(NOTE to anyone else reading this: the thoughts below are oftentimes stream of consciousness and used for the purposes of "rubber ducking". Not everything makes sense.)
When calling AsyncIO.open, the first thing that happens is the AsyncIO class confirms that it is properly setup. A private method (AsyncIO::Private::Configuration.setup?) is called. This class/method checks to see if the current thread has a _private_io object key attached. If so, setup has already been done. If not, it creates a _private_io object and attaches it to the thread. The _private_io object creates any structures it needs to track things (like mapping fiber IDs to fibers), spins up its own IOFiber (IO::Private::Fiber < Fiber?) and resumes it. At this point it is running in its own fiber and not the calling fiber. It finishes any setup it needs including starting up a dedicated IO Thread (or getting the already-setup IOThread), registering its IN and OUT boxes with the IOThread, and then calls Fiber.yield back to the original calling fiber. This yield operation will take us to the next line of code after the Fiber.new.resume from earlier. At this point, the IO operation can proceed.
The IO Thread has a mailbox/queue where it listens for requests from its client Fibers running in other threads. If those requests can be handled in a non-blocking manner then they are dispatched and processed immediately. If they will block, then the IO hands the work off to a Thread pool. Listening to a queue for responses from that thread pool happens in a non-blocking manner.
Back to the IO Fiber... To proceed on any IO op (open, close, read, write, etc), the calling fiber creates the requested operation and registers itself (the fiber) as part of the request. It then calls Thread.current[:scheduler].enqueue(request) which will send the request to the IOFiber via a queue (or Fiber.resume call). The IOFiber resumes while the calling fiber yields (from a call to resume?). The IOFiber now enters an infinite loop where it gets requests from other fibers within its thread and packages the request up for delivery to the IO Thread. Before sending the request, it records the calling Fiber's information so when a response (or timeout) is delivered it can resume the appropriate fiber and deliver the result. The IO fiber checks the incoming reply queue from the IO Thread in a blocking manner, so it will sleep the whole thread if no reply is waiting. This IO Fiber is essentially a fiber scheduler for this specific thread. It acts as the funnel for all incoming fiber IO requests and also matches replies back up with their callers.
That IO Fiber sleep may not be correct. Let's rubber duck it. Let's say we are running a AsyncIO::Socket.accept call in a Thread. This is a blocking call, so we want the calling fiber to sleep while waiting for a non-blocking call to #accept on this socket. When the IO Thread detects a new connection, it will send the result back to the fiber's IO fiber which will unpack the reply, match it to the calling fiber, and then resume that fiber. So it looks like it's okay for that fiber to sleep (see first sentence of this paragraph).
Async::File.open steps
determine flags and mode
create OpenRequest and pass in args
enqueue OpenRequest on IOFiber (which causes suspension)
IOFiber resumes and plucks off request
records request by fiber_id and assigns a monotonically increasing sequence number to request
passes modified request (seq no) to IOLoop and suspends itself waiting for reply by blocking on mailbox
IOLoop pulls out latest request
records request by fiber_id and seqno.
if blocking, passes unmodified request to thread pool
if nonblocking, directly executes requested operation
thread pool pops request and runs it synchronously
thread packages up reply and returns it to IOLoop through completion_mailbox
IOLoop gets reply from completion_mailbox
looks up original request by reply fiber id; removes request
passes reply back to originating IOFiber
- picks up reply from mailbox
- looks up originating fiber using reply info
- removes original request
- delivers reply to originating fiber
- originating fiber takes results and passes through Policy.check(results)
Questions... Since we are passing fiber_id down as part of request, is there any real need to record that in the IOFiber or IOLoop?
- In IOFiber, just record fibers by their id. Lookup is as simple as retrieving the fiber and passing reply to it.
- In IOLoop, map fiber id to fiber's inbox. Just pass reply directly to inbox.
- To handle timeouts, the timeout is a special case that shares the originating fiber's request seqno. If reply comes back, look up timeout and delete it if exists. If no timeout, just return reply. If timeout fires, need to mark seqno as expired so if a real reply comes along later it can be dropped.
LET'S TRY AGAIN Problem: A thread might have multiple fibers available to run. We need a thread-level fiber scheduler so that when a fiber "blocks" (yields?) to an I/O operation another fiber can be selected to run. Likewise, the IOLoop may return a reply or timeout to a thread's fiber scheduler and that fiber needs to look up the appropriate fiber and restart it.
If we use Fiber as a semicoroutine, then we have the usual asymmetric imbalance. That is, any Fiber that resumes another fiber can only have control "yield"ed back to it. It's a 1:1 relationship. This is too limiting. We need to treat Fiber as a full coroutine that we can transfer control from one fiber to another. Luckily Ruby has this with the Fiber#transfer method.
Only a single #resume is called by library and that is to resume the Scheduler Fiber the first time. All other fiber controls are handled via transfer.
So let's step through things again.
Scenario A - make blocking IO call from thread, 1 fiber
Caller Fiber
- Calling fiber makes "blocking" call
- Setup thread and fiber for async support
** Create IOLoop
** Create Fiber Scheduler
- Resume Scheduler loop where it completes setup and yields
- Return back to calling thread & fiber
- Make IO request and enqueue it ** This transfers control from the calling fiber to the Scheduler fiber
- Caller receives a Reply and unwraps the value (or raises the Exception)
- Caller continues onward
Scheduler Fiber
- After yielding for setup, control is transferred from caller
- Transfer passes Request
- Record the Request by Fiber (Request includes fiber reference)
- Send Request to IOLoop via mailbox
- Block on waiting for a response from IOLoop
- Receive Reply from IOLoop mailbox
- Lookup originating fiber
- Transfer to original fiber and pass Reply
Scenario B - Listen on socket and Accept new connections; each socket gets its own fiber
Caller Fiber
- Calling fiber makes "blocking" call
- Same setup as above
- Make Accept IO request and enqueue it
- Caller receives Accept Reply, unwraps value, creates new Fiber and transfers to it with Reply args
- Caller is now suspended
- Caller receives Accept Reply, unwraps value, creates new Fiber and transfers to it with Reply args
Accept Fiber
- Created to handle newest incoming connection
- Read from socket
- Make Read IO Request and transfer control to Scheduler Fiber
- Caller receives Read Reply and processes it
- Close socket
- Fiber exits
Scheduler Fiber
- After yielding from setup, control is transferred from caller
- Record Request by Fiber
- Send Read Request to IOLoop via mailbox
- Wait for response from IOLoop
- This time we get another Accept Reply
- Lookup originating fiber
- Transfer to Accept Fiber
The only work that occurs is on a straight line through each fiber. When a fiber transfers control out to the Scheduler fiber, it does NOT get to run again until a Reply (which could be a Timeout) comes in for it. The Scheduler needs some work to pass back to the caller so it can resume otherwise the Scheduler fiber BLOCKS waiting for work. There is no situation where there is another Fiber ready to resume work on something... if it had work to do, it would already be running and the Scheduler would be suspended. So the "scheduler" is just doing some bookkeeping to track requests and match them up against their originators to deliver replies back. Not worthy of a rename though.
Fiber#transfer neatly resolves a major issue I had. With just yield/resume, I always had to yield a Reply back to the latest caller. If a Reply for another fiber came in, we were SOL. By using transfer we can ping pong around to various fibers and had off Replies as they come in.
