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XS Compartment

Revised: July 18, 2022

XS implements most of the TC39 Compartment Proposal. Beware that the proposal is at en early stage and that the programming interface described in this document will likely evolve.


In XS, the real host is the application that creates an XS machine to evaluate scripts and import modules.

Compartments are lightweight virtual hosts that evaluate scripts and import modules separately from the real host and from other compartments.

Compartments have their own globalThis object, their own global lexical scope and their own module map.

The module map binds module specifiers to modules. Inside compartments like inside the real host, the same module specifier always imports the same module.

By default:

  • the globalThis object contains only the built-ins,
  • the global lexical scope is empty,
  • the module map is empty.

Compartments run in the same XS machine:

  • Except for Compartment, Function and eval, built-ins are shared.
  • Other objects can be shared thru the globals and globalLexicals options.
  • Modules can be shared thru the modules, loadHook and loadNowHook options.

For the sake of security, it is the responsibility of a real host that creates compartments to ensure that shared features are immutable.


A parent compartment can create child compartments.

const parent = new Compartment();
	const child = new Compartment();

A compartment can only provide to its child compartments the features provided by its parent compartment (and new features based on the features provided by its parent compartment).


XS implements compartments natively, without Module and Evaluators classes, and without modifying dynamic import. Maybe other proposals like the module construct will eventually justify such a dramatic evolution of the ECMAScript module machinery. But compartments do not.


Compartment Constructor


Returns a compartment, an instance of Compartment.prototype.

If present, the options argument must be an object with optional properties: globals, globalLexicals, modules, loadHook, loadNowHook, resolveHook.


The globals option adds properties to the compartment globalThis object.

If defined, the value of the globals option must be an object.

The Compartment constructor copies the globals object properties into the compartment globalThis object like Object.assign.

A compartment does not keep a reference to the globals object.


The globalLexicals option initializes the compartment global lexical scope.

If defined, the value of the globalLexicals option must be an object.

Each own enumerable named property of the globalLexicals object become a variable or a constant:

  • property names are variable or constant names,
  • property values are variable or constant values.

If the property is writable, a variable (let) is created, else a constant (const) is created.

A compartment does not keep a reference to the globalLexicals object.


The modules option initializes the compartment module map.

If defined, the value of the modules option must be an object.

Each own enumerable named property of the modules object creates an entry in the compartment module map:

Modules are neither loaded nor initialized by the Compartment constructor.

A compartment does not keep a reference to the modules object.


The loadHook option is an asynchronous function that takes a module specifier and returns a promise to a module descriptor.

The loadHook function is only called directly or indirectly by Compartment.prototype.import if the module map of the compartment has no entry for a module specifier.

The loadHook function is useful if the module descriptor is unavailable when constructing the compartment, or to create a module descriptor dynamically.

A compartment keeps a reference to the loadHook function.


The loadNowHook option is a function that takes a module specifier and returns a module descriptor.

The loadNowHook function is only called directly or indirectly by Compartment.prototype.importNow if the module map of the compartment has no entry for a module specifier.

The loadNowHook function is useful if the module descriptor is unavailable when constructing the compartment, or to create a module descriptor dynamically.

A compartment keeps a reference to the loadNowHook function.

options.resolveHook(importSpecifier, referrerSpecifier)

The resolveHook option is a function that takes an import specifier and a referrer specifier and returns a module specifier.

The resolveHook function is called indirectly by Compartment.prototype.import and Compartment.prototype.importNow when an imported module uses import declarations or calls.

Typically the resolveHook function combine a relative path and an absolute path or URI into an absolute path or URI. But the resolveHook function can build arbitrary specifiers.

The default resolveHook function calls the resolveHook function of the parent compartment.

A compartment keeps a reference to the resolveHook function.

Properties of the Compartment Prototype

get globalThis

Returns the globalThis object of the compartment.


Evaluates the script in the compartment and returns its completion value.

Scripts are evaluated in strict mode, with the global lexical scope of the compartment, and with this being the globalThis object of the compartment.


Asynchronously loads and initializes a module into the compartment and returns a promise to its namespace.

The specifier is used to get a module:

  • from the compartment module map,
  • else with the compartment loadHook.

If necessary, the compartment loads and initializes the module. All import declarations or calls are firstly resolved by the compartment resolveHook, then follow the same process. Eventually the promise is fulfilled with the module namespace.


Synchronously loads and initializes a module into the compartment and returns its namespace.

The specifier is used to get a module:

  • from the compartment module map,
  • else with the compartment loadNowHook.

