Releases: crukci-bioinformatics/mga2
Fixed issue with summarize_alignments, compress_alignments and create_bar_chart tasks being re-run when resuming from successfully completed run.
Fixed error running split_alignments_by_sample.R when an input dataset has no sampled reads, either because the input data has no reads of the sampling returns no reads due to filtering based on trimming; now uses the sample sheet to know what samples are present and creates an output file for each regardless of whether that sample was contained in the chunk.
Created inner workflow containing much of the workflow logic and that can be incorporated as a sub-workflow within another data processing pipeline that already has a channel for FASTQ files and sample metadata stored in another format; updated main workflow by removing the logic and calling the inner workflow instead
Moved the process definitions from to a separate file,
New add_sample_ids process for adding a numeric id to the sample sheet which is used instead of the user-specified id within the workflow logic
added checks for missing bowtie index for matched genomes in check_inputs process
Updated Docker container with more recent versions of Rust, R and dependent R packages; use of separate build directory to avoid R scripts in the container taking precedence on the path over the versions in the bin directory
Reworked alignment summarization R script so that this is done for each sample separately (more efficient for large numbers of samples), new processs added for splitting and collating chunked alignment output files
Added process for compressing the final alignment files
Tasks for trimming and splitting input FASTQ sequences and splitting alignments no longer use the local executor but run as separate jobs
Added run option for Singularity to prevent it mounting the users home directory, removed cacheDir setting for the Singularity image so will now be built in a work subdirectory
Docker container now based on Debian slim base image, updates to more recent versions of R and dependent R packages, added rust to the conda environment
Now capable of handling of large bowtie indexes with ebwtl suffix
Reworked summarize_alignments.R to read in alignments for all datasets into single data frame instead of splitting into separate chunks following occasional hanging jobs on CRUK CI HPC cluster running read_tsv_chunked operation
Changed exit status codes used for Nextflow error/retry strategy
Updated Conda environment (Miniconda3 py39_4.11.0) and dependencies (R 4.1.3, tidyverse 1.3.1, bowtie 1.3.1)
Change build and deployment directory to /opt/mga2 and add to PATH for ease of use in a parent pipeline that uses MGA as a sub-workflow.
Fixed issue with creating summary plot (create_bar_chart.R) when there are no reads in any of the input FASTQ files (caused the category variable to be treated as a logical and resulted in failed replace_na call)
Improved handling of required columns and column types in R scripts
Initial release of a rewrite of the MGA
contaminant screen for high-throughput sequencing data.
Updated version for 2.0.0 release