When you log in for the first time to any Linux Foundation managed service that is protected with Single Sign On (SSO), you must create an account. To create an LF account follow these steps:
1. Navigate to LFX Platform and click Create Community Profile from top right corner of the page.
2. You can also create account from Sign In page. Click Create an Account on Sign in page.
3. On Create Your LF Account page, enter your first name, last name, email address, username, password, and click on Create Account CTA button.
4. You will receive an email verification at the email address you provided with the link to verify your email. If you don't receive the email, click on Resend Email CTA button.
5. Check your inbox for The Linux Foundation:Create Account
email and open it. Click on Verify Email CTA button. Below is an example of the email you will receive.
6. Once you click on the link, you will be redirected to the Sign In page of the Linux Foundation service you are trying to access. Your email and password will be auto-populated from the account creation step.
7. Verify your information and click on Sign In CTA button. You will be navigated to the Linux Foundation service you are trying to access