COMMANDS Let's talk about how commands should work. Initial thought was that the Request::Command hierarchy would be a struct to contain the method name and method arguments. Somewhere in the thread worker pool (or in the IOLoop) we would detect the kind of command was sent, and then directly call the syscall corresponding to that command. The command struct would provide the args, etc.
An alternative would be for the Command struct itself to contain a method that invokes the syscall directly. It already has access to the appropriate args. Just issue the call with the args and handle the outcome. Some commands have different error handling than others, so this let's us create specific handlers for each command type. Downside is that we need a command to mimic the structure of the larger class hierarchy. That is, if we are calling File.open, we need a Command::File::Open which is distinct from a Command::Pipe::Open. In this case, open works the same for files as for pipes, so maybe it isn't a good example? Perhaps read
is a better example.
Another idea is to pass a closure. Instead of creating a complex Command struct hierarchy, just have the original method capture the command and args in a closure (block). Pass that down for execution on the IO thread or in the worker pool. This has the added benefit of keeping the source code for the work close to its origin. One minor detail is that the block itself can't tell us if the code contents will block or nonblock. Hmmm... we can attach a singleton method to the block via extend
using the WillBlockMixin or WontBlockMixin defining the blocking?
Adjusted idea... When creating the BlockingCommand, the command will generate an empty promise which will ride along with the command. When the command executes, it fulfills/resolves the promise. When fulfilled, the Promise knows how to schedule itself on the IOLoop to be handled in the next iteration and get sent back to the originating IOFiber. That Promise can also be watched by a timeout timer and resolved by it, so the Promise itself needs some kind of CAS (compare-and-swap) so that it can only be resolved once without races.
Question is... should the Promise schedule itself on the IOLoop to get handed back to the originating IOFiber via the mailbox? Or, should the Promise just insert itself directly into that IOFiber's mailbox? I like the latter... less work for the IOLoop to do.
class BlockingCommand attr_reader :promise def blocking?; true; end
def initialize(outbox:, &blk) @promise = Promise.new(mailbox: outbox) # outbox refers to originating fiber's mailbox @command = Proc.new do reply = blk.call @promise.fulfill(reply) end end end
class Promise def initialize(mailbox:) @mailbox = mailbox @cas = AtomicFlag.new(true) end
def fulfill(reply) if @cas.compare_and_set(true, false) # We only get here if we are the first to set new value # Post reply directly to originating IOFiber's mailbox @mailbox.post(reply) end end end
open = BlockingCommand.new(mailbox: outbox) do rc = Platform.open(path, flags.to_i, mode.to_i) errno = rc < 0 ? Platform.errno : nil Reply.new(rc: rc, errno: errno, fiber: fiber) end
How would this look for a nonblocking command? Let's sketch one out after rubber ducking. The command needs to know its file descriptor, for one. The command should know how to register/unregister the FD with the active polling mechanism. Instead of putting this logic into the command, the command should take a reference to the polling mechanism and know how to call the methods with correct args to do the work. This way we can encapsulate this logic in the polling mechanism itself rather than teaching every command how to handle select/epoll/kqueue.
Sometimes a read/write will "short pay" the request so instead of reading/writing X bytes it will only do (X - Y) bytes as a partial. We need to detect this. Question is should we return the partial and let the user deal with it or keep looping until the request is completed or we err out? Won't know this answer until I write the code and see.
In case of #accept, we need to fulfill and return a new promise each time we accept a new connection. Right now we are only creating a single Promise per Command so this needs more thought. If the Promise is scheduling itself directly on the calling Fiber loop and bypassing the IOLoop, we save on a bunch of record keeping. The command itself could know to generate a new Promise for every iteration. Again, won't really know how to handle this until I get knee deep into the code. Hmmm, maybe for #accept we determine if it has been passed a block. If so, the caller expects a Promise back for every connection. If no block, then it's a single call and after the #accept completes it should deregister itself.
Perhaps the idea above can be generalized for other commands too like read & write. If given a block then continue running and return a Promise for every X bytes read/written.
read = NonblockingCommand.new(mailbox: outbox, with_block: true/false) do
I might need to back up here and write the end user code with an ideal API. That API can then drive some of these decisions.
Blocking Ops
- open
- socket
- bind
- connect
- listen
- close
- shutdown
Nonblocking Ops
- accept (registers fd from listen)
- read
- write
Given the above, let's walk through setting up a socket server.
- Making blocking call to allocate a socket fd
- bind the socket fd to an address
- Make blocking call to listen on the fd
- Make nonblocking call to accept on listen_fd
- Loop needs to record this FD. Length of this list determines length of eventlist for kevent. If Command (with associated FD) is oneshot, register it as such. If repeatable, register as such.
- Loop needs to add this FD to changelist via kevent ** When calling kevent with a changelist, the eventlist is always zeroed. When calling kevent to retrieve events, the changelist is always zeroed. We want to keep these operations separated.
- Setup timeout to be the minimum of [shortest timer, 1 second]
- Call kevent with zero changelist and non-zero eventlist. eventlist length is determined by the length of array recording active non-blocking FDs. See first bullet under #4.
- Process eventlist. FD from ident field can be used to lookup the recorded FD command. The associated command can provide a Promise that will take the data (or error) and return it to the original caller.
Just read through the Ruby IO and Socket rdoc again. The only method where it makes sense for it to take a block is #accept. Something like:
io = Socket::TCP.new(ip: '', port: 5555)
err = io.listen
raise 'failed to listen' if err.rc < 0
io.accept do |socket|
# run in its own fiber
# any call to IO methods will provide opportunity for fiber
# to yield and other fibers to run.
# do not do any infinite loops here without a sleep or io call.
# socket is NOT implicitly closed at block termination
Alternately, we do provide a block-style for File.open where the file is closed at block termination. We could do something similar for Socket::TCP.new where it takes a block and closes the socket when done.
Create a Function module. This will contain methods to wrap all POSIX functions and return their results. These Function namespaced methods will then be called by both Sync and Async modules. No sense in defining these funtions in multiple places when they can be shared.
States Let's say I want my newly created IO object to close its file descriptor. Once I do, calls to #read or #write should fail. I could just propagate up the OS errors back to the programmer but this is more "work" that the system should not be executing. We already know the FD is closed and these calls will fail, so fail early.
One way to handle this is by making the IO object utilize an internal Private object that contains all of the correct logic for the current IO state. A "normal" state object knows how to read/write, etc. A "closed" state object has all the same methods but these methods all immediately return an error that the file descriptor is closed. We could probably take a hint from the man pages. This "closed state" would be the EBADF IO state (invalid fd).
Valid states are:
Top 3 states imply "open" |- Readonly |- Writeonly |- Readwrite |- Closed |- FailedOpen (same as Closed?)
I can foresee mixin modules that all for read and write. To make readwrite, include both.
How does this work with Pipes or Socket pairs? Probably no different. In a pipe pair, one is for reading the other is for writing. We could potentially wrap a pair in a Pair object so that read go to the read pipe/socket and writes go to the other one. This kind of composition isn't hard and might be useful. Upon reviewing the pipe(2) man page, this is probably the way to go. It creates pipe FDs in pairs. Composition would be nice.
Different topic... For SyncIO, the #read/#write commands should return a new 'io' instance since it will track the file offset internally. To be threadsafe, we need to construct a new instance and update its offset ivar. The old instance should remain valid but since its offset can never change any new read on it will start at the same offset every time. Internally the object will use #pread.
The Sync
module is the namespace dedicated to all classes handling blocking IO.
