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Medical Corpus Processing


This experiment will include three parts of jobs.

  1. Chinese word segmentation 詞語切分
  2. Part-of-speech tagging 詞性標注
  3. Named-entity recognition 命名實體識別

And with two phases

  1. Using any tool, third-party corpus or even manual labelling the data set
  2. Supervised Learning by using the given preprocessed data Just keep imporving it with your own freaking eyes... = =, no scorer or gold test data provided.

Data set / Corpus

  • raw_59.txt
    • The raw data need to be tagged. Formed by random sample of source corpus.
    • Start with sequence# + space; End with \n.
  • context_59.txt
    • The ±3 lines of sentence surrounding the raw data sentence (if any).
    • Just for human validation.

Corpus Processing Standard

Chinese word segmentation & POS tagging Standard

Shouldn't split the bacteria or the medicine name. e.g. 革兰阴性杆菌 or 醋酸甲羟孕酮

(e.g. maybe end with , , , , , )

Medical NER Standard

  • 《醫學語料命名實體識別加工規範》


The output filename must be 1_ 59 and 2nd_59 for two phases result. (just inlcude the result after Medical NER)

Chinese word segmentation

  1. Must followed the standard. Each word segment must split by a single space.
  2. Delete the meaningless space $$_ (\u0020) or $$__ (\u3000) (found that this should be doing befor segmentation)

the number of _ means how many spaces are

Example of space

  • Delete
    • $$_ which is used to seperate number
      • e.g. HCMV$$_150kD磷蛋白是HCMV蛋白结构中抗原性最强的蛋白
  • Don't Delete
    • $$_ surrounding the ()
      • e.g. 坏死性龈口炎$$_(necrotic$$_gingivostomatitis)

Part-of-speech tagging (including General NER)

  1. 26 tags must follow the Dictionary of Modern Chinese Grammar Information (現代漢語語法信息詞典) 40 tags must follow the standard given by《北京大學現代漢語語料庫基本加工規範》 (And jieba has 55 tags)
  2. The format must be word/tag (do not include space).
  3. Additional General NER must include
    • nr: Name
    • ns: Place name
    • nt: Institution name

Confusing Example

Before After
“一、”、“(二)”、“3.”、“(4)”、“5)” “一/m 、/w”、“(/w 二/m )/w”、“3/m ./w”、“(/w 4/m )/w”、“5/m )/w”
abc<sub>xyz</sub> abc<sub>xyz</sub>/n

Medical NER

The format must be [named-entity]tab

dis disease
sym symptom
tes test
tre treatment
bod body part


Before After
左下肺/n [左下肺/n]bod


  • N: gold segment words number
  • e: wrong number of word segment
  • c: correct number of word segment
  • Precision (P) = c/N
  • Recall (R) = c/(c+e)
  • F1-score (F1)
    • F1 = 2 * P * R / (P + R)
  • Error Rate (ER) = e/N (additional in this project)

First phase


  1. clean up meaningless space ($$_ first)
  2. quick word segmentation using tool
  3. make some rules to seperate words haven't been segmented or combine the mis-segmented words
  4. modify the POS table to fit the standard (26 tags) (e.g. tag_to_idx in pkuseg). Map the POS to our standard.
  5. doing medical dictionary on raw data and found the position of each medical NER
  6. then decorate the previous result


need to find the medical dictionary with tags to filter the medical named-entities

Clean up meaningless space character

Check all the space ($$_) between words (no $$__ exist in my raw data (e.g. line 33: 表6-15$$_$$_))

total number of $$_ is 107 in my raw data.

