"Tabnabbing" is a phishing technique that was announced by Aza Raskin in 2010.
The Tabnabbing attack technique uses scripts to rewrite a page on an inactive tab to a malicious page (example: a fake page that looks like a real service login screen). When a user goes to the tab, the malicious page steals confidential information (example: login information). If one or both of the following conditions are met, the attack is successful.
- A link with the
attribute specified exists in an attacked site - The
description exists in an attacked site
We have adopted the policy of not identifying "Tabnabbing" attacks as a vulnerability due to the following reasons:
- Solutions that use
and other attributes are not supported by some browsers, so not all browsers can be fully protected against the attack. http://caniuse.com/#feat=rel-noopener - Since there are a huge number of links in existing products, modifying all links would be very difficult.
- We have determined that the impact of the attack is limited and the risk is acceptable.
For reference, Google indicates a policy of excluding this case (phishing by navigating browser tabs) from rewards. https://bughunters.google.com/learn/invalid-reports/web-platform/navigation/5825028803002368/phishing-by-navigating-browser-tabs
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