While the underlying operating system may allow passing flags to allow for non-blocking behavior, this class does not have any special support that operation at all. It would need to be explicitly handled by the programmer. For nicer non-blocking or asynchronous IO work, see Async
Sync | |--------------------------------------------------------------------- | | | | | | | FCNTL Stat Config Timer Block Stream IOCTL | | | | |- Mode |- Once |- File |- | | | | |- Flags |- Repeat |- Directory |- | | | |- Spawn |- String |- Pipe -------- Pair | | |- ZeroMQ Process | |- TTY ------ | | | Console | |- Socket | |- TCP |- UDP |- RAW |- UNIX |- Pair
All SyncIO works on ASCII-8BIT. To use Encodings, create an IO::Transcoder and pass in the SyncIO::Block or SyncIO::Stream instance. Do all read/write operations on the transcoder instance.
AsyncIO will inherit from SyncIO::Block, SyncIO::FCNTL, and SyncIO::Stat to avoid duplication of effort. None of these operations are truly non-blocking/asynchronous so they will be handed off to a thread pool for completion. The AsyncIO::Stream and AsyncIO::Timer classes can be truly non-blocking so this code may or may not inherit generic functionality from the SyncIO parent classes. To be determined.
Async | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | | | | | | Block Stream Timer FCNTL IOCTL Stat "Enumerable/Convenience" | | | | | |_ Once |_ File |_ Pipe | | | |_ Repeat |_ Directory |_ TCP | |_ UDP | |_ TTY__ Console | |- Socket | |- TCP |- UDP |- RAW |- Pair
IO | |--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | | | | | Internal Async Sync Config Constants Transcoder | | |-- Private | |-- Platforms -- Functions, et al
Each SyncIO or AsyncIO io object will have a stat function so we can retrieve information on the open file descriptor. That method will likely delegate to Stat.fstat which will return an instance of Stat. This way we stat the file once and can (at our leisure) get various details from it such as birthtime, file type, etc. without re-stat'ing the file for each inquiry. Stat.lstat and Stat.stat will also exist and behave similarly.
The IO::Internal::Platforms::Functions namespace will contain small Ruby methods that call the POSIX functions and return their values and errno. These Functions can be shared between the Sync and Async child branches since everyone is making the same system call(s). For those calls that always block (and will need to be sent to a thread pool for async delivery), the Async classes can call their Sync equivalents directly. No need to write that code twice either.
IOCTL Need to investigate this a bit more. The ioctl for sockets shows quite a few macros for handling addresses and such. If ioctl is the only exposure for these things then I'll likely need to support this even though all of ioctl is supported via C Macros. Will need C function wrappers for the macros. Hopefully all functionality is exposed via other utilities like get/setsockopt, getsockname, etc. Same for fileio.h and tty.h. Sigh. Good article: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/15807846/ioctl-linux-device-driver
The core IO classes deal with 8-bit bytes exclusively. They have no notion of "character" or multi-byte character. To get this behavior, there is a Transcoder
class which can either wrap an existing IO (composition) or the IO can extend the TranposerMixin. This class provides the Encoding support to read/write characters in all their myriad forms. It will provide an each_char
method. If used as a Mixin, then it overrides the built-in each
method to work on char boundaries. The old each
method is renamed each_byte
and remains available for use. A convenience mixin provides each_line
Had a wild idea while walking the dogs tonight. Instead of requiring everyone to wrap their IO object in a Transcoder, let the factory methods creating IO objects take an encoding option. If it's anything other than ASCII_8BIT, use a trick learned from Celluloid that let's the #new return a different object. The object would be the transcoder (same API as a regular IO object) and it would be completely transparent. I froget the technique but it had something to do with overriding #allocate I think.
While working on the ASCII_8BIT transcoder, it became clear that buffered reads are a must. Right now the EachReader class(es) handle the buffering. It returns the correct number of bytes requested and buffers the additional bytes internally. This works fine for random IO types like File and String, but it will break for streaming IO like pipes and sockets. Why? Well, for one, those will need to use read/write instead of pread/pwrite (no seeking allowed). Two, if the EachReader class is internally buffering some bytes read from a stream and it exits early (e.g. return
called from within a block) then those extra buffered bytes will be lost. Subsequent reads from the stream will show a gap. So, ultimately we will need to push the buffering down into the read/write methods for Socket/Pipe/Stream. All the buffering code in EachReader will then likely be superfluous and will need to be removed.
Let's see what happens.
ONLY LOAD WHAT WE NEED Restructure so that we can load only what we want/need. e.g. require 'io/async' # loads io/config, io/private, io/async and subdirs require 'io/async/socket' # loads io/config, io/private, io/async/socket require 'io/sync/file' # loads io/config, io/private, io/sync/file require 'io' # loads everything
- get Sync read implemented
- get Sync write implemented
- get Async read/write implemented
- get Sync socket/listen/bind/connect/accept implemented
- get Async socket/listen/bind/connect/accept implemented
- do NOT get sidetracked by fcntl, rearranging inheritance hierarchies, etc. Implement the MINIMUM necessary to get the above bullets done!! Refactor later!!
- audit for imperative shell, functional core
def write_append(&blk) offset = Stat.fstat(@fd).length # get file size loop do bytes = yield(self, offset) offset += bytes end end
Use like: write_append do |io, current_offset| bytes_written = io.write(offset: current_offset, buffer: some_string) bytes_written # must pass back number of bytes written to adjust offset end
NOTE To prevent writes from being lost when the Ruby runtime is exiting, the main thread will need to somehow join on the IOLoop and signal it to exit upon completion. I imagine this means the IOLoop will need to deregister all of its FDs and let the loop cycle at least once to flush any pending writes. This could be tricky.
UNIX domain sockets do NOT provide out-of-band data like TCP sockets. Neither do UDP sockets.
All socket combinations: AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, IPPROTO_TCP => TCP v4 socket (sockaddr_in) AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, IPPROTO_UDP => UDP v4 socket (sockaddr_in) AF_INET6, SOCK_STREAM, IPPROTO_TCP => TCP v6 socket (sockaddr_in6) AF_INET6, SOCK_DGRAM, IPPROTO_UDP => UDP v6 socket (sockaddr_in6) AF_INET, SOCK_RAW, IPPROTO_RAW => RAW v4 socket AF_INET6, SOCK_RAW, IPPROTO_RAW -> RAW v6 socket AF_UNIX, SOCK_STREAM, ?? => UNIX socket (sockaddr_un) AF_UNIX, SOCK_DGRAM, ?? => UNIX socket (sockaddr_un)
- open and unconnected (must use sendto, recvfrom)
- connected (can use send/recv)
- closed
- open
- named (connected)
- closed
Class structure could look like this: We have a shell class that provides all of the methods for the given object. These methods all delegate to an internal @context ivar where the actual business logic lives. When a new socket opens, the @context is set to the Open behavior. In this state, the socket can really only bind, connect, and sendto (which does an implicit connect). This forces a state change to Connected. We update the @context to Connected behavior. When we close the socket, it updates @context to Closed. Each of these internal behavior objects responds to all methods though they will do different things based upon the state.
