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File metadata and controls

183 lines (129 loc) · 5.34 KB

COPage (ILIAS Page Editor)

This component implements the ILIAS page editor as being used e.g. in learning modules, wikis, content pages in courses and other containers.

Business Rules

Copying content

  • Media objects are referenced when pages are copied. This behaviour is relevant for almost all copy processes that include COPage content.

Browser support

Since ILIAS 7 the browser makes extensive use of ES6 features. For ILIAS 7 the current maintainer accepts issues for the latest Firefox, Chrome, Safari and Edge versions. However please note that issues that appear only on specific browsers

[WIP] Using the page editor in another components

In order to use the page component in your component you first need to extend your modules.xml or service.xml.

		<pageobject parent_type="{PARENT_TYPE}" class_name="{BASIC_CLASS_NAME}" directory="classes"/>

The {PARENT_TYPE} should be unique through the ILIAS code base, e.g. this could be the module repository type of your component.

You will need implement new classes in your component that derive from these classes of the COPage component:

  • ilPageObject
  • ilPageObjectGUI
  • ilPageConfig

The class files should be located in the directory stated in modules.xml or service.xml (in this examples classes).

  • class {BASIC_CLASS_NAME} extends \ilPageObject
  • class {BASIC_CLASS_NAME}GUI extends \ilPageObjectGUI
  • class {BASIC_CLASS_NAME}Config extends \ilPageObjectConfig

class {BASIC_CLASS_NAME} extends \ilPageObject

This class should overwrite method getParentType() and returned the value specified in your modules.xml or service.xml.

 * @inheritdoc
public function getParentType()
	return `{PARENT_TYPE}`;

Please do not overwrite the constructor of this class.

class {BASIC_CLASS_NAME}GUI extends \ilPageObjectGUI

The weak point of this class is also its constructor. You should overwrite it in order to pass your parent type in the following way:

	function __construct($a_id = 0, $a_old_nr = 0, $a_prevent_get_id = false, $a_lang = '')
		parent::__construct('{PARENT_TYPE}', $a_id, $a_old_nr, $a_prevent_get_id, $a_lang);

We might declare the constructor final in the base class in the future to enable a factory for these classes as well.

class {BASIC_CLASS_NAME}Config extends \ilPageObjectConfig

This class is used to enable/disable different features of the page (editor). You should overwrite its init() method:

 * @inheritdoc
public function init()

Embedding in ilCtrl control flow

Depending on where you want to use the presentation or editing features of the component, you will need to init and embed your {BASIC_CLASS_NAME}GUI in your executeCommand() methods.

A good example for how this can be done is Modules/ContentPage/classes/class.ilContentPagePageCommandForwarder.php.

Implementing new page components

Please replace the string BaseName and typeid with your individual class base name and component type id in the following code.

Add the definition for the new page component to your module.xml or service.xml file.

    <pagecontent pc_type="typeid" name="BaseName" directory="classes" int_links="0" style_classes="0" xsl="0" def_enabled="0" top_item="1" order_nr="300"/>

Provide a class derived from ilPageContent.

class ilPCBaseName extends ilPageContent
     * Init page content component.
    public function init()

Provide a class derived from ilPageContentGUI.

 * @ilCtrl_isCalledBy ilPCBaseNameGUI: ilPageEditorGUI
class ilPCBaseNameGUI extends ilPageContentGUI
     * Constructor
    public function __construct($a_pg_obj, $a_content_obj, $a_hier_id, $a_pc_id = "")
        parent::__construct($a_pg_obj, $a_content_obj, $a_hier_id, $a_pc_id);

If your module.xml or service.xml does not enable the component per default def_enabled="0", you will need to enable it in the PageConfig class of your target context.

class ilMyPageConfig extends ilPageConfig
    public function init()
        $this->setEnablePCType("BaseName", true);

[WIP] Internal Documentation


The page editor stores data in XML format that needs to validate against the latest xml/ilias_pg_x_x.dtd (ILIAS main directory). This data is being stored in table page_object handled by class ilPageObject.


The main content rendering currently happens in class ilPageObjectGUI which transforms the XML using ./xsl/page.xsl and a lot of post processing afterwards.

Page Content Components


Multi-Language Support

Multi language support has added an additional dimension of complexity to the content page component.

Multi language support depends always on the parent repository object.


  • new table copg_multilang: defines default language per repository obj id (-> "-" records)
  • all page_object records with "-" in lang field represent the default language (value is not set in page_object -> no dependent tables need to be updated)
  • table copg_multilang_lang contains all other languages supported by the repository object

Text Handling