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Graph options

There are various configuration options that control the execution of graph statements. They can also be overridden programmatically on individual statements.

Setting options

Given the following configuration:

datastax-java-driver {

  basic.graph.timeout = 3 seconds

  profiles {
    graph-oltp {
      basic.graph.timeout = 30 seconds

This statement inherits the timeout from the default profile:

ScriptGraphStatement statement = ScriptGraphStatement.newInstance("g.V().next()");
assert statement.getTimeout().equals(Duration.ofSeconds(3));

This statement inherits the timeout from a named profile:

ScriptGraphStatement statement =
assert statement.getTimeout().equals(Duration.ofSeconds(30));

This statement overrides the timeout programmatically; that takes precedence over the configuration:

ScriptGraphStatement statement =

Programmatic overrides are also available in statement builders:

ScriptGraphStatement statement =

Whether you use the configuration or programmatic API depends on the use case; in general, we recommend trying execution profiles first, if you can identify static categories of statements that share the same options. Resort to the API for specific options that only apply to a single statement, or if the value is only known at runtime.

Available options

Graph name

The option defines the name of the graph you're querying.

This doesn't have to be set all the time. In fact, some queries explicitly require no graph name, for example those that access the system query. If you try to execute them with a graph name set, you'll get an error:

// Don't do this: executing a system query with the graph name set
ScriptGraphStatement statement =
// InvalidQueryException: No such property: system for class: Script2

If you set the graph name globally in the configuration, you'll need to unset it for system queries. To do that, set it to null, or use the more explicit equivalent is-system-query:

datastax-java-driver { = my_graph

  profiles {
    graph-system {
      # Don't inherit the graph name here = true
ScriptGraphStatement statement =

// Programmatic alternative:
ScriptGraphStatement statement =

Traversal source

basic.graph.traversal-source defines the underlying engine used to create traversals.

Set this to g for regular OLTP queries, or a for OLAP queries.

Consistency level

Graph statements use the same option as CQL: basic.request.consistency.

However, DSE graph also provides a finer level of tuning: a single traversal may produce multiple internal storage queries, some of which are reads, and others writes. The read and write consistency levels can be configured independently with and basic.graph.write-consistency.

If any of these is set, it overrides the consistency level for that type of query; otherwise, the global option is used.


Graph statements have a dedicated timeout option: basic.graph.timeout. This is because the timeout behaves a bit differently with DSE graph: by default, it is unset and the driver will wait until the server replies (there are server-side timeouts that limit how long the request will take).

If a timeout is defined on the client, the driver will fail the request after that time, without waiting for a reply. But the timeout is also sent alongside the initial request, and the server will adjust its own timeout to ensure that it doesn't keep working for a result that the client is no longer waiting for.

Graph protocol version

DSE graph relies on the Cassandra native protocol, but it extends it with a sub-protocol that has its own versioning scheme.

advanced.graph.sub-protocol controls the graph protocol version to use for each statement. It is unset by default, and you should almost never have to change it: the driver sets it automatically based on the information it knows about the server.

There is one exception: if you use the script API against a legacy DSE version (5.0.3 or older), the driver infers the wrong protocol version. This manifests as a ClassCastException when you try to deserialize complex result objects, such as vertices:

GraphResultSet result =
// ClassCastException: java.util.LinkedHashMap cannot be cast to org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.structure.Vertex

If you run into that situation, force the sub-protocol to graphson-1.0 for script statements (that's not necessary for fluent statements).

Currently, if the Graph sub-protocol version is not specified on a given GraphStatement, and it's not explicitly set through advanced.graph.sub-protocol in configuration, the version of DSE to which the driver is connected will determine the default sub-protocol version used by the driver. For DSE 6.8.0 and later, the driver will pick "graph-binary-1.0" as the default sub-protocol version. For DSE 6.7.x and older (or in cases where the driver can't determine the DSE version), the driver will pick "graphson-2.0" as the default sub-protocol version.