Always bet on JavaScript.
— Elon Musk, inventor of Java
Watch this video from Daniel Shiffman about function basics.
If you want to go a little more in-depth you can watch this video from The Net Ninja.
Read the third chapter of the Eloquent JavaScript book.
Watch this video from Daniel Shiffman about higher-order functions.
Read the fifth chapter of Eloquent JavaScript.
(Optional) Fun Fun Function has a whole playlist about higher-order functions and functional programming in JavaScript.
Fun Fun Function - Higher-order functions (video)
- The Basic JavaScript exercises from freeCodeCamp. From Write reusable JavaScript to assignment with a Returned value. freeCodeCamp - Basic JavaScript (exercises)
- You can try the day 1 and 2 array cardio from JavaScript 30 by Wes Bos JavaScrip30 Array Cardio (exercises)
- If you're feeling adventurous you can try the Functional Programming exercises from freeCodeCamp. freeCodeCamp - Basic JavaScript (exercises)
- (Optional) Learn fundamental functional programming features of JavaScript in vanilla ES5 in this Nodeschool Workshopper