These messages and decrypted by capturing the communication between the software Be Connect and the hardware. The position and information of each information is interpreted by the community and may be incorrect. Please take only valid information from BYD or its sub-companies.
After a TCP Connection is estalished the communication requires to send a command to receive data or execute a measurement. The project of smarthomeNG describe it as a similarity for ModBus that we read and write registers with the TCP connection. All Messages have a Header in Byte 1 and 2.
The send out message is 010300000066c5e0
Byte | Type | Description |
3 to 21 | string | This is the serialnumber. On the 2. character you can identify the hardwaretype (HVS, HVM, ...) |
27 + 28 | character | Version in format V(27).(28) for the first BMU |
29 + 30 | character | Version in format V(29).(30) for the 2nd BMU |
33 | integer | used tower BMU |
36 | 2 seperate byte integer | 1 byte - towers; 2 byte - modules (23 => 2 towers & 3 modules) |
38 | enum | 0: OffGrid; 1: OnGrid; 2: Backup |
The send out message is 01030500001984cc
Byte | Type | Descriptio |
3 | int16 signed | SOC of the whole system |
5 | int16 signed | System max volts |
7 | int16 signed | System min volts |
9 | int16 signed | System SOH |
11 | int16 signed | System amperes |
13 | int16 unsigned | Battery volts with SF 100 |
15 | int16 signed | max Temperature |
17 | int16 signed | min Temperature |
19 | int16 signed | Battery Temperature |
29 | int16 signed | Error Number |
31 + 32 | characters | Param T |
35 | int16 unsigned | Ouput voltage with SF 100 |
37 | int16 unsigned | Total charge of the system |
41 | int16 unsinged | Total discharge of the system |
the send command is 010300100003040e
Byte | Type | Descriptio |
3 | enum | inverter type |
5 | enum | Battery type: 0: HVL; 1: HVM; 2: HVS |
Byte | Type | Descriptio |
5 | int16 signed | Tower max Volt |
7 | int16 singed | Tower min Volt |
9 | int | max volt cell number |
10 | int | min volt cell number |
11 | int16 signed | max temperature |
13 | int 16 signed | min temperature |
15 | int | max temperature cell |
16 | int | min temperature cell number |
17 - 32 | MSB, LSB | Balancing Flags |
33 | int32 Unsigned | tower charge total with SF 1000 |
37 | int32 Unsigned | tower discharge total with SF 1000 |
45 | int16 signed | tower battery voltage SF 10 |
51 | int16 singed | tower volt out |
53 | int16 signed | SOC Percentage |
55 | int16 signed | SOH percentage |
57 | int16 signed | Currentamperes |
59 + 60 | hex | state |
Short | Description |
SF | Scale Factor (Value 1234 & SF 100 => Real Value: 12.34) |