Releases: cityofaustin/vision-zero
v.1.24.0 Eva Street
Eva Street is a residential street located one block west of S. Congress. Herb-bar located on Eva St. was founded 1986 and is home to herbal products for humans and pets.
📸 Source
Vision Zero Editor
- Update Crash Changes business logic (#1051) @chiaberry
- Update PowerBI links on dashboard (#1050) @chiaberry
Vision Zero ETLs
- Have CR3s downloaded in order of crash date (#1053) @frankhereford
v.1.23.0 Electric Drive
Located in the Seaholm Ecodistrict in Downtown Austin, Electric Dr. is a showcase for electric transportation featuring charging options for two- and four wheel electric vehicles. Also features art salvaged from the Seaholm Power Plant, which Austin Energy formerly used to deliver power to Austin.
📷 Source @patrickm02L
Vision Zero Database
- Fix CircleCI failure notification when merged to atd-vz-data (#1043) @sergiogcx
- Resolve "824 crashes have $0 comprehensive cost" (#1030) @frankhereford
Vision Zero Editor
- Enable optional chaining & use it on locations page (#1037) @frankhereford
- Enhance changelog to make output more readable (#1033) @frankhereford
- Comply with TXDOT CRIS data retention policy (10 years) (#1032) @frankhereford
Vision Zero Viewer
- Fix typo in argument flag in (#1036) @frankhereford
- Script to nudge crashes so the lambda function moves them to a service road location (#1026) @frankhereford
- Create python script to download CR3 files in batch (#1035) @frankhereford
v.1.22.0 Enfield Road
Old Enfield is the southernmost neighborhood in the historic Old West Austin District. The area was subdivided and developed early in the 20th century and was one of the first neighborhoods designed around the use of the automobile as a mode of travel.
📷 Source: Biz Journals
Vision Zero Events
- ATD-Events: Upgrades Python Runtime to version 3.8 (#1015) @sergiogcx
- This work was patched into the production deployment of v.1.21.0 Exposition Blvd.
Vision Zero Editor
Vision Zero Viewer
Vision Zero Database
- Refactor lambda function to find service road polygons via a function instead of a view (#1021) @frankhereford
- Creates
function - Creates view
- Creates
Vision Zero Toolbox
- Script to restore archived versions of CR3s on S3 (#1018) @frankhereford
- Implement feedback received on CR3 restoration script (#1019) @frankhereford
- This script can be used to validate stored CR3s in S3 for crashes to ensure they are valid PDFs
v.1.21.0 Exposition Blvd
Vision Zero Database
- Add trigger to set austin_full_purpose (#1007) @mateoclarke
- Resolve comprehensive cost sum for locations (#1004) @frankhereford
- Re-write get_location_totals() (#1003) @frankhereford
- get_locations_totals() received a signature change during this release; one no longer specifies the comprehensive cost of a non-CR3 crash in its invocation; it will find the correct value out of
- get_locations_totals() received a signature change during this release; one no longer specifies the comprehensive cost of a non-CR3 crash in its invocation; it will find the correct value out of
- Address issue in get_location_totals() function (#1002) @frankhereford
Vision Zero Editor
- Update VZD and VZE to compute, track and display crash based comprehensive costs (#1011) @frankhereford
- Allow searching for crashes outside AFP / city_id 22 (#1014) @frankhereford
- New dashboard widget with comp cost update notice (#1012) @frankhereford
- Change formatting for comp-cost and economic-cost to currency (#1005) @frankhereford
- Adds user last login & login count to Users table (#983) @mateoclarke
Vision Zero Events
- Update to lambda function to associate SVRD, directional crashes to polygons (#1013) @frankhereford
Vision Zero Viewer
- Make list order of travel modes consistent (#1001) @jgabitto
- Modify VZD export for Socrata to exclude private drive crashes (#1006) @frankhereford
- Change link in data section of footer in VZV (#1000) @jgabitto
- Enhancements to crash info popup (#999) @jgabitto
Library version maintenance
- Bump urllib3 from 1.25.9 to 1.26.5 in /atd-events/crash_update_location (#996) @dependabot
- Bump urllib3 from 1.25.8 to 1.26.5 in /atd-cr3-api (#995) @dependabot
- Bump rsa from 4.0 to 4.7 in /atd-cr3-api (#985) @dependabot
- Bump jinja2 from 2.11.1 to 2.11.3 in /atd-cr3-api (#979) @dependabot
- Bump pyyaml from 5.3 to 5.4 in /atd-cr3-api (#981) @dependabot
- Bump flask-cors from 3.0.8 to 3.0.9 in /atd-cr3-api (#987) @dependabot
- Bump ua-parser-js from 0.7.19 to 0.7.28 in /atd-vze (#988) @dependabot
- Bump elliptic from 6.5.3 to 6.5.4 in /atd-vze (#977) @dependabot
- Bump y18n from 3.2.1 to 3.2.2 in /atd-vze (#982) @dependabot
- Bump ssri from 6.0.1 to 6.0.2 in /atd-vze (#984) @dependabot
- Bump handlebars from 4.5.3 to 4.7.7 in /atd-vze (#989) @dependabot
- Bump url-parse from 1.4.7 to 1.5.1 in /atd-vze (#990) @dependabot
- Bump lodash from 4.17.19 to 4.17.21 in /atd-vze (#991) @dependabot
- Bump hosted-git-info from 2.7.1 to 2.8.9 in /atd-vze (#992) @dependabot
- Bump chart.js from 2.8.0 to 2.9.4 in /atd-vze (#993) @dependabot
- Bump dns-packet from 1.3.1 to 1.3.4 in /atd-vze (#994) @dependabot
- Bump merge-deep from 3.0.2 to 3.0.3 in /atd-vze (#997) @dependabot
- Bump postcss from 7.0.16 to 7.0.36 in /atd-vze (#998) @dependabot
Deployment Notes
Changes to the database
- Add new column to atd_txdot_blueform (SQL)
- Grant
INSERT, SELECT & UPDATE in Hasura for new field. - Grant
SELECT on new field.