Delete a message to the internal context safely. def safe_delegation #(&blk) @mutex.synchronize do yield(@context) end end
def change_context_to(klass, **args)
@context = klass.new(**args) end
Called like: def bind(addr) safe_delegation do |context| rc, errno = context.bind(addr) if rc > 0 change_context_to(Named, addr: addr) end [rc, errno] end end
By convention the @context ivar is only directly accessed in #safe_delegation and #change_context_to. Those are the only two methods that can read or modify the ivar directly. Everwhere else that ivar is used within a block where it's passed in as a block argument. This prevents those blocks from resetting @context (though they could... but it would defy the convention).
We will probably need to nest the behavior change down one level. The outer shell should have no notion of current state. It delegates to the behavior object by sending a message to it. The return value may include a new behavior to take the place of the old behavior. So, the shell needs to manage the mutex so that only one state/behavior change can be in flight at a time.
class SocketShell def inititalize(**args) ... @context = Open.new(**args) end
def bind(addr) safe_delegation do |context| behavior, rc, errno = context.bind(addr) update_context(behavior) [rc, errno] end end
def safe_delegation @mutex.synchronize do yield @context end end
def update_context(behavior) @context = behavior end end
class Open def initialize(**args) ... end
def bind(addr) rc, errno = Platforms::Functions.bind(@fd, addr) if rc > 0 # success! # state change, so return new behavior behavior = Named.new(**args) else behavior = self # no state change, return same concrete state end [behavior, rc, errno] end end
GETADDRINFO This is a real workhorse of a function. AI_FAMILY types: ai_socktype: SOCK_STREAM, SOCK_DGRAM, and SOCK_RAW (STREAM implies TCP, DGRAM implies UDP) ai_protocol: IPPROTO_UDP or IPPROTO_TCP or IPPROTO_RAW
SOCKET CREATION The call to socket(2) allows for the programmer to pass the domain, type, and protocol directly. However, I am making the choice to not expose this particular method. To create a socket, the creation must use the values from a valid addrinfo struct. So the process to create a socket will look something like this:
socket = Socket.open(hostname: host, port: service, tcp4: true)
The call above will call getaddrinfo behind the scenes and get the first IPv4 address that conforms to the given hostname and port. Ultimately this will filter down to a call to Socket.new(addrinfo: info). That initializer might be private so that the programmer is forced to always go through class method helpers.
Why limit the programmer's choices? Well, the current Socket API in Ruby provides every option and as a result exposes a pretty messy API. There should be certain well-worn paths that easily allow the programmer to accomplish the most common tasks. This is in the form of a good API. Yes, it may take away some choices but it's simpler and more powerful.
Interesting note that one side needs to bind and connect. The bind
is implicit in other protocols but needs to be explicit for domain sockets.
Makes no sense to create a single-ended pipe. When using pipe
syscall, it creates a reader and a writer pair of FDs that are associated with the same pipe. Kind of like socketpair
in the sense that a single syscall sets up the relationship.
DIRECTORIES Many of the current methods on Ruby's Dir seem pointless. Methods like #tell, #read, etc are strange. Might just be my ignorance of the utility of these functions, so research it a bit. For new Dir class, thinking that it won't returns Strings as pathnames. We should also return a URL (universal record locator) object. This will, of course, have a #to_s method on it so someone can get a string if they really want it. Dir#each should take keyword args so the programmer can control some behavior. For encoding, provide a IO::TranscodeDir or similar. Need to figure out that hierarchy. Dir.glob is going to be fun to implement in Ruby. Hear there are lots of performance issues so we'll need to be smart and maybe a bit clever.
EACH Thinking that this should be supported as a mixin. The module would contain something similar to the Rubinius EachReader class. However, I'm thinking it should be broken down even more granularly so that there is a EachLimitReader, EachSeparatorReader, etc. Not sure this makes sense so pay attention when implementing.
Also, the #each methods should handle buffering. The "limit" readers can pretty easily request the specific number of bytes. The "line" or "separator" readers cannot. They need to read in some PAGE_SIZE quantity and return the lines to the caller. But the extra bytes read should not be thrown away; cache/buffer them locally until we run out and then read more.
Note that TruffleRuby just improved #gets and #each by making sure to only instantiate a single EachReader instead of instantiating a new one to every call to #each. Maybe have a private method each that handles this instatiation and we just call into it from the public facing methods. Again, this will be easier to figure out during implementation.
The Transcode class(es) will provide their own #each methods that work on characters. When reading unicode, we know that 16-byte chars and 32-byte chars always take the same amount of space. Converting from bytes to chars is a simple multiplication. UTF-8 is trickier since a char can be anywhere from 1 to 4 bytes long. To read 80 chars requires reading AT LEAST 80 bytes and perhaps as many as 320 bytes.
The methods in original Ruby IO that support enumeration of the IO stream are: IO.foreach IO.readlines IO#each IO#each_byte IO#each_char IO#each_codepoint IO#each_line IO#getbyte IO#getc IO#gets IO#readbyte IO#readchar IO#readline IO#readlines IO#ungetbyte IO#ungetc
Several of these are duplicates of each other and differ only in how EOF is handled (return empty string or raise EOFError). Additionally, several of them take in multiple options depending on their position in the method argument list (each, readlines). Lastly, some methods differ in that they update a global variable after each line (or not).
First, let's separate out the byte-level enumeration from character/string enumeration. These byte-level operations should properly be part of the main enumeration mixin. IO#each, IO#each_byte, IO#getbyte, IO#readbyte, IO#ungetbyte
The Transcode enumeration mixin should support the remaining ideas but with a simplified keyword-aware interface. IO.readlines, IO#each_char, IO#each_codepoint, IO#each_line, IO#getc, IO#gets, IO#readchar, IO#readline, IO#readlines, IO#ungetc
The basis of all is IO#each. In current Ruby, IO#each works on lines/strings. For a system that works with ASCII_8BIT this kind of doesn't make sense. Let's suggest that #each only works on bytes and will read those bytes with some +limit+. The other methods can compose their operations on top of the work that #each performs.
def each(offset:, limit:) ... end
def each_byte(offset:) each(offset: offset, limit: 1) { |byte| yield(byte) } end
The above looks nice, but those in the know will see a performance problem. There will be lots of method overhead to read a single byte at a time from a stream. Since we always specify the starting offset, the #each method could intelligently buffer data internally. It will maintain state local to its own method. We might waste some effort reading more than we need to read but that will be neglible over time. Anyone who is truly worried about that can just issue #read(offset:, length:) commands directly which will do NO buffering.
Note that by maintaining state within the method we are disallowing some tricks used by Rubinius (and other runtimes?) wherein they mimicked IO#gets by calling IO#each with a block and returning directly from within the block. This would screw up #each's internal bookkeeping so we need to do better.
The methods #getbyte and #readbyte are superfluous. They are just #read(limit: 1, offset: ?). If someone needs to read a string of bytes and process them, they should use #each_byte for that purpose or call #read directly.
IO#ungetbyte has very strange semantics. Will not be supported.
So for basic enumeration, we are left with #each(limit:, offset:), and each_byte(offset:).
Note also that these mixins/classes are generic to Sync/Async. We use the same code for both; they are blocking-agnostic. However, we will probably have to pollute the method signature with a timeout:
arg even though it would be ignored by the Sync IO objects.
Create a LimitReader class that provides the #each functionality. It should be a strict, unbuffered reading of +limit+ bytes. For better perf (prove with a benchmark), offer a mixin that provides a BufferedLimitReader to replace the unbuffered one (really it will probably just subclass it). #each should be part of the IO class at all times. Note that File or String based IO needs an offset and will use #read under the covers; Socket, Pipe or other streams do NOT take an offset and usually use #recv to get data (pipe is a weird outlier). So, the #each method signature will be different for files versus sockets.