# observe the surrounding of some $$_
import re
with open('data/raw_59.txt') as f:
    text =
space_re = r'...\$\$_...'
re.findall(space_re, text)
['复循环$$_(C)', '3-1$$_第一年', '次0.$$_3g,', 'lus$$_Aci', 'lus$$_Cap', '菌0.$$_5亿,', '菌1.$$_35亿', '菌0.$$_15亿', '(5.$$_0~8', '/Qt$$_=(C', '2)×$$_100', ' 0.$$_5~1', '11.$$_5~1', '>1.$$_020', '>0.$$_009', '-15$$_$$_', 'p>/$$_L,嗜', '为2.$$_2kb', '为9.$$_9kb', 'tal$$_dia', '养治疗$$_此类患', '69.$$_4kJ', '日2.$$_29g', '第二节$$_生理性', '素0.$$_01~', '松0.$$_1~0', '-18$$_间隔缺', '∶10$$_000', '第一节$$_支气管', '<6.$$_5kP', 'kPa$$_(60', '<7.$$_20,', '-5.$$_0mm', '射0.$$_3~3', '次0.$$_5~1', 'mg=$$_125', '5U/$$_(kg', '素0.$$_5mg', '/kg$$_qd或', '于10$$_000', '或18$$_Gy(', 'Ron$$_T现象', 'ral$$_inf', 'ive$$_inf', 'ent$$_or$', 'ive$$_inf', 'ell$$_tra', 'low$$_vir', 'ian$$_stu', '_of$$_ren', 'ase$$_in$', '66.$$_1%为', '16.$$_1%为', ',8.$$_1%为', '为0.$$_5%~', ')头颅$$_MRI', '宿主病$$_(GV', 'hle$$_189', 'ial$$_hem', '为2.$$_5/1', '或0.$$_25%', 'mic$$_imp', '量0.$$_05~', ' 表2$$_常量和', '99.$$_9%。', 'ler$$_nod', '于5.$$_7mm', ' 1.$$_DIC', 'ked$$_AS,', '段Xq$$_22,', 'mal$$_rec', 'ive$$_AS,', 'mal$$_dom', 'ant$$_AS,', 'tal$$_hyp', '素试验$$_(结素', '症治疗$$_①静止', '泮0.$$_5mg', '第三节$$_肺结核', 'aan$$_vir', '、0.$$_5%碘', '(pH$$_3~5', ' 1.$$_ATP', 'APD$$_KT/', '为2.$$_0/w', '于1.$$_9/w', 'CPD$$_KT/', '为2.$$_1/w', 'IPD$$_KT/', '为2.$$_2/w', '低体温$$_体温常', 'ase$$_inh', 'ong$$_QT$', 'val$$_syn', '第四节$$_小儿药']

Delete the space ($$_) surrounding by number, decimal.

replaced_space = re.sub(r'(\d.)\$\$_(\d)', r'\1\2', text)

Observe the rest of the spaces

re.findall('....\$\$_....', replaced_space)
['表3-1$$_第一年小', 'llus$$_Acid', 'ilus$$_Caps', 's/Qt$$_=(Cc', 'O2)×$$_100%', '6-15$$_$$_S', 'up>/$$_L,嗜酸', 'atal$$_diag', '营养治疗$$_此类患者', ' 第二节$$_生理性贫', '9-18$$_间隔缺损', ' 第一节$$_支气管哮', '8kPa$$_(60m', '1mg=$$_125U', '15U/$$_(kg•', 'g/kg$$_qd或b', ')或18$$_Gy(年', '④Ron$$_T现象;', 'iral$$_infe', 'tive$$_infe', 'tent$$_or$$', 'tive$$_infe', 'cell$$_tran', 'slow$$_viru', 'sian$$_stud', '$_of$$_rena', 'ease$$_in$$', '抗宿主病$$_(GVH', 'ehle$$_1897', 'nial$$_hemo', 'omic$$_impr', '8 表2$$_常量和微', 'sler$$_node', '6 1.$$_DIC治', 'nked$$_AS,X', '中段Xq$$_22,为', 'omal$$_rece', 'sive$$_AS,A', 'omal$$_domi', 'nant$$_AS,A', 'ital$$_hypo', '菌素试验$$_(结素试', '对症治疗$$_①静止性', ' 第三节$$_肺结核病', 'taan$$_viru', '酸(pH$$_3~5)', '6 1.$$_ATP耗', 'CAPD$$_KT/V', 'CCPD$$_KT/$', 'NIPD$$_KT/V', '.低体温$$_体温常在', 'rase$$_inhi', 'long$$_QT$$', 'rval$$_synd', ' 第四节$$_小儿药物']

Maybe we should leave the rest of the things

Chinese word segmentation by tool

Tried pkuseg with medicine model and jieba

# Word segmentation with POS tagging

# pkuseg
from pkuseg import pkuseg
pseg = pkuseg(model_name='medicine', postag=True)
words = pseg.cut(chinese_string)

# jieba
import jieba.posseg as jseg
words = jseg.cut(chinese_string)

for word, flag in words:
  • Evaluation of the default performance of segmentation
    • jieba (jieba has auto '\n' problem. So this report is not quite fair)

