dataset | attr | shape | columns | usage |
American National Election Survey 1996 | anes96 | 944, 11 | popul: int TVnews: int PID: category age: int educ: category income: category vote: category selfLR: category ClinLR: category DoleLR: category logpopul: float |
Regression Stats |
Breast Cancer Data | cancer | 301, 2 | population: int cancer: int |
Regression |
Bill Greene’s credit scoring data. | ccard | 72, 5 | AVGEXP: float AGE: int INCOME: float INCOMESQ: float OWNRENT: bool |
Regression |
Smoking and lung cancer in eight cities in China. | china_smoking | 8, 4 | smoking_yes_cancer_yes: int smoking_yes_cancer_no: int smoking_no_cancer_yes: int smoking_no_cancer_no: int | Regression |
Mauna Loa Weekly Atmospheric CO2 Data | co2 | 2284, 1 | time: date co2: float |
Time series |
First 100 days of the US House of Representatives 1995 | committee | 20, 6 | BILLS104: int SIZE: int SUBS: int STAFF: int PRESTIGE: bool BILLS103: int |
Regression |
World Copper Market 1951-1975 Dataset | copper | 25, 6 | WORLDCONSUMPTION: int COPPERPRICE: float INCOMEINDEX: float ALUMPRICE: float INVENTORYINDEX: float TIME: int |
Regression |
US Capital Punishment dataset. | cpunish | 17, 7 | EXECUTIONS: int INCOME: int PERPOVERTY: float PERBLACK: float VC100k96: int SOUTH: bool DEGREE: float |
Regression |
Danish Money Demand Data | danish_data | 55, 5 | period: date lrm: float lry: float lpy: float ibo: float ide: float |
Regression Time series |
El Nino - Sea Surface Temperatures | elnino | 61, 13 | YEAR: date JAN: float FEB: float MAR: float APR: float MAY: float JUN: float JUL: float AUG: float SEP: float OCT: float NOV: float DEC: float |
Regression Time series |
Engel (1857) food expenditure data | engel | 235, 2 | income: float foodexp: float |
Regression |
Affairs dataset | fair | 6366, 8 | rate_marriage: category age: int yrs_married: int children: int religious: category educ: category occupation: category occupation_husb: category affairs: float |
Regression Stats |
World Bank Fertility Data | fertility | 209, 58 | Country Name': category 'Country Code': category 'Indicator Name': category 'Indicator Code': int '1960': float … '2013': float |
Regression Stats Timeseries |
Grunfeld (1950) Investment Data | grunfeld | 220, 5 | invest: float value: float capital: float firm: category year: date |
Regression Stats |
Transplant Survival Data | heart | 69, 3 | survival: int censors: bool age: float |
Survival Analysis |
(West) German interest and inflation rate 1972-1998 | interest_inflation | 107, 4 | year: date quarter: int Dp: float R: float |
Timeseries |
Longley dataset | longley | 16, 7 | TOTEMP: int GNPDEFL: int GNP: int UNEMP: int ARMED: int POP: int YEAR: date |
Regression Timeseries |
United States Macroeconomic data | macrodata | 203, 14 | year: date quarter: int realgdp: float realcons: float realinv: float realgovt: float realdpi: float cpi: float m1: float tbilrate: float unemp: float pop: float infl:float realint: float |
Regression Timeseries |
Travel Mode Choice | modechoice | 840, 9 | individual: int mode: category choice: bool ttme: int invc: int invt: int gc: int hinc: int psize: int |
Regression Stats |
Nile River flows at Ashwan 1871-1970 | nile | 100, 2 | year: date volume: int |
Timeseries |
RAND Health Insurance Experiment Data | randhie | 20190, 10 | mdvis: int lncoins: float idp: bool lpi: float fmde: bool physlm: bool disea: int hlthg: bool hlthf: bool hlthp: bool |
Regression Stats |
Taxation Powers Vote for the Scottish Parliament 1997 | scotland | 32, 8 | YES: float COUTAX: int UNEMPF: float MOR: float ACT: float GDP: float AGE: float COUTAX_FEMALEUNEMP: float |
Regression |
Spector and Mazzeo (1980) - Program Effectiveness Data | spector | 32, 4 | GPA: float TUCE: float PSI: bool GRADE: bool |
Regression Stats |
Stack loss data | stackloss | 21, 4 | STACKLOSS: float AIRFLOW: float WATERTEMP: float ACIDCONC: float |
Regression |
Star98 Educational Dataset | star98 | 303, 22 | NABOVE: int NBELOW: int LOWINC: float … |
Regression |
Statewide Crime Data 2009 | statecrime | 51, 7 | state: category violent: float murder: float hs_grad: float poverty: float single: float white: float urban: float |
Regression Stats |
U.S. Strike Duration Data | strikes | 62, 2 | duration: int iprod: float |
Regression |
Yearly sunspots data 1700-2008 | sunspots | 309, 2 | YEAR: date SUNACTIVITY: float |
TImeseries |