Note: this material is from 2017-2018
The data
tool performs 3 complementary tasks:
- Data Publishing: it is the DataHub command line interface with support for pushing and getting data from the DataHub
- Data Packaging: it is a command line Data Package manager for creating, inspecting, validating and accessing data packages and their resources
- Data Wrangling: it is a lightweight command line Data Wrangler tool performing tasks like inspecting and cat'ing data files.
Illustrative set of commands
# =====
# Publishing
# data publishing
data push FILE
data push DIRECTORY
# get a file (from DataHub)
data get FILE / URL
# delete a published dataset
data delete
# =====
# Packaging
# create a data package
data init
# validate a data package
data validate
# =====
# Wrangling
# data (pre)viewing and conversion
data cat FILE
# data conversion
# DIR: data package summary (assumes it is a data package)
# FIlE: print out meta and stream a summary of data (can turn off maybe in future with --no-preview)
data info {FILE-or-DIR}
Overview diagram
State of feature is indicated:
- light green = working well
- pink = working but needs work (and is priority)
- pink dashed = does not exist and priority
- green = exists and needs work but not priority
- grey = does not exist and not a priority
graph LR
datahub["DataHub CLI tool<br />publish (and get)"]
dpm[Data Package Manager<br/>works with DPs]
wrangler[Data Wrangler<br/>]
wrangle2["Complex wrangling"]
data[data cli]
data --> datahub
data --> dpm
data --> wrangler
datahub --> push
datahub --> login
datahub --> get
datahub --> delete
dpm --> init
dpm --> validate
dpm --> inspect
wrangler --> info
wrangler --> cat
wrangler --> wrangle2
classDef done fill:lightgreen,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px;
classDef ok fill:green,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px;
classDef priority fill:pink,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px;
classDef prioritynotstarted fill:pink,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px,stroke-dasharray: 5, 5;
classDef prioritylow fill:grey,stroke:#333,stroke-width:1px,stroke-dasharray;
class login done;
class push,validate priority;
class get,wrangler,delete prioritylow;
class init,info,cat ok;
Why do we have 3 features in one:
- Doing push requires a lot of other stuff including the data package lib and (some) data wrangling (see diagram in next section)
- To encourage people to use the data tool for itself not just for the DataHub. (But: people have lots of other tools - do they need another one?)
Question: should we focus the tool just on the DataHub part (plus some Data Packages)?
- In general we focus on MVP right now (remove what is not essential!)
- => drop the data wrangling stuff (?)
- However, we actually need most of this and it is useful to have some of this to hand (but be careful about feature creep)
This diagram shows what is involved with doing a push
graph TD
push --> hubapi
subgraph data.js
caststream[cast stream]
objstream[object stream]
stream[raw stream]
parseid["parse identifier<br>(Infer filetype)"]
subgraph datahub-client
hubapi --> login
hubapi --> pushlib[push]
push --> descriptor
push --> stream
descriptor --> tableschema
show --> caststream
tableschema --> infer
tableschema -.-> userprovided
infer --> objstream
infer -.-> ui
objstream --> stream
stream --> parseid
caststream --> objstream
caststream --> tableschema
hubapi[hubapi<br><br>DataHub API wrapper]
For more on data.js Library - See
[DataHub] As a Publisher I want to
- Push / publish a local file: data push {file}
- Push / publish a remote url: data push {url}
- Push / publish a data package: ...
- Get a data package, modify and republish (?)
- Add a view
These are in priority order.
[Data Packager] I want to
- create a package with data files
- validate a data package or file
- inspect data packages
- read a resource (cast)
[Wrangler] I want to
- inspect data files quickly (size, type etc)
- convert them ... e.g. xls -> csv, csv -> json
# search around for datasets
# I found some csv or excel or even pdf - great! I want to see if useful
data cat URL
# or maybe just get some info on it e.g. its size, last updated
data info URL
# let's download it to inspect more ...
data get url
data cat file
# hmm - it will need some cleaning up.
# time to make some notes ...
# or maybe i just want to save this file online now ...
data push file
# more expert users may want to creata data package first ...
data init
data push
# create a dataset with this file (auto-generate)
data push myfile.csv
# what about specifying the dataset target
data push myfile.csv my-existing-dataset
# or with username
data push {myfile.csv} @myname/xyz
# or prompt for the dataset name
data push myfile.csv
> Dataset name: my-ram-xyz
> Dataset title: ...
If a dataset already exists
# TODO: what if we prompt for file name from user and it is the same as an existing dataset
# we can store this somewhere ...
data push --dataset=xyz/name myfile.csv -- replaces the file
# replaces the schema
data push --dataset=name --schema myschema.yaml
# updates the schema
data push --dataset=name --schema myschema.json
# fetches the schema
data get --dataset=name --schema --format=yaml
data push x [to y]
data push myfile.csv [{dataset}]
# what could be a problem
data push myfile1.csv myfile2.csv [{dataset}]
dataset = [user/]name
As a Publisher i want to publish a file and create a new dataset
data push myfile.csv [dataset-name]
As a Publisher I want to replace a file in an existing dataset
As a Publisher I want to add a file to an existing dataset
# if existing file with path myfile.csv or name myfile then we replace
data push myfile.csv dataset-name
# if existing file with name existing-file then we replace, otherwise we add as `existing-file`
data push myfile.csv dataset-name:existing-file
# if existing file exists so this would replace WARN the user ...
data push myfile.csv dataset-name
As a Publisher I want to delete a file from an existing dataset
data strip dataset-name[:file-name]
✓ data push some.csv
✓ data push some.xls
✓? data push some.xlsx
✓? data push
✓? data push some.pdf // like a random file ...
