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PowerShell Import-Excel

This PowerShell Module wraps the .NET EPPlus DLL (included). Easily integrate reading and writing Excel spreadsheets into PowerShell, without launching Excel in the background. You can also automate the creation of Pivot Tables and Charts.


There are two ways to install this module. If you are running PowerShell V5

Install-Module -Name ImportExcel

Otherwise To install in your personal modules folder (e.g. ~\Documents\WindowsPowerShell\Modules), run:

iex (new-object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString('')

Know Issues

  • Using -IncludePivotTable, if that pivot table name exists, you'll get an error.
    • Investigating a solution
    • Workaround delete the Excel file first, then do the export

What's new


  • Added Styles for Tables.

Examples Get-Process|Export-Excel foo.xlsx -TableName "Processes" -TableStyle "Medium17" -Show


  • Added a tag to set the color of a Cell. you can set the Foreground color or the Background AND the foreground.
  • Just add the tag in the Cell value

Examples Set Foregroung [red]::This is my text

Set Background and Foreground [red,white]::This is my text

$usa_states=@{ "CA" = "California";
  "NY" = "[red,white]::New York";
  "IL" = "[red]::Illinois";
  "NH" = "New Hampshire"}

  $test = @()
  foreach ($item in $usa_states.keys) {
	$ObjFastping = New-Object pscustomobject
    		Add-Member -InputObject $ObjFastping -MemberType NoteProperty -Name state -Value $item
		Add-Member -InputObject $ObjFastping -MemberType NoteProperty -Name name -Value $usa_states[$item]
  $test | Export-Excel -Path c:\temp\test.xlsx


  • For -PivotRows you can pass a hashtable with the name of the property and the type of calculation. Sum, Average, Max, Min, Product, StdDev, StdDevp, Var, Varp
Get-Service | 
	Export-Excel "c:\temp\test.xlsx" `
		-Show `
		-IncludePivotTable `
		-PivotRows status ` 
		-PivotData @{status='count'}

6/16/2015 (Thanks Justin)

  • Improvements to PivotTable overwriting
  • Added two parameters to Export-Excel
    • RangeName - Turns the data piped to Export-Excel into a named range.
    • TableName - Turns the data piped to Export-Excel into an excel table.


Get-Process|Export-Excel foo.xlsx -Verbose -IncludePivotTable -TableName "Processes" -Show
Get-Process|Export-Excel foo.xlsx -Verbose -IncludePivotTable -RangeName "Processes" -Show


  • Fixed null header problem


  • Added three parameters:
    • FreezeTopRow - Freezes the first row of the data
    • AutoFilter - Enables filtering for the data in the sheet
    • BoldTopRow - Bolds the top row of data, the column headers


Get-CimInstance win32_service |
	select state, accept*, start*, caption |    
	Export-Excel test.xlsx -Show -BoldTopRow -AutoFilter -FreezeTopRow -AutoSize



  • Published to PowerShell Gallery. In PowerShell v5 use Find-Module importexcel then Find-Module importexcel | Install-Module


  • datetime properties were displaying as ints, now are formatted


  • Now you can create multiple Pivot tables in one pass
    • Thanks to pscookiemonster, he submitted a repro case to the EPPlus CodePlex project and got it fixed


$ps = ps

$ps | 
    Export-Excel .\testExport.xlsx  -WorkSheetname memory `
        -IncludePivotTable -PivotRows Company -PivotData PM `
        -IncludePivotChart -ChartType PieExploded3D
$ps | 
    Export-Excel .\testExport.xlsx  -WorkSheetname handles `
        -IncludePivotTable -PivotRows Company -PivotData Handles `
        -IncludePivotChart -ChartType PieExploded3D -Show



  • Included and embellished Claus Nielsen function to take all sheets in an Excel file workbook and create a text file for each ConvertFrom-ExcelSheet
  • Renamed Export-MultipleExcelSheets to ConvertFrom-ExcelSheet


  • You can add a title to the Excel "Report" Title, TitleFillPattern, TitleBold, TitleSize, TitleBackgroundColor
    • Thanks to Irwin Strachan for this and other great suggestions, testing and more


  • Renamed AutoFitColumns to AutoSize
  • Implemented Export-MultipleExcelSheets
  • Implemented -Password for a worksheet
  • Replaced -Force switch with -NoClobber switch
  • Added examples for Get-Help
  • If Pivot table is requested, that sheet becomes the tab selected


  • Implemented exporting data to named sheets via the -WorkSheename parameter.


gsv | Export-Excel .\test.xlsx -WorkSheetname Services

dir -file | Export-Excel .\test.xlsx -WorkSheetname Files

ps | Export-Excel .\test.xlsx -WorkSheetname Processes -IncludePivotTable -Show -PivotRows Company -PivotData PM

Convert (All or Some) Excel Sheets to Text files

Reads each sheet in TestSheets.xlsx and outputs it to the data directory as the sheet name with the extension .txt

ConvertFrom-ExcelSheet .\TestSheets.xlsx .\data

Reads and outputs sheets like Sheet10 and Sheet20 form TestSheets.xlsx and outputs it to the data directory as the sheet name with the extension .txt

ConvertFrom-ExcelSheet .\TestSheets.xlsx .\data sheet?0

Example Adding a Title

You can set the pattern, size and of if the title is bold.

    Title = "Process Report as of $(Get-Date)" 
    TitleFillPattern = "LightTrellis"
    TitleSize = 18
    TitleBold = $true

	Path  = "$pwd\testExport.xlsx"
    Show = $true
    AutoSize = $true

Get-Process |
    Where Company | Select Company, PM |
    Export-Excel @p


Example Export-MultipleExcelSheets


$p = Get-Process

$DataToGather = @{
    PM        = {$p|select company, pm}
    Handles   = {$p|select company, handles}
    Services  = {gsv}
    Files     = {dir -File}
    Albums    = {(Invoke-RestMethod}

Export-MultipleExcelSheets -Show -AutoSize .\testExport.xlsx $DataToGather

NOTE If the sheet exists when using -WorkSheetname parameter, it will be deleted and then added with the new data.

Get-Process Exported to Excel

Total Physical Memory Grouped By Company


PowerShell Excel EPPlus Video

Click on this image to watch the short video.


Importing data from an Excel spreadsheet


You can also find EPPLus on Nuget.