diff --git a/AutoLoggerClassic.lua b/AutoLoggerClassic.lua
index 0276b94..ff4cf88 100644
--- a/AutoLoggerClassic.lua
+++ b/AutoLoggerClassic.lua
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ local GetInstanceInfo, LoggingCombat = GetInstanceInfo, LoggingCombat
-- UI variables.
local X_START = 16
-local X_SPACING = 200
+local X_SPACING = 230
local Y_SPACING = -25
@@ -13,13 +13,11 @@ local hasInitialized = false -- true if init has been called.
local minimapIcon = LibStub("LibDBIcon-1.0")
local buttons = {}
local classicRaids = {
- [249] = "Onyxia's Lair",
[409] = "Molten Core",
[309] = "Zul'Gurub",
[469] = "Blackwing Lair",
[509] = "AQ20",
- [531] = "AQ40",
- [533] = "Naxxramas",
+ [531] = "AQ40"
local tbcRaids = {
[532] = "Karazhan",
@@ -50,6 +48,35 @@ local tbcDungeons = {
[560] = "Old Hillsbrad Foothills",
[585] = "Magisters' Terrace"
+local wotlkRaids = {
+ [533] = "Naxxramas",
+ [614] = "The Obsidian Sanctum",
+ [616] = "The Eye of Eternity",
+ [624] = "Vault of Archavon",
+ [603] = "Ulduar",
+ [649] = "Trial of the Crusader",
+ [249] = "Onyxia's Lair",
+ [631] = "Icecrown Citadel",
+ [724] = "Ruby Sanctum"
+local wotlkDungeons = {
+ [574] = "Utgarde Keep",
+ [575] = "Utgarde Pinnacle",
+ [576] = "The Nexus",
+ [578] = "The Oculus",
+ [595] = "The Culling of Stratholme",
+ [599] = "Halls of Stone",
+ [600] = "Drak'Tharon Keep",
+ [601] = "Azjol-Nerub",
+ [602] = "Halls of Lightning",
+ [604] = "Gundrak",
+ [608] = "Violet Hold",
+ [619] = "Ahn'kahet: The Old Kingdom",
+ [632] = "The Forge of Souls",
+ [650] = "Trial of the Champion",
+ [658] = "Pit of Saron",
+ [668] = "Halls of Reflection"
-- Shows or hides the addon.
local function toggleFrame()
@@ -137,9 +164,11 @@ end
local function init()
- initCheckButtons(0, tbcRaids)
- initCheckButtons(-106, tbcDungeons)
- initCheckButtons(-286, classicRaids)
+ initCheckButtons(0, wotlkRaids)
+ initCheckButtons(-106, wotlkDungeons)
+ initCheckButtons(-290, tbcRaids)
+ initCheckButtons(-400, tbcDungeons)
+ initCheckButtons(-585, classicRaids)
tinsert(UISpecialFrames, AutoLoggerClassicFrame:GetName())
@@ -179,56 +208,49 @@ function AutoLoggerClassic_OnEvent(self, event, ...)
if event == "ADDON_LOADED" and ... == "AutoLoggerClassic" then
ALCOptions = ALCOptions or {}
ALCOptions.minimapTable = ALCOptions.minimapTable or {}
- if not ALCOptions.instances or ALCOptions.instances[269] == nil then -- Check for 269 because if player had addon already all TBC heroic raids will be off by default.
