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Cheat Sheet

kubectl run mypod --image=nginx --dry-run -o yaml kubectl run mypod --image=nginx --namespace=default --env=HELLO=VALUE --dry-run -o yaml

Docker - Running containers in Docker

  • Run a container interactively
docker run -it -p 8080:80 -e ENV_VAR=value -e ENV_VAR_SECRET=value alpine sh   

docker run -it -p 8080:80 nginx
  • Run a container non-interactively
docker run -d -p 8080:80 -e ENV_VAR=value -e ENV_VAR_SECRET=value alpine sh -c "sleep 1000" 

docker run --name container --user 1000 -d -p 8080:80 -e ENV_VAR=value -e ENV_VAR_SECRET=value alpine sh -c "sleep 1000" 
  • Open a shell into a running container docker exec -it container sh

Exercise - Build a docker image



docker build --tag $registry_uri . 
docker run --rm –it $registry_uri sh
docker login -u dockerhubregistry
docker push $REPO


docker build --tag $registry_uri .
docker run --rm –it $registry_uri sh
docker login -u dockerhubregistry
docker push $registry_uri

Azure ACR


$accounts=az account list
if ($accounts.length -eq 0){
  az login --tenant
az acr login --name $registry
docker build -t $registry_uri/my/repo:0.13 --tag $registry_uri/my/repo:latest .
docker push $registry_uri/my/repo:0.13
docker push $registry_uri/my/repo:latest


accounts=$(az account list)
if $accounts; then
  az login --tenant
az acr login --name $registry
docker build -t $registry_uri/my/repo:0.13 --tag $registry_uri/my/repo:latest .
docker push $registry_uri/my/repo:0.13
docker push $registry_uri/my/repo:latest

Exercise - Run a container in Kubernetes (imperative)

kubectl run mypod --rm -it --port 80 --env="ENV_VAR_SECRET=value" --image=nginx

--rm remove container once PID 1 it had exit'ed
--port 80 expose port 80 outside of the container
-it Run interactively

kubectl port-forward mypod 8080:80

Resources Types in Kubernetes

Pod -> Deployment/Job/DaemonSet/Statefulset -> ReplicaSets

Exercise - Run a container in Kubernetes (declarative)

Create a basic pod

kubectl apply -f pod.yaml

Create a Deployment

kubectl apply -f Deployment.yaml

Create a Deployment with RollingUpdate capability

kubectl apply -f DeploymentRollingUpdate.yaml

Gain access to the pod with a service

kubectl apply -f PodService.yaml

RollingUpdates - Kubectl

  • Apply an immediate change to the deployment to upgrade it

kubectl set image deployment.v1.apps/mydep alpine:3.9.3

  • Check status of the upgrade

kubectl rollout status deployment.v1.apps/mydep

  • Check the history of rollouts

kubectl rollout history deployment.v1.apps/mydep --revision=2

  • Rollback

kubectl rollout undo deployment.v1.apps/mydep

Exercise - Helm RollingUpdates

  • Create the chart

cd charts helm create mynewchart rm -fr mynewchart/templates/tests

  • Install the chart

helm upgrade mypod ./mynewchart --install --namespace default

  • Run the port-forward command displayed in the prompt

Follow-up email

#Perfrom and record the RollingUpgrade of a Kubernetes deployment to docker image version nginx:1.161 where the deployment name is ‘nginx-deployment’ and the container name is ‘nginx’

kubectl --record deployment.apps/nginx-deployment set image deployment.v1.apps/nginx-deployment nginx=nginx:1.16.1
--record You can specify the --record flag to write the command executed in the resource annotation The recorded change is useful for future introspection. For example, to see the commands executed in each Deployment revision. See here for more information

#Generate a yaml file for a deployment 

kubectl create deployment mydeployment --image=nginx --dry-run -o yaml

#MacOS/Linux - Output a list of Kubernetes Resource “Kind:” vs “apiVersion:” for use at the top of all Kubernetes yaml files
for kind in `kubectl api-resources | tail +2 | awk '{ print $1 }'`; do kubectl explain $kind; done | grep -e "KIND:" -e "VERSION:"