FFI Select & FDSet FFI can't wrap macros. Luckily the select(2) macros are fairly simple and the fd_set struct is the same on all platforms. FD_SETSIZE is a max of 1024 and defaults to 64 on some platforms. We'll always allocate 1024.
class FDSet < FFI::Struct
descriptors, [:uint8, 1024 / 8]
def set?(bit_index:) byte_index, nibble_index = indexes(bit_index: bit_index) byte = self[:descriptors][byte_index]
case nibble_index
when 0; byte & 0b00000001
when 1; byte & 0b00000010
when 2; byte & 0b00000100
when 3; byte & 0b00001000
when 4; byte & 0b00010000
when 5; byte & 0b00100000
when 6; byte & 0b01000000
when 7; byte & 0b10000000
def set(fd:) byte_index, bit_index = indexes(index: fd) change(byte_index: byte_index, bit_index: bit_index, to_val: 1) end
def clear(fd:) byte_index, bit_index = indexes(index: fd) change(byte_index: byte_index, bit_index: bit_index, to_val: 0) end
def change(byte_index:, bit_index:, to_val:) # for algorithm, see: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/47981/how-do-you-set-clear-and-toggle-a-single-bit self[:descriptor][byte_index] ^= (-to_val ^ self[:descriptor][byte_index]) & (1 << bit_index); end
def indexes(index:) byte_index = index / 8 nibble_index = (index % 8) - 1 # remember to use 0-based indexing end end
ASYNC SLEEP & TIMERS Here's how it should work...
- a call to Kernel#sleep (which has been monkey-patched) will essentially call Async.sleep(duration)
- Async.sleep calls Internal::Backend::Async.build_timer_request which gets passed to the IOLoop.
- IOLoop processes the timer request and passes it to the Poller. Some pollers like KqueuePoller know how to directly deal with timers and can create one. Use this facility if available. For SelectPoller, we'll need to maintain a sorted list of timers and utilize the select(2) timeout facility for triggering timer events. Note that select will return if any registered event is ready on a watched FD, so we might wake up before a timer is set to fire. In that case, we need to calculate the remaining sleep time and block again.
- The timer request takes a closure just like other async requests (read, write, etc). When timer fires, execute the closure. In most cases this will be an empty / nil closure so its purpose will be to wake up the originating fiber.
When closing an Async FD, we need to make sure that closure flows through to the underlying Poller. The FD needs to be deregistered, any callbacks need to be deleted, their keys need to be deleted, etc. One way of achieving this is to have the close
command wrapped in a new kind of Request. The Request could have a unregister
method on it which would take a poller instance. When dispatched, this method gets called to remove the FD. Come to think of it, the NonblockingWriteCommand/NonblockingReadCommand/NonblockingTimerCommand classes all use register
as the method name. This might be wrong. For a potential BlockingCloseCommand, we need a generic interface on the command to execute the removal of its FD from the poller. The method name register
is too specific. Maybe call
? Think on it.
Additional thought... when reading from a socket or pipe, sometimes the remote end "hangs up" and we detect that by reading and getting 0 bytes back. On send, we might get rc -1 and an EPIPE errno (see send(2) and write(2)). These notices need to force the IO object into a state change. For example, if a socket peer disconnects from writing and we detect the 0, that object should move from ReadWrite state to WriteOnly. Since the user is always using the shell reference, its internal context can be updated to the new state without the user being aware. Next time they attempt to read, they'll get an error. We should make sure the error is correct so they can make the proper choice as for next steps.
LIBRARY ERRORS We have a good handle on dealing with syscall errors. There's a return code (rc) and an error number (errno). rc is usually -1 and errno can be pretty much anything.
So how do we distinguish from internal library errors. Simple! Just raise an exception with the explanation. Uh oh... doesn't work if the error policy is set for ReturnCode. Looks like we need to define our own. Sigh.
I propose using -2 as the return code for library errors. The errno can be set to its OS equivalent. For example, if IO#each fails to run because someone passed a negative limit or negative offset, then errno should probably be same as EINVAL.
It's really hard to get away from exceptions though in a language that allows so much method chaining. Someone who does io.map { |val| transform(val) }.select { |v| v > 4 }
is not going to like it when #map returns an integer return code and errno. It must raise an exception otherwise there'll be a mutiny.
So let's puzzle through this. If the above is accepted as fact ("mutiny"), then we can't avoid exceptions in all cases even when the programmer sets the policy to ReturnCode. Let's say that only direct IO calls (open, read, write, close, and its ilk) conform to the ReturnCode protocol. All other code (that only does a syscall indirectly by calling a method that conforms to ReturnCode) will interpret those codes and raise them as exceptions. Maybe I can make it super easy on myself by providing something like ReturnCode#to_exception so it transforms itself.
def foo return_code = somesyscall(...) raise return_code.to_exception if return_code.error? end
SYSCALL ERRORS Oh, Ruby, your inconsistency is killing me. See this note from the IOError rdoc: "Note that some IO failures raise SystemCallErrors and these are not subclasses of IOError:"
Yep, IO can raise Errno errors, IOErrors, and of course, EOFErrors. Time to pull all of these under one umbrella and make sense of them.
class IO module Error module Errno < SystemCallError # just like current Ruby end
module Argument < ArgumentError # when bad values are passed and we get EINVAL
module Operation #
end end
SPECS All specs should be written as shared specs. That is, any spec that passes in the Sync classes should also pass for the Async classes. This goal may not be possible to achieve; we'll see.
UNICODE FYI, you can use Array#pack and String#unpack to build arbitrary UTF-8 strings. I ran this code to convert the numbers 0 to 255 into UTF-8 and then back into integers so I could see the encoding.
array = 256.times.to_a.map {|v| v} utf8 = array.pack("U*") puts "size #{utf8.size}, bytesize #{utf8.bytesize}" => size 256, bytesize 384 bytes = utf8.unpack("C*")
Turns out that representing 0 to 255 (integer) in UTF-8 takes 384 bytes. From 0 to 127 UTF-8 can represent normal ASCII in a single byte. For 128 to 255, it takes a second byte to represent the codepoint.
GEM COMPATIBILITY or COMPATIBILITY WITH OLD IO API Create monkey patches for a few popular gems; for example, pick one or two HTTP gems and monkey patch them to use the new IO routines. Do same for a redis gem. Maybe do same for Webrick and its dependencies to show off better scalability?
BUFFERED IO The Encodings support in the Transcoder is forcing me to confront the issue of IO buffering. The issue stems from unicode where a char/character may require multiple bytes to form. When we try to iterate a file with a limit of (for example) 50, this is easily handled for ASCII_8BIT. 50 bytes is 50 chars. For UTF-8, 50 bytes might be only 25 chars. We need to read additional bytes to finalize the request.
Every syscall is expensive. If sync, it may block. If async, there's the expense of sending the request through the Fiber Scheduler to the IOLoop and getting the answer back. We want to minimize syscalls and this other machinery. So, we've been buffering in the EachReader class. This works fine for the average case reading from a file.
However, reading from a stream (socket, pipe) that cannot seek is a major problem. If we read more than we need into a buffer, exiting the EachReader early loses that buffered information. When the EachReader goes away, any bytes read from the stream will likewise be released.
So, now it makes sense to push the buffering down a level. Push it to the base IO object. If EachReader exits early, then the buffered bytes can be "unget" back to the IO class and a subsequent read will retrieve them.