✓? data push some.png // does it get viewed ...
✓? data push // inside are files => should act like pushing a directory?
=> should create data package with just README and no resources
data push (?)
data push datapackage.json (?)
data push file1.csv file2.csv (?)
data push somefile.parquet
- Do we guess media type
- Do we add hash
- Do we prompt for file title
- Do we validate before pushing
- Do we add file size
- No progress bar on upload
- No updates about what is happening on a push (we could update on each step successfully completed)
- We should skip re-uploading a file to rawstore if already uploaded
- TODO: does rawstore tell us this atm?
- no support for data push and complex flows and flows involving automation
- Could we automate creating the flow.yml?
2017-12-26 pushing to says at the top "Your data is safely stored and is getting processed - it will be here soon!" BUT I can already see a page (after a scan i do realise no files are there but that's sort of weird) and there is no other update information. Looking in JS debug i find:
Uncaught (in promise) TypeError: Cannot read property 'forEach' of undefined
at r (
at Generator._invoke (
at Generator.e.(anonymous function) [as next] (
at r (
at <anonymous>
2017-12-23 try pushing a data package with just a readme (not even a datapackage.json) and check whether it works (why? I'd like to push research datasets where i'm still in the process of digging stuff up)
2017-12-23 data get command hung on me and I can't debug ... (no debug flag) => I looked into adding this but introducing debug per command is a pain (we do it once by hand atm for push) => it should be systematic => refactoring dispatch code in the cli (and maybe therefore into the datahub-lib code ...)
data get command should have option to pull "remote" resources to local paths ...
2017-12-23 (?) data get command should pretty print the datapackage.json
Login is working
data init guesses types wrong e.g. for world incomes database.
2017-12-26 data init does not add a license field by default
- Does not run offline as errors on failure to access a profile (who cares about profiles by default - 99% of what i want to check is the data ...)
size: ..
md5: ...
format: ...
encoding: ...
data info
As Publisher I want to delete a dataset permanently so it does not exist
data purge dataset-name
# prompt user to type out dataset name to
# TODO: since people look for delete do we want to explain you hide the dataset
data hide
data unpublish
data delete # respond with use data push --findability ...
- Already have Data Package (?)
- Good CSV
- Good Excel
- Bad data (i.e. has ...)
- Something else
data push {file-or-directory}
How does data push work?
# you are pushing the raw file
# and the extraction to get one or more data tables ...
# in the background we are creating a data package + pipeline
data push {file}
1. Detect type / format
2. Choose the data (e.g. sheet from excel)
3. Review the headers
4. Infer data-types and review
5. [Add constraints]
6. Data validation
7. Upload
8. Get back a link - view page (or the raw url) e.g.
* You can view, share, publish, [fork]
1. Detect file type
=> file extension
1. Offer guess
2. Probable guess (options?)
3. Unknown - tell us
1B. Detect encoding (for CSV)
2. Choose the data
1. 1 sheet => ok
2. Multiple sheets guess and offer
3. Multiple sheets - ask them (which to include)
2B: bad data case - e.g. selecting within table
3. Review the headers
* Here is what we found
* More than one option for headers - try to reconcile
### Upload:
* raw file with name a function of the md5 hash
* Pros: efficient on space (e.g. same file stored once but means you need to worry about garbage collection?)
* the pipeline description: description of data and everything else we did [into database]
Then pipeline runs e.g. load into a database or into a data package
* stores output somewhere ...
Viewable online ...
data push url # does not store file
data push file # store in rawstore
### BitStore
/rawstore/ - content addressed storage (md5 or sha hashed)
Try this for a CSV file
data push mydata.csv
# review headers
# data types ...
* csv file gets stored as blob md5 ...
* output of the pipeline stored ...
* canonical CSV gets generated ...
Data Push directory
data push {directory}
# could just do data push file for each file but ...
# that could be tedious
# once I've mapped one file you try reusing that mapping for others ...
# .data directory that stores the pipeline and the datapackage.json
CLI architecture
participant bin/push.js
participant datahub
participant data
bin/push.js ->> data: new Package(path)
data -->> bin/push.js: pkg obj
bin/push.js ->> data: pkg.load()
data ->> data: load
data -->> bin/push.js: loaded pkg
bin/push.js ->> datahub: new DataHub({...})
datahub -->> bin/push.js: datahub obj
bin/push.js ->> datahub: datahub.push(pkg)
datahub ->> data: pkg.resources
data -->> datahub: loaded resources
datahub ->> data: Resource.load(datapackage.json)
datahub ->> datahub: authorize
datahub ->> datahub: upload
datahub ->> datahub: makeSourceSpec
datahub ->> datahub: upload source spec
datahub -->> bin/push.js: 0 or 1
What are the components involved ...?
graph TD
cli[data push myfile.csv]
cli --> parseid["parsePath(myfile.csv)"<br><br> path=myfile.csv, sourceType=local, format=csv, mediaType=text/csv]
parseid --> getstr["getStream(descriptor) - depending on url or local"<br><br>node stream]
getstr --> parsestr["parseStream(rawStream)"<br><br>object iterator/node obj stream]
parsestr --> infer["infer(objstream)<br><br>tableschema.json"]
infer --> ui[show user infer and check] <-- recommended for managing node streams in consistent ways