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Functional Java by Annotations

This projects tries to bring proper functional elements to Java through annotation processing.

How to

You need to annotate the class that is implementing such a structure with the correct annotation. For example @Functor to implement IFunctor.


A functional structure is a set of operations defined over a type constructor or set of type constructors

To create use it you just need to implement the needed interface, like IFuntor<List<?>> substituting IFunctor and List for the functional structure and the type constructor you would like to use. The type constructor needs to use the wildcard ?. Note that we may use type constructors with several inputs like Either<A,?> or Either<?,?>.

It is not possible to concatenate constructors as in Maybe<List<?>>

Algebraic Structures

An algebraic structure is a set of operations defined over a type or set of types. They are type constructors, but they still require the corresponding annotation.

Compile time

As the last step, add the annotation processor com.dan323.functional.annotation.FunctionalCompiler to your project.

Compilation will fail until you add enough methods to satisfy the functional and algebraic structure requirements.

Algebraic Structures

An algebraic structure is a set of operations defined over a type or set of types. Methods of super-types also count towards the annotation being implemented.


A semigroup requires only one operation

public interface ASemigroup<T> extends ISemigroup<T> { 
    T op(T a, T b);

and it should satisfy the associative property:

op(x,op(y,z)) == op(op(x,y),z)


A monoid is a semigroup with a neutral element:

public interface AMonoid<T> extends IMonoid<T> {
    T unit();

and it should satisfy the neutral property:

op(x, unit()) == x
op(unit(), x) == x



A functor requires only one function

public interface AFunctor extends IFunctor<F<?>> {
    <A,B> F<B> map(F<A> base, Function<A,B> map);

and it satisfies the following laws:

map(x, id) == x
map(map(x, f), g) == map(x, g . f)

The miminal required is the only function it has: map


Any applicative is a functor, so it also has a map function added to the following:

public interface AnApplicative extends IApplicative<F<?>> { 
    <A> F<A> pure(A a);
    <A,B> F<B> fapply(F<Function<A,B>> map, F<A> base);
    <A,B,C> F<C> liftA2(BiFunction<A,B,C> map, F<A> fa, F<B> fb);

and it satisfies the following laws (adding the ones from functor):

fapply(pure(f), base) == map(base, f)
map(g, pure(x)) == pure(g(x))
fapply(u, pure(y)) == fapply(pure(f -> f(y)), u)
liftA2(f, a, b) == fapply(map(f, a), b)
fapply(f,base) == liftA2((a,b) -> a(b), f, base)

The mimimal required is pure and, either fapply or liftA2.


Any monad is an applicative, and hence a functor, so it has all their functions plus the following:

public interface AMonad extends IMonad<F<?>> {
    <A,B> F<B> flatMap(Function<A,F<B>> map, F<A> base);
    <A> F<A> join(F<F<A>> doubleMonad);

and it satisfies the following laws (adding the ones from applicative):

flatMap(id, ffa) == join(ffa)
flatMap(pure . f, base) == map(f, base)
fapply(f, base) == flatMap(g -> map(g, base), f)
join(pure(fa)) == fa

The minimal required is pure and one of the following lists:

  1. flatMap
  2. join and the minimal Functor
  3. join and the minimal Applicative


A foldable structure is one we can collapse. Up to now it has 3 functions defined:

public interface AFoldable extends IFoldable<F<?>> {
    <A> A fold(IMonoid<A> monoid, F<A> a);
    <A, M> M foldMap(IMonoid<M> monoid, Function<A,M> function, F<A> base);
    <A, B> B foldr(BiFunction<A,B,B> function, B b, F<A> fa);

and they satisfy the following laws:

fold(m, b) == foldMap(m, Function.identity(), b)
foldr(f, z, t) == (foldMap(EndoMonoid, f, t))(z)
foldMap(m, f, b) == foldr((x,y) -> m.op(f(x), y) , m.unit(), b)

where EndoMonoid(A) is the monoid defined over the functions from and to A with op(f,g) = f . g

The minimal required is foldr or foldMap


