A landing page for apartament design company. Github pages: link
You have not to run the project by yourself, you can visit it at github pages.
But if you want to make any changes or you prefer to run site directly on your computer, here are the instructions.
At first, you need to clone the code (if you haven't done it yet) and install required dependences
git clone https://github.com/coder8080/simple-design
cd simple-design
To start the project in development mode, run:
yarn start
This will start a development server as well as open site in the browser. If you aren't going to make any changes to the code, then I advice you to consider production mode instead of development.
Production build has less weight and work faster than development, but it needs some time to compile.
To create a production build, run:
yarn build
Wait for the process to finish. After that, you will have your compiled files in the build folder in the root of the project. You can serve them with every tool for serving static files like serve, nginx, etc.
If you want to use serve, use following commands:
yarn global add serve --prefix /usr/local
serve -s build -p 3000
Note that in this case, you will need to open http://localhost:3000
by yourself.
If you have found any issues, you can write me about them here.