We welcome contributions to Raccoon from anyone, regardless of experience or background. This document outlines the process for contributing to Raccoon, including how to report bugs, suggest features, and submit code changes.
If you find a bug in Raccoon or have an idea for a new feature, please open an issue. Before opening a new issue, please search the existing issues to make sure that your bug or feature request has not already been reported.
When opening a new issue, please provide as much detail as possible, including the steps to reproduce the bug, the expected behavior, and the actual behavior. For feature requests, please describe the use case and the proposed solution.
If you want to contribute code to Raccoon, please follow these steps:
- Fork the repository to your own GitHub account.
- Clone your fork to your local machine.
- Create a new branch for your changes.
- Make your changes and commit them with a descriptive commit message.
- Push your changes to your fork on GitHub.
- Open a pull request (PR) against the
branch of the Raccoon repository.
Before submitting a PR, please make sure that your changes:
- Include appropriate tests and documentation.
- Do not break existing functionality.
- Are focused on a specific issue or feature.
Once you open a PR, the Raccoon team will review your changes and provide feedback. Please be patient and responsive to feedback, and be prepared to make additional changes if necessary.
We follow the Rust Code of Conduct, which is based on the Contributor Covenant. All contributors to Raccoon are expected to follow this code of conduct, which emphasizes respect, empathy, and inclusivity.
By contributing to Raccoon, you agree to license your contributions under the terms of the MIT license.