wonderful Gentelella Theme.