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File metadata and controls

116 lines (93 loc) · 4.93 KB


To use this code you should have the following:

  • A Kubernetes Cluster (You can use kind for testing)
    • For this you will need a Container Engine like Docker.
  • Prometheus Installed in the Kubernetes Cluster (it is mandatory - there is an installation guide below)
  • Be the Admin of the cluster, with access to the default Service Account.
  • Python3 Installed

The following guide is describing the installation on Windows. To do the same for linux, it is advised to follow this documentation. To learn more for the code, you should read the documentation in the previous hyperlink.

Download Repo

To download this repo use the following command:

git clone

cd codeco-ds-master-workshop

Kind Installation

To test the code you can use kind. To make the installation you can follow the commands describe in the Docker documentation & kind documentation.

Open you Docker Engine and run the following to create a cluster:

kind create cluster --config config.txt --name sonem

The above command will use the config.txt file to create a 3 node cluster using Docker and Kind. The cluster will be named as sonem.

You can view your nodes with the following command:

kubectl get nodes

# You can view all the pods in the following way:
kubectl get pods --all-namespaces

Your output should be something like the following:

NAME                  STATUS   ROLES           AGE   VERSION
sonem-control-plane   Ready    control-plane   8h    v1.30.0
sonem-worker          Ready    <none>          8h    v1.30.0
sonem-worker2         Ready    <none>          8h    v1.30.0

Delete cluster

To delete your cluster you can use the following command:

kind delete cluster --name sonem

Prometheus Installation

Use the following commands on the Kubernetes Master to install prometheus:

# Get in the Prometheus Repo
cd kube-prometheus

# Apply the following lines
kubectl apply --server-side -f manifests/setup
kubectl wait --for condition=Established --all CustomResourceDefinition --namespace=monitoring
kubectl apply -f manifests/

Remove Prometheus

To Remove Prometheus that is installed, use following commands:

kubectl delete --ignore-not-found=true -f manifests/ -f manifests/setup

Install the Synthetic Data Generator

While having a cluster and Prometheus within the cluster, run the following in the master node:


How to Uninstall the Controllers

Run the following commands to use the deletion script:


Get Information without the Extractor Script

If you want to test in a fast way the controllers, try running the following for the ACM Controller. Just fill in one of your node names in the <node-name> field.

kubectl get acm-mons <node-name>-object -o=jsonpath='{.spec.node_name}:{.spec.cpu}:{.spec.mem}:{.spec.node_failure}:{.spec.node_energy}:{.spec.node_sec} -n he-codeco-acm'
# kubectl get acm-mons sonem-worker-object -o=jsonpath='{.spec.node_name}:{.spec.cpu}:{.spec.mem}:{.spec.node_failure}:{.spec.node_energy}:{.spec.node_sec} -n he-codeco-acm

You can test MDM and NetMA controllers as well with the following commands:

kubectl get mdm-mons <node-name>-object -o=jsonpath='{.spec.node_name}:{.spec.freshness}:{.spec.compliance}:{.spec.portability} -n he-codeco-mdm
kubectl get netma-mons <node-name>-object -o=jsonpath='{.spec.node_name}:{.spec.link_id}:{.spec.link_failure}:{.spec.node_net_failure}:{.spec.ebw}:{.spec.ibw}:{.spec.latency}:{.spec.uid_visits}:{.spec.uid_location}:{}:{.spec.node_degree}:{.spec.path_length}:{.spec.link_energy}:{.spec.node_net_energy} -n he-codeco-netma

# kubectl get mdm-mons sonem-worker-object -o=jsonpath='{.spec.node_name}:{.spec.freshness}:{.spec.compliance}:{.spec.portability} -n he-codeco-mdm
# kubectl get netma-mons sonem-worker-object -o=jsonpath='{.spec.node_name}:{.spec.link_id}:{.spec.link_failure}:{.spec.node_net_failure}:{.spec.ebw}:{.spec.ibw}:{.spec.latency}:{.spec.uid_visits}:{.spec.uid_location}:{}:{.spec.node_degree}:{.spec.path_length}:{.spec.link_energy}:{.spec.node_net_energy} -n he-codeco-netma

Execute the Extractor

To Execute the extractor and gather results, follow the commands below:

cd data-extractor
pip install -r requirements.txt
python mode=<mode>
# python mode=write
# python mode=append

# To uninstall the requirements.txt
pip uninstall -r requirements.txt -y

Flow Diagram

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  • Panagiotis Karamolegkos (UPRC)
  • Pepi Paraskevoulakou (UPRC)