BUT, not all use cases allow for buffered reads. Some require UNbuffered reads...
Is the last sentence true? I hope it isn't... then this gets easy because I can push the buffering down a level.
Next morning... dreamt about this last night. Here's the plan. For Block child classes (File, String, anything with random access that allows seek) we will NOT buffer in the IO class. The buffering can happen in the Enumerable. For Stream child classes (Pipe, Socket) we will use #read (not #pread) and buffer in the IO class. The Enumerable will not do buffering.
When Transcoder wraps one of these IO classes, it can check is_a?
and decide which Enumerable to load... Enumerable::Block or Enumerable::Stream.
Also had some random thoughts about #read/#pread in the Transcoder wrapper, but they are fuzzy now... not sure what I was thinking there. Oh! To make Enumerable simpler, push the buffering logic into the #read/#pread of the Transcoder class. This way the Enumerable just resets its offset to whatever and the next read should satisfy as much as possible out of the buffer, if any. Need to be clever to make this caching work for #pread so we'll need to track offset
internally to that method.
In Enumerable::Block#read, we'll make sure that it always allocates its own buffer. #read_from_storage will pass nil for buffer:. Anyway, the #read/#pread should allocate a large reusable buffer (32k?) starting from the offset requested. It will only return the requests nbytes though and hang on to the rest. Next time a read request comes in, it will check to see if it overlaps the existing buffer. If so, satisfy it directly from the buffer otherwise satisfy as much as possible from buffer and then read another 32k.
In Enumerable::Stram#read, this will just delegate directly to @io.read. That method will be similar to Enumerble::Block#pread in the sense that it will also allocate its own buffer by default and try to satisfy requests out of it. If the user passes their own buffer in to the Stream#read, we can fake things out by copying from our internal buffer to the user's buffer. memcpy should be fast!
Just got back from walking the dogs and have more clarity on this issue. The idea of unbuffered reads is dead. I ran through a lot of scenarios to try and prove its worth, but I can't. The only situation where it gets a bit dicey is memory consumption. If there are a lot of IO objects each with their own 32k buffer, things could get tight on an embedded system. The solution there is to provide a global configuration mechanism for setting the default buffer size to a different value. Put a lower bound on it (128 bytes?) so that we can continue to take advantage of some small buffering for Transcoding performance.
So this means that all IO classes will handle read buffering. I'll need to create a ReadCache class that can populate itself and invalidate itself, etc. Thought about write buffering but the OS does a better job than I ever could so all writes will go direct to a syscall. This neatly sidesteps any issues of invalidating a read cache because a write changed some bytes overlapping with the cache.
The idea of splitting buffering between Enumerable::Block and IO::Stream just didn't sit well with me. This decision to put all buffering into IO::Block and IO::Stream is much better.
READ CACHE All reads go through here. If the read request can be fully accommodated by the cache, it copies the buffer and returns. If the request overlaps the end of the buffer (but still fits within total size) then it issues a new read from that offset to replace the cache and then copies the substring back. If the request is larger than the cache, invalidate the cache and pass the request straight through to read. Do not try to cache those large reads.
As a side benefit, read will be available for truly unbuffered reads. Anyone who wants/needs that can use it directly.
NON-POSIX FUNCTIONS OSX has kqueue. Linux has epoll. Both have #writev, #readv, and a bunch of others that are not part of POSIX. These non-POSIX functions could be added to a PlatformsMixin... Platforms::Mixin::Linux and Platforms::Mixin::BSD or whatever. During instantiation of a class, it could do something like: class Bar < Foo include Platforms::Mixin::Linux if Platforms.linux? include Platforms::Mixin::BSD if Platforms.bsd? end
This would allow us to provide support for platform-specific functions at runtime. I'm sure there's more than one way to skin this cat, so play around with a few options.
API for creating configuration objects used to open new IO streams. A file can be specified by either a path or a file descriptor (but not both). Similarly, files can be opened in different modes and with different flags. Rather than try to design a method to handle all of these different combinations (with its attendant complex method signature) we provide a configuration object facility which enforces the appropriate rules.
- file_from(fd: nil, path: nil)
Returns a Config::File object. Given a fd
argument, the path
argument is ignored. So setting both results in only the fd
argument being processed.
Given a path
argument with a trailing slash, the slash will be removed.
config = SyncIO::Config.file_from(fd: 1, path: '/path/will/be/ignored')
io = SyncIO.new(file_config: config)
- mode_from()
Defines the API that all concrete classes should implement. Any methods that do not make sense in the context of the concrete class should raise NotImplemenetedError
. For example, it is nonsensical for SyncIO::Directory#read to be called.
- line_separator=(separator_string)
Defaults to "\r\n" on most operating systems. Any instances of SyncIO subclasses will set their default separator to the value of SyncIO.line_separator
upon instantiation and make a local copy of it. If SyncIO.line_separator
is modified, it does not effect any existing instances nor change their default separator.
- line_separator
Returns the default line separator. Defaults to "\r\n".
- path_separator=(separator_string)
Defaults to forward-slash "/" on most operating systems. Defaults to backward-slash "" on Windows. Can be reset to any valid byte string.
- path_separator
Returns the default path separator. Defaults to "/" on most OSes or "" on Windows.
Returns a SyncIO::Mode struct instance.
Returns a SyncIO::Flags struct.
- copy_stream(source_path:, destination_path:, copy_length: source.size, source_offset: 0)
::copy_stream copies source to destination. source and destination is a filename. source will be opened read only while destination will be opened write-only and will truncate existing file.
This method returns the number of bytes copied.
If optional arguments are not given, the start position of the copy is the beginning of the filename.
If copy_length is given, No more than copy_length bytes are copied.
If source_offset is given, it specifies the start position of the copy.
Both source and destination are closed upon completion.
Raises an IOError in the following situations:
source does not exist
destination location is not writable
destination runs out of space
new(fd: nil, path: nil, mode: SyncIO.mode, flags: SyncIO.flags, &blk)
Creates a new SyncIO instance.
If fd is given, will open the given fd using the mode and flags.
If path is given, will open the given path using the mode and flags.
If both fd and path are given, raises an ArgumentError. If neither fd and path are given, raises an ArgumentError.
If mode or flags are not given, uses defaults. See SyncIO.mode and SyncIO.flags for more detail.
If blk is given, passes the SyncIO instance to the block for operations. Upon exiting the block, the instance is closed safely. The value of the block is the return value. When no blk is passed, returns a SyncIO instance whereupon it is the programmer's responsibility to close it.
FUTURE THOUGHTS... RUBY MESH One of the inspirations for writing this library was to have a solid foundation for building out a distributed processing library (could be Actors, could be a distributed async-await, could be dRuby on steriods, etc). While walking the dogs, I got stuck on the issue of discoverability. Look at the RINA stuff which seems to be full of interesting ideas along these lines.
FIBER SCHEDULER While thinking about producing an "echo server" example, I realized that we couldn't easily spool up a bunch of "connect" requests. Here's the potential pseudo-code.
1 10.times do |i| 2 socket[i].connect(addr: addr) do |sock, remote_addr| # connect will suspend fiber 3 rc, errno, string = sock.recv # will suspend fiber 4 # echo back 5 sock.send(string) # will suspend fiber 6 # exit block... 7 end 8 end
I marked each line above where the fiber will suspend. Walking through this, we will suspend on line 2 when we call #connect. When it returns, we'll spin up a new Fiber to execute the block and transfer to it. That fiber will suspend on lines 3 and 5. However, those suspensions will not pick up any execution from line 2 to line 8 and then back to top of loop. So we'll be processing the #connects in lock-step form. I don't like this.
