This is the frist and the most important interview with a new intern. If the intern says yes he/she should really mean it based on a really important decsion in her/his life!
Initiates by a mentor:
- Mentor arranges a Skype meeting.
- While arranging a meeting, mentor has the chance to break the ice with the intern and get friends.
Attendees: Interviewer, Observer (Mentor), Intern 1, Intern 2 (optional)
Interns attending the interview fit into one of these two categories:
- Those who are being interviewed for the first time. Based on the order of applicants in the queue, it's now their turn to start the process of entering a course.
- Those who had been interviewed before, but their statement commitment had not been verified successfully.
- Let them feel comfortable.
- Clarifying the 'Integrity' concept.
- Making 'Yes' a very difficult word to say!
What have you heard - What have you heard about cs_internship? what made you want to participate?
- Note: each intern wanting to be added to queue, is supposed to talk to 5 people who are in the course (either as mentor or intern) and learn from them about the course. They have to find that 5 people by exploring the social media, and looking for #cs_internship hashtags.
My Story - Me, telling my story (Me towards us approach). In this way they will feel more comfortable to share their story.
- Telling them the story of me, and us.
- What is the history?
- Why are we doing this?
Your Story - Let them talk about themselves. Let them feel free to talk about their work, their achievements, their passions and ...
- What have they heard about us?
- Encourage them to talk about why are they making this decision.
- The most important rule of us.
- Never ever break it!
- 2 sides of the rule.
- Applies to all aspects of our work: from a simple Skype meeting to accomplishing task within a sprint.
The Learning Process - How do we work
- Steps
- Agree to be active on Twitter and LinkedIn
The Mentorship Process It should be clarified for them that they are required to contribute to this internship at some point due to two reasons (note that the reasons should be stated in this interview as well):
- A large portion of learning process (both for technology and soft skills) are acquired through mentorship which in turn includes helping the interns and also fulfilling some tasks assigned to them in the sprint sessions.
- The interns should be told that this internship is free of charge because of the help of mentors who were formerly interns. Having new interns contribute to the progress and evolution of cs internship by becoming mentors, is a necessity to have the course remain free. So new interns are required to be part of this internship and help the new comers to learn.
The Promise - Clarifying the required commitment:
- The promise of 9 months: This plan will be the highest priority within this period.
- The promise of Weekly hours: Integrity starts here.
Think about it - We ask them to NOT to answer the promise question now! They are now in a high energy level which could be temporary. Let them have their 2 days to think about the promises seriously.
Happy Ending - What animal are you!
The qualified instructors for this document:
- Mehran
- Shahryar
- Maryam Heydarian
- Fatemeh Khodaie
- Interviewers should first comprehense the goal of mentorship and values gained through it, to be successful interviewers.
- Interviewers should clarify what is meant by the word mentorship.
- Recommanded way to inform the intern about the concepts of mentorship and integrity is to
first: inform them what we want to achieve: having working teams.
second: inform them what we need to achieve our goal: soft skills.
third: inform them how we manage to gain those skills: mentorship and preserving integrity. - Attendees of this meeting should be informed that the meeting is being recorded. Mentors should record the meeting and upload it to
Mentor's Feed
Telegram channel with the#interview