Session 2 - AKS Core

az ad sp create-for-rbac --skip-assignment --name myAKSClusterServicePrincipal

Exercise - Running Terraform using Docker

  • Populate the below file with the provided appId and password


[OPTIONAL] Build and push the docker image

  • MacOS
accounts=$(az account list)
if $accounts; then
 az login --tenant
az acr login --name $registry_uri
docker build -t $registry_uri/terraform:0.14.6 --tag $registry_uri/terraform:latest .
docker push $registry_uri/terraform:0.14.6
docker push $registry_uri/terraform:latest
  • Windows
$accounts=az account list
if ($accounts.length -eq 0){
  az login --tenant
az acr login --name $registry_uri
docker build -t $registry_uri/terraform:0.14.6 --tag $registry_uri/terraform:latest .
docker push $registry_uri/terraform:0.14.6
docker push $registry_uri/terraform:latest

Running Terraform using Docker (Mac)

cd session2/terraform ; 

# Login to ACR
accounts=$(az account list)
if $accounts; then
 az login --tenant
az acr login --name $registry_uri

# Run the new 
docker rmi
docker run --rm -it -v ~/.azure:/root/.azure -v `pwd`:/project bash

cd /project

# Ensure Azure Account is set
az account set --subscription 64e455b9-c577-484c-8710-35cb4a94a2c7

# Initialise the Terraform backend state
terraform init

# Deploy resources using Terraform
terraform apply

Running Terraform using Docker (Win)

cd session2/terraform ; 

# Run the new 
docker rmi
docker run --rm -it -v ~/.azure:/root/.azure -v ${pwd}:/project bash

cd /project

# Ensure Azure Account is set
az account set --subscription 64e455b9-c577-484c-8710-35cb4a94a2c7

# Initialise the Terraform backend state
terraform init

# Deploy resources using Terraform
terraform apply

Exercise - Terraform Practical implementation

  • Update the AKS tags to include your name eg. "georgec" : "true",



  • Deploy the change (Mac)
cd session2/terraform ; 

# Run the new 
docker run --rm -it -v ~/.azure:/root/.azure -v `pwd`:/project bash

cd /project

# Initialise the Terraform backend state
terraform init

# Deploy resources using Terraform
terraform apply
  • Deploy the change (Win)
cd session2/terraform ; 

# Run the new 
docker run --rm -it -v ~/.azure:/root/.azure -v ${pwd}:/project bash

cd /project

# Initialise the Terraform backend state
terraform init

# Deploy resources using Terraform
terraform apply

Exercise - Interact with AKS


  • Retrieve the Kubernetes configuration to authenticate your local Kubectl


  • Use Azure CLI to retrieve the configuration
  1. Retrieve the Kubernetes configuration to authenticate your local Kubectl
terraform apply

# or just use the output function
terraform output
  • Copy and paste it to ~/.kube/kubeconfig_aks-training

  • Use the context

export KUBECONFIG=~/.kube/kubeconfig_aks-training

  • Test connectivity

kubectl get pods

  • Deploy a container

kubectl apply -f pod.yaml

  1. Use Azure CLI to retrieve the configuration
  • Retrieve kube config using Azure CLI

az aks get-credentials --resource-group aks-training --name smashing-tortoise-aks

  • Test connectivity

kubectl get pods

  • Deploy a container

kubectl apply -f pod.yaml

Basic monitoring

  • See .bash_profile

  • Deploy Metrics server

kubectl apply -f Kubectl top nodes Kubectl top pod

  • Deploy K8s Dashboard
# Install the dashboard
kubectl apply -f

# Run the local k8s proxy

kubectl proxy --port=8001 --address= --accept-hosts='.*'

# Browse to the service!/login

kubectl -n kube-system describe secret deployment-controller-token-frsqj

# To login using the token (MacOS)
kubectl -n kube-system get secret deployment-controller-token-bq2q6 -o jsonpath='{.data.token}' | base64 --decode

# To login using the token (Windows)
$token=kubectl -n kube-system get secret deployment-controller-token-bq2q6 -o jsonpath='{.data.token}'