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PAMonCloud for AWS - Deploy Prerequisites Terraform Module

This module is used to set up essential AWS resources required for the deployment of CyberArk components, such as CloudWatch log groups, Lambda functions, and IAM roles. The Deploy Prerequisites module does not require any input variables and manages the deployment of Lambda functions and the IAM roles necessary for the overall CyberArk infrastructure deployment.


module "deploy_prep" {
  source = "  source = "cyberark/pamoncloud/aws//modules/deploy_prerequisites"



Name Version
terraform 1.9.8


Name Version
aws 5.73.0
random 3.6.2
null 3.2.3
archive 2.6.0


No modules.


Retrieve information about a resource (post deployment)

You can use the terraform state show command followed by: module.<module_name>.<resource_name>
Example: terraform state show 'module.deploy_prep.aws_cloudwatch_log_group.log_group'
For list objects, you can use terraform state list to get all objects within the list.

Name Description
aws_cloudwatch_log_group.log_group CloudWatch log group.
aws_iam_role.lambda_manage_ssm_password_role IAM role for managing SSM password in Lambda.
aws_iam_role.lambda_remove_permissions_role IAM role for removing permissions in Lambda.
aws_iam_role.lambda_retrieve_success_signal_role IAM role for retrieving success signal in Lambda.
aws_iam_role_policy.lambda_manage_ssm_password_policy IAM policy for managing SSM password in Lambda.
aws_iam_role_policy.lambda_retrieve_success_signal_policy IAM policy for retrieving success signal in Lambda.
aws_iam_role_policy_attachment.lambda_manage_ssm_password_execution_managed_policy IAM policy attachment for Lambda to manage SSM password.
aws_iam_role_policy_attachment.lambda_remove_permissions_execution_managed_policy IAM policy attachment for Lambda to remove permissions.
aws_iam_role_policy_attachment.lambda_retrieve_success_signal_execution_managed_policy IAM policy attachment for Lambda to retrieve success signal.
data.aws_iam_policy_document.lambda_assume_role_policy IAM policy document for Lambda assume role.
aws_lambda_function.manage_ssm_password_lambda Lambda for managing SSM password.
aws_lambda_function.remove_permissions_lambda Lambda for removing permissions.
aws_lambda_function.retrieve_success_signal_lambda Lambda for retrieving success signal.
data.archive_file.manage_ssm_password_zip Archive file for managing SSM passwords.
data.archive_file.remove_permissions_zip Archive file for removing permissions.
data.archive_file.retrieve_success_signal_zip Archive file for retrieving success signal.
data.aws_caller_identity.current AWS Caller Identity of current user.
data.aws_partition.current Current AWS partition.
data.aws_region.current Current AWS region.
null_resource.always_recreate Triggers resource recreation.
random_string.deployment_uid Unique identifier for deployment.


No Inputs.


Name Description
deployment_uid The unique deployment identifier.
log_group_name The name of the CloudWatch log group.
manage_ssm_password_lambda The Lambda function name that manages SSM passwords.
retrieve_success_signal_lambda The Lambda function name that retrieves success signals.
remove_permissions_lambda The Lambda function details for removing permissions, including function name, ARN, and role name.