diff --git a/Libraries/HereBeDragons-2.0/HereBeDragons-2.0.lua b/Libraries/HereBeDragons-2.0/HereBeDragons-2.0.lua
index f7a601a..fc7f597 100644
--- a/Libraries/HereBeDragons-2.0/HereBeDragons-2.0.lua
+++ b/Libraries/HereBeDragons-2.0/HereBeDragons-2.0.lua
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 -- HereBeDragons is a data API for the World of Warcraft mapping system
-local MAJOR, MINOR = "HereBeDragons-2.0", 16
+local MAJOR, MINOR = "HereBeDragons-2.0", 29
 assert(LibStub, MAJOR .. " requires LibStub")
 local HereBeDragons, oldversion = LibStub:NewLibrary(MAJOR, MINOR)
@@ -17,6 +17,9 @@ HereBeDragons.callbacks        = HereBeDragons.callbacks or CBH:New(HereBeDragon
+local TWW = select(4, GetBuildInfo()) >= 110002
 -- Data Constants
 local COSMIC_MAP_ID = 946
@@ -59,7 +62,6 @@ local instanceIDOverrides = {
     -- Legion
     [1478] = 1220, -- Temple of Elune Scenario (Val'Sharah)
     [1495] = 1220, -- Protection Paladin Artifact Scenario (Stormheim)
-    [1498] = 1220, -- Havoc Demon Hunter Artifact Scenario (Suramar)
     [1502] = 1220, -- Dalaran Underbelly
     [1533] = 0,    -- Karazhan Artifact Scenario
     [1539] = 0,    -- Arm Warrior Artifact Tirisfal Scenario
@@ -73,6 +75,14 @@ local instanceIDOverrides = {
     [2275] = 870,  -- Vale of Eternal Blossoms N'zoth Minor Vision
+-- override map translations where a zone shares a continent map, but not the continent instance
+-- these values are obtained from C_Map.GetMapRectOnMap(zone, continent)
+local zoneTranslateOverrides = {
+    [2248] = {
+        [2274] = { 0.5, 0.948, 0.01, 0.456 }, -- Isle of Dorn to Khaz Algar
+    }
 local dynamicInstanceIDOverrides = {}
 instanceIDOverrides = setmetatable(instanceIDOverrides, { __index = dynamicInstanceIDOverrides })
@@ -82,7 +92,7 @@ local function overrideInstance(instance) return instanceIDOverrides[instance] o
 HereBeDragons.___DIIDO = dynamicInstanceIDOverrides
 -- gather map info, but only if this isn't an upgrade (or the upgrade version forces a re-map)
-if not oldversion or oldversion < 16 then
+if not oldversion or oldversion < 27 then
     -- wipe old data, if required, otherwise the upgrade path isn't triggered
     if oldversion then
@@ -93,7 +103,20 @@ if not oldversion or oldversion < 16 then
     -- map transform data extracted from UIMapAssignment.db2 (see HereBeDragons-Scripts on GitHub)
     -- format: instanceID, newInstanceID, minY, maxY, minX, maxX, offsetY, offsetX
     local transformData
-    if WoWBC then
+    if WoWClassic then
+        transformData = {}
+    elseif WoWBC then
+        transformData = {
+            { 530, 0, 4800, 16000, -10133.3, -2666.67, -2400, 2662.8 },
+            { 530, 1, -6933.33, 533.33, -16000, -8000, 10339.7, 17600 },
+        }
+    elseif WoWWrath then
+        transformData = {
+            { 530, 0, 4800, 16000, -10133.3, -2666.67, -2400, 2662.8 },
+            { 530, 1, -6933.33, 533.33, -16000, -8000, 10339.7, 17600 },
+            { 609, 0, -10000, 10000, -10000, 10000, 0, 0 },
+        }
+    elseif WoWCata then
         transformData = {
             { 530, 0, 4800, 16000, -10133.3, -2666.67, -2400, 2662.8 },
             { 530, 1, -6933.33, 533.33, -16000, -8000, 10339.7, 17600 },
@@ -103,9 +126,12 @@ if not oldversion or oldversion < 16 then
             { 530, 1, -6933.33, 533.33, -16000, -8000, 9916, 17600 },
             { 530, 0, 4800, 16000, -10133.3, -2666.67, -2400, 2400 },
             { 732, 0, -3200, 533.3, -533.3, 2666.7, -611.8, 3904.3 },
+            { 1014, 870, 3200, 5333.3, 1066.7, 2666.7, 0, 0 },
             { 1064, 870, 5391, 8148, 3518, 7655, -2134.2, -2286.6 },