If necessary, the compartment loads and initializes the module. All import declarations are firstly resolved by the compartment resolveHook, then follow the same process. Eventually the module namespace is returned.

  • The motivation behind importNow is to avoid unnecessary delays and to allow applications to get rid of the promise machinery. Such applications support neither async nor await nor the import call. The implementation of importNow must not depend on the availability of promises.

  • Applications that support promises, async, await and the import call can still use importNow. That is expected to be rare but, then, importNow throws when initializing a module with top level await.


The initial value of this property is the "Compartment" string.

ModuleSource Constructor


Returns a module source, an instance of ModuleSource.prototype.

The source argument is coerced into a string, then parsed as a module and compiled into byte codes.

XS does not keep a reference to the source string.

Properties of the ModuleSource Prototype

get bindings()

Returns the module source bindings.

XS stores bindings into a private compressed form. The bindings getter decompresses and publishes the bindings into an array of module bindings.

get needsImport()

Returns true if the module source uses the import call.

get needsImportMeta()

Returns true if the module source uses the import.meta object.


The initial value of this property is the "ModuleSource" string.


Module Descriptor

Comparments can load and initialize module namespaces from module descriptors. Like property descriptors, module descriptors are ordinary objects with various forms.

descriptors with source, importMeta and specifier properties

  • If fhe value of the source property is a string, the parent compartment loads the module but the compartment itself initializes the module.

  • Else if the value of the source property is a module source, the module is loaded and initialized from the module source.

  • Else the value of the source property must be an object. The module is loaded and initialized from the object according to the virtual module source pattern,

If the importMeta property is present, its value must be an object. The default importMeta object is an empty object.

Compartments copy the importMeta object properties into the module import.meta object like Object.assign.

If the specifier property is present, its value is coerced into a string and becomes the referrer specifier of the module.

descriptors with namespace and compartment properties

  • If fhe value of the namespace property is a string, the descriptor shares a module to be loaded and initialized by the compartment referred by the compartment property.

    • If the compartment property is present, its value must be a compartment.
    • If absent, the compartment property defaults to the compartment being constructed in the modules option, or being hooked in the loadHook and loadNowHook options.
  • Else if the value of the namespace property is a module namepace, the descriptor shares a module that is already available.

  • Else the value of record property must be an object. The module is loaded and initialized from the object according to the virtual module namespace pattern.

descriptor with archive and path properties

To construct a static module record from a mod. In Moddable runtime, mods are separate archives of modules and resources.

  • The archive property must be an archive.
  • The path property is coerced into a string then used to find the module in the archive.

Module Binding

A module binding is an ordinary object with properties that mimick the import and export constructs. There are many forms of module bindings. See the imports and exports tables.

Most bindings can be represented as JSON-like objects with export, import, as, from properties. Except * bindings, which requires special forms because module namespace identifiers can be arbitrary.

Construct Module Binding
export { x } { export: "x" }
export { x as y } { export: "x", as: "y" }
export { x } from "mod" { export: "x", from: "mod" }
export { x as y } from "mod" { export: "x", as: "y", from: "mod" }
export * from "mod" { exportAllFrom: "mod" }
export * as star from "mod" { exportAllFrom: "mod", as: "star" }
import x from "mod" { import: "default", as: "x", from: "mod" }
import { x } from "mod" { import: "x", from: "mod" }
import { x as y } from "mod" { import: "x", as: "y", from: "mod" }
import * as star from "mod" { importAllFrom: "mod", as: "star" }

Virtual Module Source

A virtual module source is an ordinary object with execute, bindings, needsImport and needsImportMeta properties

  • The execute property must be a function.
  • If defined, the bindings property must be an array of module bindings. The default is an empty array.
  • If defined, the needsImport property is coerced into a boolean. The default is false.
  • If defined, the needsImportMeta property is coerced into a boolean. The default is false.

The bindings array allow the same expressiveness as import and export declarations without requiring a JavaScript parser. Compartments check the declarations and can throw a SyntaxError.

Once the module is loaded and linked, the compartment calls the execute function with three arguments

  • $: the module environment record,
  • Import: a function equivalent to the import call in a module body. The argument is undefined if needsImport was false.
  • ImportMeta: an object equivalent to the import.meta object in a module body. The argument is undefined if needsImportMeta was false.

The module environment record is sealed:

  • no properties can be created or deleted,
  • export properties are writable,
  • import properties are read-only,
  • there are no reexports properties.

Like a module body, the execute function can be asynchronous.

Virtual Module Namespace

A virtual module namespace is an ordinary object posing as a module namespace.

When a compartment loads a virtual module namespace, each own enumerable named property of the object becomes an exported property of the module.