This project uses Java 17 and Quarkus to build and run the application. The project is split into multi modules. The app module will use Quarkus to expose the services as REST XML and JSON Endpoints. The service module contains all the logic to retrieve data from a Sitipe database. This module uses no Quarkus dependencies, but mainly standard java. This way the service module can also be used in other environment as Java library, for instance a Spring project.
You can use Maven to build the application and see if all tests are working using:
./mvnw clean verify
This should normally be enough to also run the application, but there were cases that we need to build using:
./mvnw clean install
This to make the local modules available for the app module to run the application.
You can run your application in dev mode that enables live coding using:
./mvnw package io.quarkus:quarkus-maven-plugin::dev
A KeyCloak instance needs to be running on port 8089 by default in dev mode. If a custom KeyCloak instance is used see Security for more details.
There is a preconfigured Demo KeyCloak instance available for CoMPAS in the CoMPAS Deployment Repository. This repository can be cloned and used to execute the following commands to create a local Docker Image with the CoMPAS Demo configuration.
cd <CoMPAS Deployment Repository Directory>/compas/keycloak
docker build -t compas_keycloak .
A Docker Image compas_keycloak
is created that can be started using the following command
docker run --rm --name compas_keycloak \
-p 8089:8080
-d compas_keycloak:latest
There are now 3 users available to be used, scl-data-editor
, scl-data-reader
, scd-reader
. See
CoMPAS Deployment Repository for more information about the users.
The application is tested with unit and integration tests, but you can also manually test the application using for instance Postman. And there is also a way to test this service with the CoMPAS OpenSCD Frontend application.
To manually test the application there is a Postman collection in the directory postman
that can be imported
and used to execute REST XML and JSON Calls.
To make the call work we also need to import an environment and authorisation collection. These files can be found
in CoMPAS Deployment Repository in the directory postman
and local.environment.json
In the authorisation collection there are called for the 3 users known within the Demo KeyCloak instance.
If one of these calls are executed there is a variable bearer
Now one of the Sitipe Service calls can be executed, the variable bearer
is added to the header of the request.
After the call is executed the result should be shown in Postman.
To test the Sitipe Service with the CoMPAS OpenSCD application just run the application in dev mode, including the
KeyCloak instance. For further instruction how to start the CoMPAS OpenSCD application and use this locally see
the file
in CoMPAS OpenSCD application.
The releases created in the repository will create a docker image with a native executable. If you're running a Linux system it's possible to create and run the executable locally. You can create a Docker image with native executable using:
./mvnw package -Pnative-image
You can then execute your native executable with: ./app/target/app-local-SNAPSHOT-runner
There is also a profile to create a Docker Image which runs the application using a JVM. You can create a Docker Image with JVM executable using:
./mvnw package -Pjvm-image
The JVM Image can also (temporary) be created by the release action if there are problems creating or running the native executable.