             { 1208, 1116, -2666, -2133, -2133, -1600, 10210.7, 2411.4 },
             { 1460, 1220, -1066.7, 2133.3, 0, 3200, -2333.9, 966.7 },
+            { 1498, 1220, -533.3, 2133.3, 3733.3, 5866.7, 0, 0 },
+            { 1545, 1220, -2666.7, 0, 4800, 8000, 0, -0 },
             { 1599, 1, 4800, 5866.7, -4266.7, -3200, -490.6, -0.4 },
             { 1609, 571, 6400, 8533.3, -1600, 533.3, 512.8, 545.3 },
@@ -140,7 +166,12 @@ if not oldversion or oldversion < 16 then
     local vector00, vector05 = CreateVector2D(0, 0), CreateVector2D(0.5, 0.5)
     -- gather the data of one map (by uiMapID)
     local function processMap(id, data, parent)
-        if not id or not data or mapData[id] then return end
+        if not id or mapData[id] then return end
+        if not data then
+            data = C_Map.GetMapInfo(id)
+            if not data then return end
+        end
         if data.parentMapID and data.parentMapID ~= 0 then
             parent = data.parentMapID
@@ -149,13 +180,26 @@ if not oldversion or oldversion < 16 then
         -- get two positions from the map, we use 0/0 and 0.5/0.5 to avoid issues on some maps where 1/1 is translated inaccurately
-        local instance, topLeft = C_Map.GetWorldPosFromMapPos(id, vector00)
-        local _, bottomRight = C_Map.GetWorldPosFromMapPos(id, vector05)
-        if topLeft and bottomRight then
-            local top, left = topLeft:GetXY()
-            local bottom, right = bottomRight:GetXY()
-            bottom = top + (bottom - top) * 2
-            right = left + (right - left) * 2
+        local instance, center = C_Map.GetWorldPosFromMapPos(id, vector05)
+        local width, height
+        if C_Map.GetMapWorldSize then
+            width, height = C_Map.GetMapWorldSize(id)
+        else
+            -- compat for classic... why does that not have GetMapWorldSize?
+            local _, topleft = C_Map.GetWorldPosFromMapPos(id, vector00)
+            if center and topleft then
+                local top, left = topleft:GetXY()
+                local bottom, right = center:GetXY()
+                width = (left - right) * 2
+                height = (top - bottom) * 2
+            end
+        end
+        if center and width and height then
+           local top, left = center:GetXY()
+           top = top + (height / 2)
+           local bottom = top - height
+           left = left + (width / 2)
+           local right = left - width
             instance, left, right, top, bottom = applyMapTransforms(instance, left, right, top, bottom)
             mapData[id] = {left - right, top - bottom, left, top, instance = instance, name = data.name, mapType = data.mapType, parent = parent }
@@ -182,7 +226,7 @@ if not oldversion or oldversion < 16 then
                             for k = 1, #groupMembers do
                                 local memberId = groupMembers[k].mapID
                                 if memberId and not mapData[memberId] then
-                                    processMap(memberId, C_Map.GetMapInfo(memberId), parent)
+                                    processMap(memberId, nil, parent)
@@ -209,14 +253,34 @@ if not oldversion or oldversion < 16 then
         elseif WoWBC then
             worldMapData[0] = { 44688.53, 29791.24, 32681.47, 11479.44 }
             worldMapData[1] = { 44878.66, 29916.10,  8723.96, 14824.53 }
+        elseif WoWWrath then
+            worldMapData[0] = { 48033.24, 32020.8, 36867.97, 14848.84 }
+            worldMapData[1] = { 47908.72, 31935.28, 8552.61, 18467.83 }
+            worldMapData[571] = { 47662.7, 31772.19, 25198.53, 11072.07 }
+        elseif WoWCata then