- Grant
- Add new column to atd_txdot_crashes (SQL)
- Grant
INSERT, SELECT & UPDATE in Hasura for new field. - Grant
SELECT on new field.
- Grant
- Create and populate
(SQL)- Track this in Hasura and grant SELECT to
- Track this in Hasura and grant SELECT to
- Update the atd_txdot_crashes_updates_audit_log() function (SQL)
- We had discussed the need to drop and recreate the trigger that invokes this function, but the
syntax avoids this requirement.
- We had discussed the need to drop and recreate the trigger that invokes this function, but the
- Cause the audit log function to be invoked on every crash in the database.
- Most easily, this query will do this task, but consideration should be taken with regards to load on the database at the time of the operation. Based on testing in the staging database, a 20 minute execution time should not be unexpected.
update atd_txdot_crashes set est_comp_cost_crash_based = 1;
- Update the
view (SQL) - Update the
view (SQL) - Update the
function. This will need to be untracked in Hasura, dropped, and recreated due to the signature change resulting from the removal of one of this functions arguments. (SQL) - Create
(SQL)- Track this view in Hasura and grant SELECT permission to EDITOR and READONLY
v1.20.0 Emma Long St
Austin's first female City Council member
VZ Viewer
VZ Editor
- Modifies the message related to unavailable CR3 diagrams/narratives. PR #963
- Fixes movement dropdown bug. PR #970
- Update Dashboard pages with resource links. PR #974
VZ Database
- Fixes ETL bug caused by adding new unit fields. PR #966
Deploy Notes
- n/a
v1.19.0 Davy Crockett Dr
Source: Dallas Museum of Art, The Karl and Esther Hoblitzelle Collection, gift of the Hoblitzelle Foundation
VZ Editor
- Adds Crash Diagram and Crash Narrative components to the Crash Details page. If there is a Crash Diagram available, the Crash Diagram component renders the image parallel to the Crash Location Map and allows the user to zoom, pinch, pan and rotate the Crash Diagram as needed. It also includes a button for the user to download a CR-3 PDF, if available. If there is a Crash Narrative available, the Crash Narrative component renders the narrative as text below the Crash Location and Crash Diagram components. PR #956
- Improves Crash Diagram component styling based on user feedback. Sets dimensions of diagram image to be responsive to viewport height and removes unnecessary vertical white space to maximize image size. PR #960
- Either TxDOT or Microsoft changed the format of the emails, which broke the process that downloads the ZIP file containing the extracts. The format has now been adjusted and it is working in production. PR #959
- Currently we are now extracting the narrative and the diagrams out of CR3 PDFs using Frank’s code. The ETL was created in Airflow, and we simply imported Frank’s code and run it.
v1.18.0 Duval St
📸 :
VZx v1.18.0 Duval St Release Notes
VZ Viewer
- Adds disclaimer for VZV preview instance #948
- Adds explicit time parameters to improve Socrata queries #951
VZ Editor
- Minor crash details page updates for fatalities #950
- Make sure VZE only shows locations level 4 and below #947
- Refactors VZE locations level filter to use group number instead #949
- Fix invalid date bug by passing a fallback value #954
VZ Database
- Filters Locations by Group number #949
Deploy Notes
v1.17.0 Double Eagle Drive
VZx v1.17.0 Double Eagle Drive Release Notes
VZ Viewer
- Updated population estimate table with imported config table, refactored population chart to update on Feb. 1 #942
- Created a “preview” instance for data quality check before beginning of month updates #943
VZ Editor
- Fix Chrome Incognito & Brave browsers login bug #945
Deploy Notes
- Update the settings in the Auth0 dashboard for the ATD Vision Zero Editor application to use rotating refresh tokens
v1.16.0 Dessau Rd
VZx v1.16.0 Dessau Rd Release Notes
Source: Tunefan
More info about Dessau Dance Hall
V Z Editor
- 1.15.2 patch: Unit details edit bug fix PR #936
- Add ATD Fatality Crashes filter and rename non-suspected serious injury crashes to non-incapacitating injury crashes PR #934
- Make injury table crash severity, ssi, total injury counts editable PR #935
- Replace “CRIS Death Count” column with “ATD Death Count” column PR #937
- Update Crashes export CSV fieldsPR #939 PR #940
V Z Database
- Add optional time constraint to Socrata export PR#932
Deploy Notes
v1.15.0 Deep Eddy Ave
VZx v1.15.0 Deep Eddy Ave Release Notes
- Fix bug where aggregate crash widgets aren't updating with GridTable filter updates. PR #930
- Add default sorting for Locations by highest comprehensive cost & make Collision Description sortable for Crashes GridTables PR #927
- Fixed CR3 links for temporary records. PR #925
- SQS Events: Crash_id gets automatically assigned to city_id 22 if it falls in certain jurisdictions: PR #923
- Added a column that shows information about the PDF: file size, file type, encoding, and last update. PR #925
- Update the Time of Day chart to show the same maximum values across all years for each type of crash and weight data in charts according to that max PR #916
- Fix map bug where crash type filters reset when changing mode filters in some cases, improve accessibility of mode checkboxes PR #922
- Ultra-wide monitor fix PR #921 \
- Fix ETL bug in request extract script with CRIS v21.0 update. PR #928
- The ETL now deletes old Hasura history logs to keep the database clean.
- Added execution timeouts for some ETLs so that they don’t block other processes.