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Banner - Assesment 1

Oral Test - Individual

You've worked iteratively (formative) on your product and finish with an oral test (summative) where you present your final project. You will show you can create a quality project in which you apply the subject matter of this course and that you understand it. You will answer questions in such a way as to demonstrate sufficient knowledge of our goals. This is an individual, so tests will be conducted between one teacher and one student.


Presenting your work is a skill all by itself, make sure you prepare yourself properly. The best way is to treat it as public speaking and there are many books on public speaking available.

  • Bring your own computer and a charger.
  • Have the latest version of your code ready in your editor.
  • Open up your docs inside of your GitHub repository.
  • Have a live version up and running.

Make sure your repository stays online after the oral test is finished, we might want to check the code handed in on GitHub after the test. We also want to download and archive your project when it’s done.


1-2 3-4 5-6 7-8 9-10
Concept The project (for dating) seems to be unfinished. It lacks consistency and is not relevant at all. It needs a big update or a complete makeover. The project (for dating) lacks originality. The project is not relevant to its primary competitors and its visual identity is mainstream. Digital interactions don’t improve reciprocity and it hardly shows ethical responsibility in its data collection-storage strategy. The project (for dating) improves digital interactions between specified users AND shows ethical responsibility in its data collection-storage strategy. The project is relevant to its primary competitors, but lacks magic. Its visual identity corresponds to current trends and applies actual technological developments. It’s a fine project, no added value. The project (for dating) creates authentic digital interactions between people AND shows ethical responsibility in its data collection-storage strategy. Its visual identity is original. The student integrates current technological developments to creative ideas. The project is distinctive from its primary competitors and will be a strong player on the market. 😱
The project (for dating) is futural and moves beyond existing dating sites. Its digital interaction is highly playful & authentic and contributes to the discourse of online dating. The project’s visual identity is exceptionally creative. The student integrates emerging tech and creative ideas in the project AND shows ethical responsibility in its data collection-storage strategy. This project could outperform its primary competitors in no time.
Research The projects are snippets of research, not intertwined. The student does not show quality in his work. The project is basic and has been disentangled into a basic requirements list. The job stories are not clear and consistent use of language is lacking. User testing is executed, but the results are not validated in specifically. It needs work. The project is basic and has been disentangled into a basic requirements list. The job stories have the right focus and are written in clear and consistent use of language. User testing is done, but the results are not validated in specifically. It is doable, yet the overall result lacks richness and detail. The project is complex and has been disentangled into a clear requirements list. The job stories are clear and show consistent use of language. Usability testing has been executed in a thoughtful manner and provide results of good quality. 📚
The complexity in the project has been thought through by means of an integrated approach of requirements list, job stories and user testing. The results validate the quality of the project and show confidence towards the development of the project.
Tech The student does not show understanding of tech or needs to work hard in order to get this project done. Put in the effort! The student needs to work on the Github and Markdown skills. The customisation of the local machine is un-orderly, use of linters is not organised. The results shows sloppy understanding. One more try! The student shows good Github and Markdown skills and has customised the local machine in a basic manner. Use of linters is basic and efficient. Very well, you made it and passed the test! The student shows great Github and Markdown skills and has customised the local machine in an authentic manner. Use of linters is good and enforced. The overall result is useful and shows you are a beginning professional. Great job! The student outperforms expectations for Github and Markdown skills. The local machine looks like a piece of art. Use of linters is exceptional and the overall result is junior professional already. Would you like to become a teacher?

you'll need a > 5.5 for each row to pass: you can't compensate between rows
each of this rubric’s rows is cumulative: for example, to get a 5-6 on concept, you also need to have a 1-2 and 3-4.

Source code is available on GitHub
Project is documented and has a
Cites the sources used; either in code comments or APA style in readme
Live version of the application is deployed
Seperation of concerns (HTML, CSS & JS)
Code validates and semantic HTML is used


Grades will be published and communicated trough Email, Moodle and/or Slack based on student numbers.

  • Final grades will be published one week after test date.
  • Final grades will be put in SIS two weeks after test date.

After the oral test you can request viewing time for additional feedback, this can be useful for a resit. Feel free to contact your lecturer if you want to do so.


💁 We don’t like plagiarism and report it to our assessment committee (examencommissie in Dutch). See ¶ 6.1.2 of Teaching and Examination Regulations (TER) 2017-2018 (in Dutch: Onderwijs- en examenregeling, OER) for a full definition, but here are a few cases that count as plagiarism:

a. using or copying someone else’s texts, data or ideas without a full and correct acknowledgement of sources; b. presenting the structure or central ideas developed by someone else as your own work or ideas, even when a reference to other authors has been included;


e. copying (parts of) media files or other sources, software source codes, models and other diagrams of other people without acknowledgement and allowing it to be held as your own work;


g. copying the work of fellow-students and allowing it to be held as your own work;



You are not allowed to simply use portions of someone else's work in your project. The copyright is owned by the creator of the work. You must cite the sources used. Quoting or using material without a source citation is plagiarism and is punishable.

More information on the Student Copyright Information Point

The manner in which you cite your sources depends. The most widely used style at the AUAS is APA of the American Psychological Association. Make sure you cite your sources in the repository or documentation of your project on GitHub.