- ALCOptions.instances = {
- -- Classic raids:
- [249] = true, -- Onyxia's Lair
- [409] = true, -- Molten Core
- [309] = true, -- Zul'Gurub
- [469] = true, -- Blackwing Lair
- [509] = true, -- Ruins of Ahn'Qiraj (AQ20)
- [531] = true, -- Temple of Ahn'Qiraj (AQ40)
- [533] = true, -- Naxxramas
- -- The Burning Crusade raids:
- [532] = true, -- Karazhan
- [544] = true, -- Magtheridon's Lair
- [565] = true, -- Gruul's Lair
- [548] = true, -- Serpentshrine Cavern
- [550] = true, -- Tempest Keep
- [534] = true, -- Battle for Mount Hyjal
- [564] = true, -- Black Temple
- [568] = true, -- Zul'Aman
- [580] = true, -- Sunwell Plateau
- -- The Burning Crusade dungeons:
- [269] = true, -- The Black Morass
- [540] = true, -- The Shattered Halls
- [542] = true, -- The Blood Furnace
- [543] = true, -- Hellfire Ramparts
- [545] = true, -- The Steamvault
- [546] = true, -- The Underbog
- [547] = true, -- The Slave Pens
- [552] = true, -- The Arcatraz
- [553] = true, -- The Botanica
- [554] = true, -- The Mechanar
- [555] = true, -- Shadow Labyrinth
- [556] = true, -- Sethekk Halls
- [557] = true, -- Mana-Tombs
- [558] = true, -- Auchenai Crypts
- [560] = true, -- Old Hillsbrad Foothills
- [585] = true, -- Magisters' Terrace
- }
+ if not ALCOptions.instances then
+ ALCOptions.instances = {}
+ for id in pairs(classicRaids) do
+ ALCOptions.instances[id] = true
+ end
+ for id in pairs(tbcDungeons) do
+ ALCOptions.instances[id] = true
+ end
+ for id in pairs(tbcRaids) do
+ ALCOptions.instances[id] = true
+ end
+ for id in pairs(wotlkDungeons) do
+ ALCOptions.instances[id] = true
+ end
+ for id in pairs(wotlkRaids) do
+ ALCOptions.instances[id] = true
+ end
+ else -- Shouldn't touch previous expansion's settings.
+ if ALCOptions.instances[269] == nil then -- Player had the addon already but hasn't logged in with it since Classic.
+ for id in pairs(tbcDungeons) do
+ ALCOptions.instances[id] = true
+ end
+ for id in pairs(tbcRaids) do
+ ALCOptions.instances[id] = true
+ end
+ end
+ if ALCOptions.instances[574] == nil then -- Player had the addon already but hasn't logged in with it since TBC.
+ for id in pairs(wotlkDungeons) do
+ ALCOptions.instances[id] = true
+ end
+ for id in pairs(wotlkRaids) do
+ ALCOptions.instances[id] = true
+ end
+ end
print("|cFFFFFF00AutoLoggerClassic|r loaded! Type /alc to toggle options. Remember to enable advanced combat logging in Interface > Network and clear your combat log often.")
elseif event == "RAID_INSTANCE_WELCOME" or event == "UPDATE_INSTANCE_INFO" then
- -- PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD fires on dungeon entry. The difficulty value is
- -- not available until an UPDATE_INSTANCE_INFO event fires.
- -- On dungeon exit combat logging may be automatically disabled and the
- -- message will not display in this case. This is not consistent.
+ -- PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD fires on dungeon entry. The difficulty value is not available until an UPDATE_INSTANCE_INFO event fires.
+ -- On dungeon exit combat logging may be automatically disabled and the message will not display in this case. This is not consistent.
elseif event == "PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD" then
if not hasInitialized then
- AutoLoggerClassicFrame:Hide()
hasInitialized = true
diff --git a/AutoLoggerClassic.toc b/AutoLoggerClassic.toc
index f1edb57..ba5ce76 100644
--- a/AutoLoggerClassic.toc
+++ b/AutoLoggerClassic.toc
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-## Interface: 20504
+## Interface: 30400
## Title: AutoLoggerClassic
## Notes: Automatically triggers combat logging on and off in raids.
## Author: cloudbells
diff --git a/AutoLoggerClassic.xml b/AutoLoggerClassic.xml
index 4761fb2..5c862ad 100644
--- a/AutoLoggerClassic.xml
+++ b/AutoLoggerClassic.xml
@@ -5,13 +5,13 @@
@@ -35,19 +35,29 @@