+            worldMapData[0] = { 48033.24, 32020.8, 36867.97, 14848.84 }
+            worldMapData[1] = { 47908.72, 31935.28, 8552.61, 18467.83 }
+            worldMapData[571] = { 47662.7, 31772.19, 25198.53, 11072.07 }
+        elseif TWW then
+            worldMapData[0] = { 76153.14, 50748.62, 65008.24, 23827.51 }
+            worldMapData[1] = { 77621.12, 51854.98, 12444.4, 28030.61 }
+            worldMapData[571] = { 71773.64, 50054.05, 36205.94, 12366.81 }
+            worldMapData[870] = { 67710.54, 45118.08, 33565.89, 38020.67 }
+            worldMapData[1220] = { 82758.64, 55151.28, 52943.46, 24484.72 }
+            worldMapData[1642] = { 77933.3, 51988.91, 44262.36, 32835.1 }
+            worldMapData[1643] = { 76060.47, 50696.96, 55384.8, 25774.35 }
+            worldMapData[2444] = { 111420.37, 74283, 86088.21, 15682.4 }
+            worldMapData[2552] = { 82171.44, 54787.67, 21219.3, 47876.05 }
+            worldMapData[2601] = { 67929.29, 49267.42, 18325.63, 42233.06 }
             worldMapData[0] = { 76153.14, 50748.62, 65008.24, 23827.51 }
-            worldMapData[1] = { 77803.77, 51854.98, 13157.6, 28030.61 }
+            worldMapData[1] = { 77621.13, 51854.98, 18576.47, 28030.61 }
             worldMapData[571] = { 71773.64, 50054.05, 36205.94, 12366.81 }
             worldMapData[870] = { 67710.54, 45118.08, 33565.89, 38020.67 }
             worldMapData[1220] = { 82758.64, 55151.28, 52943.46, 24484.72 }
             worldMapData[1642] = { 77933.3, 51988.91, 44262.36, 32835.1 }
             worldMapData[1643] = { 76060.47, 50696.96, 55384.8, 25774.35 }
+            worldMapData[2444] = { 111420.37, 74283, 86088.21, 15682.4 }
@@ -234,7 +298,7 @@ if not oldversion or oldversion < 16 then
         -- try to fill in holes in the map list
-        for i = 1, 2000 do
+        for i = 1, 2500 do
             if not mapData[i] then
                 local mapInfo = C_Map.GetMapInfo(i)
                 if mapInfo and mapInfo.name then
@@ -311,6 +375,9 @@ end
 local function OnEvent(frame, event, ...)
+    -- try to work around missing zone changes where the event fires before the zone updates
+    StartUpdateTimer()
 HereBeDragons.eventFrame:SetScript("OnEvent", OnEvent)
@@ -321,11 +388,6 @@ HereBeDragons.eventFrame:RegisterEvent("ZONE_CHANGED_INDOORS")
--- if we're loading after entering the world (ie. on demand), update position now
-if IsLoggedIn() then
-    UpdateCurrentPosition(true)
 --- Return the localized zone name for a given uiMapID
 -- @param uiMapID uiMapID of the zone
 function HereBeDragons:GetLocalizedMap(uiMapID)
@@ -450,6 +512,12 @@ function HereBeDragons:TranslateZoneCoordinates(x, y, oZone, dZone, allowOutOfBo
         return TranslateAzerothWorldMapCoordinates(self, x, y, oZone, dZone, allowOutOfBounds)
+    -- override translation for special cases that share a map but not an instance
+    -- these cases should typically just translate from a zone to their continent map
+    if zoneTranslateOverrides[oZone] and zoneTranslateOverrides[oZone][dZone] then
+        return Lerp(zoneTranslateOverrides[oZone][dZone][1], zoneTranslateOverrides[oZone][dZone][2], x), Lerp(zoneTranslateOverrides[oZone][dZone][3], zoneTranslateOverrides[oZone][dZone][4], y)
+    end
     local xCoord, yCoord, instance = self:GetWorldCoordinatesFromZone(x, y, oZone)
     if not xCoord then return nil, nil end
@@ -567,3 +635,9 @@ function HereBeDragons:GetPlayerZonePosition(allowOutOfBounds)
     return nil, nil, nil, nil
+-- if we're loading after entering the world (ie. on demand), update position now
+-- This needs to remain at the bottom of the library to ensure all functions are loaded before they are needed
