If you don't remember your LF SSO account password, you can request to reset it.
{% hint style="info" %} Note: A password change invalidates any of your active sessions for the secure services you are currently logged in to and you will need to sign in again. {% endhint %}
1. On Sign In page, click Forgot Password? link.
2. Enter your email address or username, and click Reset Password.
3. You will receive an email verification at the email address you provided with the link to verify your email. If you don't receive the email, click on Did not Receive Link CTA button.
4. Check your inbox for a The Linux Foundation: Reset Password
email, and click on the Reset Password CTA button. You will be navigated to a page where you can reset your password.
6. Enter a new password, confirm it and and click on the Submit CTA button to view a confirmation that your password is reset successfully.