Instead, we will suspend on line 2 as before inside the #connect call. When it returns a connection, we will mark the fiber that the #connect ran in as "eligigle for more work". We'll then create a new fiber for the connect block and transfer to it. When that fiber suspends on line 3, we enter the Fiber Scheduler. We'll package up the request and send it to the IOLoop. Normally at this point we would block waiting for a response.
However, I suggest that the Fiber Scheduler check for other fibers that are eligible for work and transfer back to them. In this case, we'd do something like this in the scheduler:
fiber_list. select { |f| f.local[:eligible_for_work] }. each { |f| f.transfer }
This would find the fiber spawning the #connect requests and transfer to it. It would detect that it was resumed to do more work and continue on. It would go to line 8 and then back to line 1 for another loop iteration. Wash, rinse, repeat.
Obviously we need a way to build fiber_list
in the scheduler. Perhaps every fiber registers itself the first time it transfers into the scheduler (simplest). Anyway, once that loop finishes its 10 iterations it would go to line 9 (not shown) and continue on. When it blocks again OR exits, we're back in the fiber scheduler and can process replies, let other fibers do work, etc.
STRUCTS Need some simple objects to return errors. e.g.
class Err attr_reader :rc, :errno
def initialize(rc, errno) @rc = rc @errno = errno end end
Also need simple objects to return useful data to #each blocks, #accept blocks, etc.
e.g. class EachResult attr_reader :string, :offset
... end
These need to be cheap and fast to allocate and populate. Structs might be a good choice though I wish they supported keyword args pre-2.5.0.
All I know is that the more I experience passing rc, errno, string, offset
or similar long sets of arguments back through a method or into a block, the more I'm convinced these need to collapse into objects. It also future-proofs the method by allowing fields to be added without worrying about positional issues in the block's yield, etc.
Reinstate the debug logging in the scheduler make note of the fiber that exits the block from connect... where did it last get transferred into from? try to figure out where its exit is supposed to match to consider no transferring into the connect fiber from that method; instead, call the usual enqueue method. this way we centralize all error handling for nils and such also, per above, we can enqueue the fiber, detect that and add it to runnables, and then the fiber_io scheduler can transfer to it when there is time for it to run. again, centralize transfers.
tracked the lifecycle of the "connect block fiber" and its parent before crash. 4820 0560 2420 5380 4880 8480 2740
0240's last transfer is in enqueue to the iofiber loop it's first child fiber, 4820, was originally transferred to after the connect block.
4820 into iofiber, enqueue iofiber delivers to 4820, enqueue 4820 into iofiber, enqueue iofiber delivers to 4820, enqueue 4820 into iofber, enqueue iofiber to 4820, enqueue 4820 block has finished 4820 closes socket 4820 into iofiber, enqueue 0240 is transferred from eligible_fibers into connect, value is nil 0240 into iofiber, enqueue (waiting for response to next #connect) iofiber delivers to 4820, enqueue (result of close) 4820 is exiting... 4820 is done, see where next fiber picks up
0240 picks up after enqueue, val is NIL but was expecting reply for #connect
So the issue is that when we pass a block to async #connect, we enclose that block in its own fiber and transfer to it directly. Why? The idea was that the block would execute immediately and quickly run into either an async call or the block would finish and exit. Prior to transferring to this fiber to execute the block, we mark the "parent" fiber as :can_work which is a hint to the Fiber Scheduler.
Anyway, the block runs an async request and enters the iofiber loop. The request is posted to the IOLoop. We then check for eligible fibers to run. The "connect parent" fiber marked itself as :can_work so we transfer back to it from the fiber loop. This let's the connect fiber continue executing. In this case, it loops back and runs another connect request complete with a block and therefore yet another new child fiber.
This pretty much keeps going with a few async replies coming back to their respective fibers and being processed correctly. The replies contain the originating fiber, so we look it up and transfer the reply to the fiber. This works great.
The problem we need to solve is when any of the "connect child fibers" exit. When their block is done, the fiber has nothing more to do so it exits. The way Fiber#transfer works is that we will transfer back to the originator (parent) of that child fiber no matter where it is (uh oh, what happens if the parent has already exited? guess is that ITS parent will be transferred to).
In this case the parent fiber has just enqueued another asyn connect request and was waiting on a reply. Instead, its child fiber exited and returned nil as the fiber value. This immediately transferred back into the parent fiber. It was expecting a connect-reply but got nil. Kaboom.
So how to fix?
One thought is to have the parent fiber enqueue its child fiber to the iofiber loop. Let the iofiber loop add it to a list of "eligible"/runnable fibers and kick it off when ready. We'd want to transfer back to the parent fiber asap but this time it's expecting a nil reply.
When the iofiber loop checks for runnables, it could kick off this fiber. That way, when the fiber exits the iofiber loop is now considered the "parent" since it handled the original transfer and the exiting fiber will transfer back into the iofiber loop.
We should probably have a separate method on the Scheduler for accepting these fibers. e.g. Thread.current.local[:scheduler].schedule_fibers(originator: fiber1, detached: fiber2)
Then change the current entry to: Thread.current.local[:scheduler].schedule_request(request)
Internally, both will call #enqueue which handles the transfer. But each method can add its own "type checks" to verify the passed values and the return values are as expected.
So #schedule_fiber needs to take two args (which complicates the call to #enqueue) or a new Request object that encapsulates the child fiber and its parent. Because we want to transfer back to the parent immediately after handing off the child fiber.
We really need to collapse the number of iofiber entry and exit points to one location. This let's us centralize error handling and reason about this coroutine madness a bit better. As of now, the entry point is always via #enqueue. The exit point is via #deliver or from the #run_eligible_fibers loop. That's bad because every exit locale is just another entry location for a fiber transferring to iofiber. To consolidate this to one place, we'll need to change our perspective to see the solution.
Before this notion of eligible fibers came about, we just had to worry about taking in a request, posting it to the IOLoop, waiting on a response from the IOLoop, and then passing that reply back to the appropriate fiber. There was a LOT of sleeping going on here. And we knew that there was a 1:1 match between requests and replies (the Promises mechanism enforced this even when timeouts came into play since only one producer can ever fulfill a Promise... late comers are ignored).
Let's change out view of things from request/reply to runnable only. If a request comes in, it is NOT runnable. We need to post it to the IOLoop. A reply/response IS runnable. Add it to the runnable queue. A fiber handed off from outside to the iofiber loop is runnable. Add it to runnables.
I'm thinking we need a multi-level feedback queue. Replies are highest priority (1). Requests are important but they aren't part of runnables; they are sent to the IOLoop to be transformed into replies. So we'll leave priority 2 open. And lastly, we have fibers handed off to the fiber loop to be run. They are the lowest priority at priority 3. Add them all to the runnable multi-level feedback queue. To prevent starvation of the lower priority items, we'll say that every N pop events from that queue should automatically promote every surviving element by one level. That is, priority3 stuff is promoted to priority2. Priority2 stuff is promoted to priority1. Priority1 is already at highest priority so it's handled FIFO. Items should be sorted by time posted, so an older priority2 item promoted to priority1 should be in FRONT of a priority1 item that was newer but already there. This is harder but fairer. This would be an easy class to write. We don't need this special kind of queue right away... simple array is fine for now.