+if IsLoggedIn() then
+    UpdateCurrentPosition(true)
diff --git a/Libraries/HereBeDragons-2.0/HereBeDragons-Pins-2.0.lua b/Libraries/HereBeDragons-2.0/HereBeDragons-Pins-2.0.lua
index e19b29e..e2138c6 100644
--- a/Libraries/HereBeDragons-2.0/HereBeDragons-Pins-2.0.lua
+++ b/Libraries/HereBeDragons-2.0/HereBeDragons-Pins-2.0.lua
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
 -- HereBeDragons-Pins is a library to show pins/icons on the world map and minimap
-local MAJOR, MINOR = "HereBeDragons-Pins-2.0", 8
+local MAJOR, MINOR = "HereBeDragons-Pins-2.0", 15
 assert(LibStub, MAJOR .. " requires LibStub")
-local pins, _oldversion = LibStub:NewLibrary(MAJOR, MINOR)
+local pins, oldversion = LibStub:NewLibrary(MAJOR, MINOR)
 if not pins then return end
 local HBD = LibStub("HereBeDragons-2.0")
@@ -20,10 +20,25 @@ pins.minimapPinRegistry   = pins.minimapPinRegistry or {}
 -- and worldmap pins
 pins.worldmapPins         = pins.worldmapPins or {}
 pins.worldmapPinRegistry  = pins.worldmapPinRegistry or {}
-pins.worldmapPinsPool     = pins.worldmapPinsPool or CreateFramePool("FRAME")
 pins.worldmapProvider     = pins.worldmapProvider or CreateFromMixins(MapCanvasDataProviderMixin)
 pins.worldmapProviderPin  = pins.worldmapProviderPin or CreateFromMixins(MapCanvasPinMixin)
+-- make sure the pool is refreshed
+if oldversion and oldversion < 15 and pins.worldmapProvider and CreateUnsecuredRegionPoolInstance then
+    pins.worldmapProvider:RemoveAllData()
+    pins.worldmapPinsPool = nil
+if not pins.worldmapPinsPool then
+    -- new frame pools in WoW 11.x
+    if CreateUnsecuredRegionPoolInstance then
+        pins.worldmapPinsPool = CreateUnsecuredRegionPoolInstance("HereBeDragonsPinsTemplate")
+    else
+        pins.worldmapPinsPool = CreateFramePool("FRAME")
+    end
 -- store a reference to the active minimap object
 pins.Minimap = pins.Minimap or Minimap
@@ -333,19 +348,24 @@ end
 -- setup pin pool
 worldmapPinsPool.parent = WorldMapFrame:GetCanvas()
-worldmapPinsPool.creationFunc = function(framePool)
-    local frame = CreateFrame(framePool.frameType, nil, framePool.parent)
+worldmapPinsPool.createFunc = function()
+    local frame = CreateFrame("Frame", nil, WorldMapFrame:GetCanvas())
     frame:SetSize(1, 1)
     return Mixin(frame, worldmapProviderPin)
-worldmapPinsPool.resetterFunc = function(pinPool, pin)
-    FramePool_HideAndClearAnchors(pinPool, pin)
+worldmapPinsPool.resetFunc = function(pinPool, pin)
+    pin:Hide()
+    pin:ClearAllPoints()
     pin.pinTemplate = nil
     pin.owningMap = nil
+-- pre-11.x func names
+worldmapPinsPool.creationFunc = worldmapPinsPool.createFunc
+worldmapPinsPool.resetterFunc = worldmapPinsPool.resetFunc
 -- register pin pool with the world map
 WorldMapFrame.pinPools["HereBeDragonsPinsTemplate"] = worldmapPinsPool
@@ -464,6 +484,9 @@ function worldmapProviderPin:OnReleased()
+-- hack to avoid in-combat error on 10.1.5
+worldmapProviderPin.SetPassThroughButtons = function() end
 -- register with the world map
@@ -493,7 +516,7 @@ pins.updateFrame:SetScript("OnUpdate", OnUpdateHandler)
 local function OnEventHandler(frame, event, ...)
     if event == "CVAR_UPDATE" then
         local cvar, value = ...
-        if cvar == "ROTATE_MINIMAP" then
+        if cvar == "rotateMinimap" or cvar == "ROTATE_MINIMAP" then
             rotateMinimap = (value == "1")
             queueFullUpdate = true
@@ -768,3 +791,9 @@ function pins:GetVectorToIcon(icon)
     return HBD:GetWorldVector(instance, x, y, data.x, data.y)
+if oldversion then
+    if WorldMapFrame:IsShown() then
+        worldmapProvider:RefreshAllData(false)
+    end