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cobbr edited this page Aug 2, 2019 · 2 revisions


Launchers are used to generate, host, and download binaries, scripts, and one-liners to launch new grunts.

Once a listener has been started, you'll want to generate a launcher to use in kicking off grunts. To get started, navigate to the Launchers navigation page:

Launchers Table

Launchers are named roughly by the system binary that will be used to execute the launcher. Currently, Covenant supports the following launchers:

  • Binary - The Binary launcher is used to generate custom binaries that launch a grunt. This is currently the only launcher that does not rely on a system binary.
  • PowerShell - The PowerShell launcher is used to generate PowerShell code and/or a PowerShell one-liner that launches a Grunt using powershell.exe.
  • MSBuild - The MSBuild launcher is used to generate an MSBuild XML file that launches a Grunt using msbuild.exe.
  • InstallUtil - The InstallUtil launcher is used to generate an InstallUtil XML file that launches a Grunt using installutil.exe.
  • Mshta - The Mshta launcher is used to generate an HTA file and/or a mshta one-liner that launches a Grunt using mshta.exe that relies on DotNetToJScript.
  • Regsvr32 - The Regsvr32 launcher is used to generate an SCT file and/or regsvr32 one-liner that launches a Grunt using regsvr32.exe that relies on DotNetToJScript.
  • Wmic - The Wmic launcher is used to generate an xsl file and/or wmic one-liner that launches a Grunt using wmic.exe that relies on DotNetToJScript.
  • Cscript - The Cscript launcher is used to generate a JScript file a Grunt using cscript.exe that relies on DotNetToJScript.
  • Wscript - The Wscript launcher is used to generate a JScript file a Grunt using wscript.exe that relies on DotNetToJScript.

Please keep in mind that any of the launchers that rely on DotNetToJScript may not work on some of the latest versions of Windows 10 and Windows Server 2016 and/or may be signatured by some AMSI providers.

Binary Launcher

To generate a binary launcher, click on the "Binary" link within the launchers table. This will reveal some configuration options to consider before you generate the launcher:

Binary Launcher Options

Other launchers may have some additional configuration options, but these options are common to all launcher types. The configuration options to consider are:

  • Listener - The Listener is the name of the listener that this grunt should communicate with. If you have multiple active listeners, be sure to select the correct listener.
  • CommType - The CommType is the type of communication protocol that the grunt should use to communicate with the listener. This will be either HTTP or SMB. If HTTP is selected, the grunt will communicate directly over HTTP with the listener. If SMB is selected, you will need to connect the grunt through another grunt within the peer-to-peer Grunt, and the new grunt will communicate through the connecting grunt. You must already have an active HTTP grunt to connect a new SMB grunt.
  • ValidateCert - The ValidateCert option determines if the grunt will validate the listener's SSL certificate to prevent MiTM attacks. There are scenarios where target network proxies can interfere with certificate validation, and it's preferrable to not validate the certificate. This option is only relavent when using the HTTP CommType, and will only be displayed if you have selected the HTTP CommType.
  • UseCertPinning - The UseCertPinning option determines if the grunt will use cert pinning of the listener's SSL certificate to prevent MiTM attacks. There are scenarios where target network proxies can interfere with certificate pinning, and it's preferrable to not perform cert pinning. This option is only relavent when using the HTTP CommType, and will only be displayed if you have selected the HTTP CommType.
  • SMBPipeName - The SMBPipeName is the name of the named pipe that the grunt will bind to and listen on. This option is only relavent when using the SMB CommType, and will only be displayed if you have selected the SMB CommType.
  • Delay - The Delay is the time that the grunt will sleep in-between each poll of the server. A larger Delay value will result in stealthier communication, but increase the time it takes to task a grunt.
  • JitterPercent - The JitterPercent is the percentage of variability in the Delay value.
  • ConnectAttempts - The ConnectAttempts is the number of consective times a grunt will attempt to poll the listener before quitting. If a grunt cannot reach the listener and fails to successfully poll the listener more times than the ConnectAttempts value, it will quit.
  • KillDate - The KillDate is the date at which a grunt will quit and stop calling back to the listener.

Once the options are configured as desired, click the "Generate" button to generate the launcher. Now that the launcher is generated, you can choose to download the launcher to a local file or host the launcher on the listener. You must generate the launcher prior to downloading or hosting.

To download the launcher to a local file, click the "Download" button.

Host Launcher

To host the launcher, click on the "Host" tab. This will provide a Url option:

Host Launcher

Choose a URL at which you would like to host the launcher and click the "Host" button to host.

Launcher Code

You may wish to view the source code of the launcher's GruntStager. To view the code click on the "Code" tab:

Launcher Code

You can use this code to create a custom grunt that does not utilize any of the built-in launchers. Click the "Copy" button to copy the code to the clipboard.

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