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File metadata and controls

162 lines (123 loc) · 4.73 KB


This document descibes how to start using butler without the need to do any code changes.

Assume That

To run butler you will need a vm / docker / whatever with java11, npm, node.js and MariaDB.

Prepare Database

First you need to create user, database and populate schema

CREATE USER butler@'%';
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON my_project.* to butler;
USE my_project;
SOURCE butler-server/src/main/resources/db/schema.sql

Then set env variables so that butler can connect

export MYSQL_HOST=localhost
export MYSQL_DB=my_project
export MYSQL_USER=butler

You can also edit or prepare new file.

Configure JIRA Project

Butler without any code changes should be able to configure and use one default jira project, so that it will be possible to link test failures to existing tickets or even create new ones directly from butler UI.

First we need to let butler that we want to use this project by editing some properties:

butler.jira.key=XYZ  # place your project key
butler.jira.url=  # update url

If your jira requires authentication please edit the .netrc file. Butler will pick up credentials from there.

Configure workflows and branches


Butler needs to know workflows that your project is using for CI or in general for running tests.

If there is a need for customized import from jenkins test reports then probably a fork and some code addition would be the best approach...

... but in some simple case it is ok to use raw build import functionality and just tell butler the names of the workflows by putting them into the UPSTREAM_WORKFLOWS table:

INSERT INTO upstream_workflows(workflow) VALUES('ci');
INSERT INTO upstream_workflows(workflow) VALUES('nightly');

After application restart workflows: ci and nightly will automatically appear in the butler UI menu.


By default butler uses main branch as the only upstream (maintained) branch for workflows registered in the previous step.

You can change it or add more branches by editing db table MAINTAINED_VERSIONS e.g. by

INSERT INTO workflow_branches(workflow, branch) VALUES('ci', 'main');
INSERT INTO workflow_branches(workflow, branch) VALUES('ci', '1.0-dev');
INSERT INTO workflow_branches(workflow, branch) VALUES('nightly', 'main');
INSERT INTO workflow_branches(workflow, branch) VALUES('nightly', '1.0-dev');

Remember to configure all branches (including main, master or whatever you use) as butler will replace default main with the content of the database.

All the configuration can be done in the bin/ file that can be customized to change many of the configuration settings we have discussed above.

Import test results

Importing data can be done via the raw build import, which does not assume anything about the project-specific code and allows to just import plain data organized in the json file containting:

  • some metadata about the build and
  • a list of test results

Example content:

  "workflow": "ci",
  "branch": "main",
  "build_number": 1,
  "url": "",
  "start_time": 1651215600,
  "duration_ms": 100013,
  "tests": [
      "test_suite": "com.example.Suite1",
      "test_case": "testA",
      "variant": "",
      "failed": false,
      "skipped": false,
      "duration_ms": 1000,
      "url": ""
      "test_suite": "com.example.Suite1",
      "test_case": "testB",
      "variant": "variant1",
      "failed": false,
      "skipped": false,
      "duration_ms": 2000,
      "url": ""

Examaple data

Test data can be used to get some working dataset in butler (use curl or httpie or whatever you like):

http POST http://localhost:8080/api/ci/builds/import/raw < ./butler-server/src/integrationTest/resources/build-ci-main-1.json --body
    "build_number": 1,
    "job_name": "main",
    "workflow": "ci"

http POST http://localhost:8080/api/ci/builds/import/raw < ./butler-server/src/integrationTest/resources/build-ci-main-2.json --body
    "build_number": 2,
    "job_name": "main",
    "workflow": "ci"

http POST http://localhost:8080/api/ci/builds/import/raw < ./butler-server/src/integrationTest/resources/build-ci-main-3.json --body
    "build_number": 3,
    "job_name": "main",
    "workflow": "ci"

Final result will look like this:
