You want to prioritize being consistent with the rest of the module.
In any record/data definition, the commas go on the Left Hand Side of the field.
Unless it's necessary(it would look hideous if we don't), we do not go over 80 characters in a line. In your editor, make sure there is some sort of mechanism to tell you whether or not you have crossed the 80 character limit Most good editors should allow you to have a ruler at the 81st character.
Compile with stack test --pedantic --fast
to make sure that the code is
"clean", and hlint
should also be used either directly on the code or via your
editor. This doesn't necessarily need to be the case for all code pushed but
should be true of all code pushed to PRs once opened. This will eventually be
enforced in CI.
(unless it's How Things Are Done™ for that specific monad instance, eg: aeson parsers, and tests are usually fine)- incomplete pattern matches (GHC will warn you)
This is self-explanatory. Unless you have a good reason to use return
, of course.
Specific types are always better than general ones when defining data types, instead of Text, make a newtype:
newtype FooId = FooId Text deriving (...)
-- instead of
type FooId = Text
are preferred because they give extra type safety, type aliases are
exactly equal to the type which is being aliased so bugs from passing in the
wrong value are not detected at compile time.
For most data type definitions, at least Show
, Eq
and Generic
should be
derived unless there is a good reason not to.
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
import GHC.Generic
newtype EventWibble = EventWibble Text deriving (Show, Eq, Generic)
Doing this makes it much easier in many cases to derive instance of other classes.
A top-down approach to writing functions is preferred. What that means is, helper functions tend to go underneath the higher level function.
At the moment, this is restricted to function definitions,
not the function body. So, the use of let
and where
is simply a matter of choice/consistency and
is not governed by this style rule.
If a helper function is being called by multiple higher-level functions,
then consider putting it in a relevant Utils module. Some examples of
Utils modules in this codebase are QueryUtils
, StorageUtils
, Utils
If three or more of these helper functions pop up which you feel like need
a new module of their own, make one and name it <Description>Utils.hs
We follow most of Beam's conventions. There is only one we don't follow, which is mentioned later.
So, the table names are suffixed with a T
(relative to the constructor).
Here is an example table definition:
data MyTableT = MyTable
column_one :: C f (Auto Int)
, column_two :: PrimaryKey AnotherTable (Nullable f)
} deriving Generic
If you notice the field definitions (eg., column_one
), it is in snake_case
as opposed to camelCase, which is unanimously conventional in Haskell.
The reason for that is that Beam looks at how you defined your columns (fields)
and modifies
the field name in the generated SQL query. At the time of writing, this
behaviour was found to be inconsistent and not well documented, and it was
discovered that naming_variables_like_this_keeps_things_intact
Since we want our column names to be consistent with the column names we put in the migration function, this seemed like the way to go.
Make the marshalling from custom types as explicit as possible.
Even in the case where the data type is to be stored as a string,
i.e, the result of calling show
on it is to be used as its database representation,
make that explicit. The example code below shows how to:
import Database.Beam.Backend.SQL (HasSqlValueSyntax (..), sqlValueSyntax)
instance HasSqlValueSyntax be String =>
BSQL.HasSqlValueSyntax be MyType where
sqlValueSyntax = sqlValueSyntax . show
-- instead of: sqlValueSyntax = autoSqlValueSyntax
defines a DB
monad, and some functions
runDb :: DBConstraint context err => DB context err a -> AppM context err a
pg :: Pg a -> DB context err a
which will execute the given DB
value within a transaction. Generally, any
single handler should only have a single call to runDb
unless there is a good
reason why you do not want transactional semantics.
foo a b c = do
thing <- getThing a
runDb $ do
-- Everything within this do block happens within a single database transaction
users <- pg $ runSelectReturningList $ select $ do
user <- all_ userTable
guard_ (email_address user ==. val_ email)
pure user
things <- pg $ runSelectReturningList $ select $ do
thing <- all_ thingTable
guard_ (thingField ==. val athing)
pure thing
pg $ runInsertReturningList (otherThing theDB) $
insertValues [...]
In the module MigrateScript
, please make sure the tables names are
as opposed to any variant of camelCase
This is because in SQL queries, all captials are converted to small case, so
even if you name a table myTable
, subsequent queries involving the table will
call your table mytable
If you want to make style tweaks to some modules
- Ask if anyone else in the team is working on the module(s) in question
- If not, make all the style tweaks within one commit.
It is imperative that you make imports as explicit as possible, but also aim to not clutter the course code too much. Most definitions defined within this project can be imported without explicitly listing the imports or making them qualified - this is our domain specific language. Modules from base or third party libraries should always be imported using qualified names or explicit import (or both, see below - this is very common in Haskell code bases).
If you only need to import small number of functions or types from a module and they do not conflict with other imports, they may be imported explicitly by name, for example:
import Foo (Foo(..),toFoo, FooClass(..))
This should usually be preferred to importing qualified, as it is as explicit as the qualified import, but without making the code more noisy by introducing prefixes all over the place.
A common idiom used in Haskell code when for example a specific type is used a lot in a module is to import it unqualified for those common types or functions, and qualified with a short name for the rest of the module:
import Data.Text (Text, pack)
import qualified Data.Text as T
Modules this is commonly done for include:
(qualified import asT
, importingText
(qualified import as BS and BSL, importingByteString
(qualified import M, importingMap
(qualified import HM, importingHashMap
Hint: The following snippet can be added to your Haskell language snippets in Visual Studio Code to make typing these imports easier (ask Alex if you need help):
"Double import": {
"prefix": "impq",
"body": [
"import ${1:Data.Text} ($2)",
"import qualified ${1:Data.Text} as ${3:Text}"
"description": "Import a module qualified and unqualified"
Some conventions:
...SupplyChain.Types as ST
...Common.Types as CT
...Foo.Types as FT
etc.Data.Text as T
Data.GS1.EPC as EPC
Data.GS1.Event as Ev
If it is a type that is exposed via the API, manually define the FromJSON
and ToJSON
If you are unsure about a style tweak, please ask. If people cannot agree on a style decision, please go with what the majority of the team find comfortable and add it to this guide.
In general you should aim to make code pretty, by aligning elements textually
(using spaces) where it helps to see the larger structure of the program.
, mentioned above, does some of this for you with record
definitions and case statements but it can aid greatly in code readability in
more cases than stylish-haskell handles. See the definition of PrivateAPI
for an example.