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275 lines (189 loc) · 10.6 KB

Core API


Crevice.GestureMachine.EvaluationContext have following properties:

Type Property Name Description
System.Drawing.Point GestureStartPosition
ForegroundWindowInfo ForegroundWindow The window which was on the foreground when a gesture started. This is an instance of WindowInfo.
PointedWindowInfo PointedWindow The window which was under the cursor when a gesture started. This is an instance of WindowInfo.

These values are guaranteed that same values are provided as ExecutionContext's property in Press, Do, and Release clauses.


Crevice.GestureMachine.ExecutionContext have following properties:

Type Property Name Description
System.Drawing.Point GestureStartPosition
System.Drawing.Point GestureEndPosition
WindowInfo ForegroundWindow The window which was on the foreground when a gesture started. This is an instance of WindowInfo.
WindowInfo PointedWindow The window which was under the cursor when a gesture started. This is an instance of WindowInfo.

These values, except for GestureEndPosition, are guaranteed that same values are provided as EvaluationContext's property in When clause.


Crevice.GestureMachine.GestureMachineProfile have following properties:

Type Property Name Description
RootElement RootElement
GestureMachine GestureMachine
UserConfig UserConfig
string ProfileName


WindowInfo is a thin wrapper of the handle of a window. This class provides properties and methods to use window handles more easily.

Type Property Name Description
IntPtr WindowHandle Window's handle.
int ThreadId Window's thread id.
int ProcessId Window's process id.
IntPtr WindowId Window's window id.
string Text Window's title.
string ClassName Window's class name.
WindowInfo Parent WindowInfo of window's parent window.
string ModulePath Window's module path.
string ModuleName Window's module name.
Return Value Method Definition Description
long SendMessage(int Msg, int wParam, int lParam) A shortcut to win32 API SendMessage(WindowHandle, Msg, wParam, lParam).
bool PostMessage(int Msg, int wParam, int lParam) A shortcut to win32 API PostMessage(WindowHandle, Msg, wParam, lParam).
bool BringWindowToTop() A shortcut to win32 API BringWindowToTop(WindowHandle).
WindowInfo FindWindowEx(IntPtr hwndChildAfter, string lpszClass, string lpszWindow) A shortcut to win32 API FindWindowEx(WindowHandle, hwndChildAfter, lpszClass, lpszWindow).
WindowInfo FindWindowEx(string lpszClass, string lpszWindow) A shortcut to win32 API FindWindowEx(WindowHandle, IntPtr.Zero, lpszClass, lpszWindow).
IReadOnlyList<WindowInfo> GetChildWindows() A shortcut to win32 API EnumChildWindows(WindowHandle, EnumWindowProc, IntPtr.Zero).
IReadOnlyList<WindowInfo> GetPointedDescendantWindows(Point point, Window.WindowFromPointFlags flags) A shortcut to win32 API ChildWindowFromPointEx(hWnd, point, flags). This function recursively calls ChildWindowFromPointEx until reach to the last descendant window.
IReadOnlyList<WindowInfo> GetPointedDescendantWindows(Point point) A shortcut to win32 API ChildWindowFromPointEx(hWnd, point, Window.WindowFromPointFlags.CWP_ALL). This function recursively calls ChildWindowFromPointEx until reach to the last descendant window.
void Activate() Brings window into the foreground and activates the window.

And, you can use a static utility class Window for accessing and manipulating a window. See Extension API - Window for more details.


Send mouse and keyboard input events to the foreground window. This API provides single and multiple sending method. The events sent by single sending method is guaranteed to arrive to the window in order, but this does not necessarily mean it will not be interrupted by the other events. Multiple sending method guarantees that the events sent by it will not be interrupted by the other events.Both methods support the same API for sending mouse and keyboard events except that multiple sending method is need to be called Send() at last.

// When D key interrupts here,
// Win+D will be invoked unintentionally.
Send(); // This won't be interrupted by any other input.

Mouse event

Down, Up, and Click events are supported for the standard push-release type buttons of mouse devices. For example, the provided API for mouse's left button is LeftDown(), LeftUp() and LeftClick(). For single state buttons, WheelUp(), WheelDown(), WheelLeft() and WheelRight() are provided. In addition to these, for move event of mouse cursor, Move(int dx, int dy) and MoveTo(int x, int y) are provided.

