Pragmatic Clean Architecture application
- Clean Architecture
- Separation of concerns
- Encapsulation
- Dependency inversion (flow inwards, inner Layers define interfaces, outer layers implement them)
- Explicit dependencies
- Single responsibility principle
- Finish the course
- Get Rid of Warning: 'Overriding HTTP_PORTS '8080' and HTTPS_PORTS
- Make 'dotnet run' work
- Add Aggregates and AggregateRoots
- SignalR communication
- Caching
- Use EF Core RawSql with Unmapped Types as Alternative to Dapper
Start the DevContainer
Hit [F5]
or dotnet run --project src/Bookify.Api
TODO: not working docker binds to
- Database will auto created and seeded with data on application start in
environment - pgAdmin [email protected], hunter2
- Create new migration:
dotnet ef migrations add -p src/Bookify.Infrastructure -s src/Bookify.Api <Migration_Name>
- Persistence Ignorance
- Domain Driven Design (Bounded Contexts, Entities, ValueObjects, DomainServices, DomainEvents)
- Repositories + Unit of Work (only abstractions)
- Rich Domain Model (Business Logic, Validation in Entities)
- Entities (Object with Identity, private setters, encapsulation)
- Behavior-, State-Transitions-Methods and Commands (raise DomainEvents)
- Value Objects (Immutable, no identity, in C# with record) e.g. Money, Address, DateRange
- Domain Services (Business Logic don't fit to Entity, can call Repositories)
- Domain Events (when something happens in the domain, can be handled by other parts of the system via MediatR.Contracts)
- Orchestrates the domain
- Business Logic not fitting to Domain
- Use Cases (Driver of the application, taking Domain Model and telling them what to do)
- Application Services (use Repositories, DomainServices)
- CQRS (Command Query Responsibility Segregation), Loose Coupling with MediatR
- Cross-Cutting Concerns/Pipeline behaviors (Logging, Validation)
Pragmatic: use of Dapper for access ReadModels, normaly don't directly use external libs
- External concerns (Database, Message Brokers, Identity Providers, File Systems, ...)
- Implementations of abstractions
- Persistence (EF Core and PostgresSQL)
- Publishing Domain Events (UnitOfWork when saving Entities)
- Identity Provider: Keycloak
- Entry Point to the system
- WebApi, gRPC, SPA ...
- Request/Response
- Controllers and Endpoints creates Commands and Queries
- don't expose Commands directly, use DTOs (Request)
- MediatR handles Commands and Queries (loose coupling)
- Dependency setup for all layers
- Middlewares for Cross-Cutting Concerns (Logging)