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clemahieu edited this page Aug 22, 2012 · 5 revisions

Toolchain primarily exposed as a library

Most compilers and toolchains are exposed as a set of command line programs (make, cc, link, etc.). Mu's toolchain is exposed primarily as a code library in addition to command line programs. This cures a lot of string manipulation and platform variance in the build process.

Partially ordered instructions

Most programming languages have you define a sequence of instructions or a total order; this limits the amount of optimization compilers can perform. Mu syntax is a partial order allowing maximum concurrency all the way from the instruction to the thread level.

Evolutionary improvements

Many of the improvements of Mu are smaller evolutionary improvements over existing languages rather than revolutionary new paradigms. Moving to Mu shouldn't require a major change in programming techniques while addressing many of the headaches commonly hit with existing toolchains. The design decisions of Mu are listed on the Design page.

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