Button Method Definition Description
Keys.LButton LeftDown()
Keys.LButton LeftUp()
Keys.LButton LeftClick() Shortcut to LeftDown() and LeftUp().
Keys.RButton RightDown()
Keys.RButton RightUp()
Keys.RButton RightClick() Shortcut to RightDown() and RightUp().
  • | Move(int dx, int dy) | Move the cursor relatively. dx and dy are relative values.
  • | MoveTo(int x, int y) | Move the cursor to the specified point. x and y are absolute values. Keys.MButton | MiddleDown() Keys.MButton | MiddleUp() Keys.MButton | MiddleClick() | Shortcut to MiddleDown() and MiddleUp().
  • | VerticalWheel(int delta) | Send vertical wheel message. If delta is positive value, the direction of the wheel is up, otherwise down. Keys.WheelDown | WheelDown() | Shortcut to VerticalWheel(-120). Keys.WheelUp | WheelUp() | Shortcut to VerticalWheel(120).
  • | HorizontalWheel(int delta) | Send horizontal wheel message. If delta is positive value, the direction of the wheel is right, otherwise left. Keys.WheelLeft | WheelLeft() | Shortcut to HorizontalWheel(-120). Keys.WheelRight | WheelRight() | Shortcut to HorizontalWheel(120). Keys.XButton1 | X1Down() Keys.XButton1 | X1Up() Keys.XButton1 | X1Click() | Shortcut to X1Down() and X1Up(). Keys.XButton2 | X2Down() Keys.XButton2 | X2Up() Keys.XButton2 | X2Click() | Shortcut to X2Down() and X2Up().

Keyboard event

A keyboard event is synthesized from a key code and two logical flags, ExtendedKey and ScanCode. For sending Up and Down events, KeyDown(int keyCode) and KeyUp(int keyCode) are provided.

SendInput.KeyUp(Keys.A); // Send `A` to the foreground application.

ExetendedKeyDown(int keyCode) and ExtentedKeyUp(int keyCode) are provided when ExtendedKey flag is needed to be set.

SendInput.ExtentedKeyUp(Keys.LWin); // Send `Win` to the foreground application.

For four API above mentioned, combined it with ScanCode flag, KeyDownWithScanCode(int keyCode), KeyUpWithScanCode(int keyCode), ExtendedKeyDownWithScanCode(int keyCode) and ExtendedKeyUpWithScanCode(int keyCode) are provided.

SendInput.ExtendedKeyUpWithScanCode(Keys.LControlKey); // Send `Ctrl+S` with scan code to the foreground application.

And finally, for to support Unicode flag, following functions are provided; UnicodeKeyDown(char c), UnicodeKeyUp(char c), UnicodeKeyStroke(string str).

SendInput.UnicodeKeyUp('🍣'); // Send `Sushi` to the foreground application.
Flag Method Definition Description
  • | KeyDown(int keyCode) |
  • | KeyUp(int keyCode) | Extended | ExetendedKeyDown(int keyCode) Extended | ExtentedKeyUp(int keyCode) ScanCode | KeyDownWithScanCode(int keyCode) ScanCode | KeyUpWithScanCode(int keyCode) Extended & ScanCode | ExtendedKeyDownWithScanCode(int keyCode) Extended & ScanCode | ExtendedKeyUpWithScanCode(int keyCode)
  • | UnicodeKeyDown(char c)
  • | UnicodeKeyUp(char c)
  • | UnicodeKeyStroke(string str)



Tooltip("This is tooltip.");
Method Definition Description
Tooltip(string text) Show tooltip message at the right bottom corner of the display on the cursor, by default. You can configure the position by changing Config.UI.TooltipPositionBinding, see Config - Bindings.
Tooltip(string text, Point point) Show a tooltip message at the specified position.
Tooltip(string text, Point point, int duration) Show a tooltip message at the specified position for a specified period.


Balloon("This is balloon.");
Method Definition Description
Balloon(string text) Show a balloon message.
Balloon(string text, string title) Show a balloon message and a title.
Balloon(string text, string title, int timeout) Show a balloon message and a title for a specified period.
Balloon(string text, string title, ToolTipIcon icon) Show a balloon message, a title, and a icon.
Balloon(string text, string title, ToolTipIcon icon, int timeout) Show a balloon message, a title, and a icon for a specified period.


Keys provides the definition of all buttons and keys of mouse and keyboard for it's property. This is almost all same as System.Windows.Forms.Keys.aspx) but for some extentions, wheel and stroke events.

Differences from System.Windows.Forms.Keys

Extended properties

Property Name Description

These extended properties are differ than the other properties; these can not be treated as a int value.

var n = 1 + Keys.A; // n == 65
var n = 1 + Keys.WheelUp; // Compilation error.


Keys supports indexer for getting a key represents specified keyCode.

Assert.AreEquals(Keys[64], Keys.A);

This is useful for getting a key which is not assigned as a Keys's property, but be careful to that the keyCode have the range, 0 to 255.

var key = Keys[256]; // This throws an IndexOutOfRangeException();