This directory contains terraform scripts to provision GCP Kubernetes
You will need terraform
and gcloud
CLI tools to be installed on your machine
See Google Cloud SDK docs to install gcloud
Following commands should work for Linux machines. See terraform docs for more
curl -fsSL | sudo apt-key add -
sudo apt-add-repository "deb [arch=amd64] $(lsb_release -cs) main"
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install terraform
Verify installation
terraform -help
Authenticate for GCP
gcloud auth application-default login
terraform init
# Output: Terraform has been successfully initialized!
terraform validate
# Output: Success! The configuration is valid.
Before applying changes, double check expected changes
terraform plan
# Output: Terraform will perform the following actions:
# # module.gke.google_container_cluster.primary will be created
# + resource "google_container_cluster" "primary" {
# + additional_zones = (known after apply)
# + cluster_ipv4_cidr = (known after apply)
$ ...
terraform apply
Important: You will need to delete/move elsewhere terraform state if you are booting production cluster after staging one (or vice versa). Otherwise terraform will think you want to rename/update variables
Export following following environment variables to deploy production cluster
export TF_cluster_name=datahub-production # Kuberntes Cluster Name (default: datahub-staging)
export TF_load_balancer_ip= # External IP of loadbalancer (default:
export TF_node_pool_name=prodcution-node-pool # Node pool name (default: staging-node-pool)
Other configurable variables
export TF_region # The region to host the cluster (default: us-central1)
export TF_region # The zone to host the cluster (default: us-central1-a)
export TF_kubernetes_version # Kberntes version (default: 1.16.13-gke.1)