By centralizing all runnables to a single queue, we'll have a single place from which to transfer to the outside. I'd like to be able to count on any fiber that exits to immediately transfer back here, so this centralization makes that a definite possibility.
So we'll have one ingress to iofiber via 2 portals... #schedule_fiber, and #schedule_request. They'll both funnel in through #enqueue but have separate error handling, checking, etc. Inside the iofiber, we'll take requests, replies, and fibers from the outside (fibers in same thread or replies from IOLoop). The requests will be immediately posted to the IOLoop, so no transfer takes place with them or needs to be accounted for. Fibers and replies will all funnel into the queue. We'll pop from the queue and transfer either the reply back to its requestor OR we'll spin up a fiber that needs to start some work or CONTINUE some work. When any fiber exits, they will immediately transfer back here and we'll detect it via a nil. Perhaps we should institute a standard wherein internal fibers should exit with a symbol like :exit so we can easily capture it. User fibers that are scheduled might return anything, so unless it's a Reply/Response (need a class for it) or a Fiber, just throw it out.
When there are no runnables, we block on the mailbox waiting for an IOLoop reply.
Time to code.
The above idea almost worked. Got it coded up and it looks great. However, the behavior of an exiting fiber is different that I expected. Instead of exiting back to where it was first resumed/transferred, it exits back to the fiber where it was defined.
To fix, I'm going to try passing in the #connect block to the iofiber as a runnable. When it pops that runnable off the queue, it will detect that it's a block, wrap it in a fiber, and transfer to it. Let's see if that fixes the exit issue.
So I was wrong about the problem above and the fix. Turns out that the fiber exiting will NOT bounce back to where it was defined. It just returns to the last place in the thread that called Fiber#transfer. In this situation it's almost always a non-iofiber fiber that has just enqueued a request. So we return from the block (and fiber) and we transfer right to where an outside fiber called #schedule_request. Sigh.
Not sure what to do. First thought is that we detect the nil reply and immediately transfer back to the iofiber to block waiting on a genuine reply. So, I'd need to define yet another method like #reschedule_me which would call #enqueue(nil). Internally we would detect the nil coming in and ignore it. Just process the next runnable. If none, block on the mailbox waiting for a reply.
So now I see an issue where a thread is ready to exit but its children fibers still have work to do. When the thread exits, the whole runtime aborts. I think we'll need to make that thread hang around until its fibers have completed. The complicating factor here is, of course, that the thread couldn't exit unless some fiber transferred to the root fiber which then exited. Hmmm, need to investigate this some more.
I think finalizers are a good place to start. The finalizer should clean up any open FDs and tell the Scheduler loop to exit. When closing FDs, that request needs to filter down to the IOLoop Poller too so those FDs can be deregistered. The Scheduler loop should probaby post a message to IOLoop letting it know it should deregister the soon-to-be-dead thread's mailbox also. Try that and see where we get.
Second, the echo example could use a little explicit help in cleanup while we figure out how to automate all of it. Make temporary changes to relieve crashes.
ECHO PERFORMANCE Noticed that the echo example was not advancing as quickly as it should with a re-entrant fiber scheduler. After some investigation I think I have the issue pinpointed. I have been treating #connect as a blocking operation. It may take a while for it to complete. What I should have been doing was calling connect in the main thread/fiber and looking for EAGAIN/EWOULDBLOCK/EINPROGRESS. If I get that, then register the FD for a write event with the poller. When it is writable, then the next call should be to #getsockopt(sock, SOL_SOCKET, SO_ERROR, err, errlen) to see if it failed; if zero, note that the connection is up and good; if non-zero, report error to caller. See: https://cr.yp.to/docs/connect.html
That got me to thinking about #read/#write too. Right now I always schedule those to happen on the IOLoop but that's probably taking the easy way out. What I should do is read/write until I get EAGAIN/similar. For a read, return any bytes that were partially read (#read semantics allow for short reads). Then on the next call if I get EAGAIN without any bytes having been read at all, schedule it with the Poller and for a callback. Do the same for #write. This means I'll actually get work done more quickly on my main thread rather than ALWAYS shunting the work off to the IOLoop.
When I make these updates, I'll see pretty quickly if performance has improved.
Made the improvements. Still see a strange pause early on. What I expect is this:
- Should loop through all ClientCount connections in under 100ms or so.
- Should see replies come back from the server based upon its random sleep for each accepted connection.
- Reply round trip times should be ordered from quickest to slowest.
What I see:
- All client connections take 5-10 seconds.
- Replies come back in the expected random order.
- Reply round trip times are NOT sorted from lowest to highest. Boo!
I can't seem to reproduce the issues I mention above. MRI has some weird timing issues, but Rubinius and JRuby (native threads) don't exhibit the same issues. Perhaps there is no issue at all. When I added some timing debugging, it looked like the call to #fcntl in the TCP initialize method had a long delay sometimes. I confirmed it is async. I'll keep digging if I notice this again.
TIMEOUTS I think I have timeouts figured out for async calls. When building the async command, I always pass the timeout arg. The command should build an Async::Timer. It can register itself via the #selector_update call when the command registers itself for a read/write update. It will piggyback on the +poller+ ref and register for a timer event. The Timer callback should include the SAME Promise as the read/write call. Whoever succeeds first, wins.
NAMESPACE Right now I have the IO::Async and IO::Sync namespaces. Both of those will have the exact same sub-namespaces and the method sigantures should be equivalent. I think keeping them separate is now probably a mistake. I'm thinking that the "facade" or API shell should be a single namespace. The user can pick sync or async via a keyword arg passed to any class method that creates an object instance or via a keyword arg passed directly to a class's #initialize.
The different codepaths will exist in the @backend. So, when creating a File.new, do something like:
f = IO::File.new(async: true, **otherargs)
def initialize(async: false, ...) @backend = Internal::Backend.chooser(async) # returns Backend::Sync or Backend::Async ... end
So we can swap backends via a single arg to get the different behavior.
I'll probably continue pushing forward on fleshing out the Async namespace for now. Need to get Stream, TCP, and TTY into a usable state. Also need UDP to be usable. Then I'll collapse the namespace to just IO and eliminate the Async/Sync namespace.
DIRECTORY opendir, readdir, closedir, etc don't really fit into the hierarchy that's forming up. If I had to wedge it in somewhere, and I do, then I'd put it in the RandomAccess tree with File and String. It isn't a StreamAccess type since we can seek around.
UPDATED TREE Some things don't fit neatly into an inheritance tree. For example, while UDP and TCP are both sockets the UDP type is datagram while TCP is a stream. Similarly, UNIX sockets can be either datagram OR stream. Trying to rationalize this and put it into a tree just doesn't work. IO | |-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | | | | | | Internal Config Constants Transcoder Random Stream Datagram | | | | | |- File |- TCP |- UDP |-- Private |- Directory |- TTY | |-- Platforms -- Functions, et al
Need to continue thinking on this. Will implement UDP and see what refactoring opportunities arise.
READ/WRITE/SEND/RECV For sockets, read is the same as recv with a 0 flag. Same for write/send.
Read/write make sense for files, strings, directories, pipes/fifos, and TTYs. Send/recv makes sense for RAW, TCP, UDP, and UNIX domain sockets. However, we should provide a read/write that just delegate to their recv/send partners with the appropriate flag value.