      === Evaluation reault of word segment ===
      F1: 60.61%
      P : 60.87%
      R : 60.34%
      ER: 40.00%
    • pkuseg

      === Evaluation reault of word segment ===
      F1: 83.11%
      P : 79.13%
      R : 87.50%
      ER: 11.30%

Original setting segmentation problem

  • '应详细'
    • jieba: '应', '详细' (O)
    • pkuseg: '应详细'
  • '三凹征'
    • jieba: '三', '凹征'
    • pkuseg: '三凹征' (O)
  • 表3-1

After solving $$_ and auto \n problem:

  • jieba

    === Evaluation reault of word segment ===
    F1: 88.11%
    P : 86.96%
    R : 89.29%
    ER: 10.43%
  • pkuseg

    === Evaluation reault of word segment ===
    F1: 85.71%
    P : 80.87%
    R : 91.18%
    ER: 7.83%

Soluiton for customized segment

jieba (the user_dict_file example)

jieba.add_word(word, freq=None, tag=None)
jieba.suggest_freq(segment, tune=True)



POS User dictionary

Last name problem

  1. Get the last name list on the internet.
  2. Split the word length grater than "a last name" with /nr tag.

Here is the imporvement after split name.

Test jieba word segmentation
=== Evaluation reault of word segment ===
F1: 100.00%
P : 100.00%
R : 100.00%
ER: 0.00%
Test pkuseg word segmentation
line: 1 found error: (5, 8) => 应详细
line: 1 found error: (40, 46) => 自主心跳呼吸
line: 1 found error: (70, 73) => 光反应
line: 3 found error: (3, 6) => 缺损者
line: 3 found error: (21, 26) => 短暂菌血症
line: 3 found error: (32, 35) => 创伤性
line: 3 found error: (43, 46) => 细菌性
line: 4 found error: (3, 10) => 耀辉$$_孙锟
=== Evaluation reault of word segment ===
F1: 87.56%
P : 83.33%
R : 92.23%
ER: 7.02%

wierd thing tagging with nr

龙 nr
粟粒状 nr
阿托品 nr
埃希菌 nr
克雷伯 nr
广谱抗 nr
维生素 nr
青少年 nr
晨 nr
左心室 nr
毛发 nr
内含子 nr
甘露醇 nr
张力 nr
帕米来 nr
律 nr
段 nr
过敏 nr
雷诺 nr
周 nr
洛贝林 nr
安全性 nr
凯瑞 nr
青光眼 nr
应予以 nr
常继发 nr
门静脉 nr
史 nr
幸存者 nr
高达 nr
地高辛 nr
关键因素 nr
小梁 nr
束 nr
迟发性 nr
地西泮 nr
巨 nr
欧氏 nr
张力 nr
白蛋白 nr
若有阳 nr
显微镜 nr
巧克力 nr
灵敏性 nr
麻醉 nr
利培 nr
麻风 nr
马拉 nr
姬鼠 nr
高峰 nr
易 nr
青壮年 nr
行为矫正 nr
青少年 nr
广谱抗 nr

The <sup></sup> and <sub></sub> problem

There are the following case occuring in corpus.

  • <sup></sup>
    • 10<sup>12</sup>
    • Ca<sup>2+</sup>
    • 10<sup>9</sup>
    • 10<sup>9</sup>
    • <sup>*</sup>
  • <sub></sub>
    • PaO<sub>2</sub>
    • CO<sub>2</sub>
    • U<sub>1</sub>
    • PaO<sub>2</sub>
    • PaCO<sub>2</sub>
    • PaO<sub>2</sub>
    • PaCO<sub>2</sub>
    • CD<sub>33</sub>
    • CD<sub>13</sub>
    • CD<sub>15</sub>
    • CD<sub>11</sub>b
    • CD<sub>36</sub>

Maybe remove them first and add position reminder to add them in the end.

Note: + and * will confused the regular expression. So need to be \+ and \* in dictionary So need to be transfer to transfer to regular expression by re.escape()

Part-of-speech tagging by tool

Dealing with number-number

pkuseg: 表3-1 -> 表/n 3&1/v

Find all the pos string with & in it.

User dictionary

from pkuseg import pkuseg
pseg = pkuseg(model_name='medicine', postag=True,
import jieba.posseg as jseg

jieba dictionary format (example)

word, word_frequency(optional), pos_tag(optional)

pkuseg only have word...

Effect after using user dictionary

  • 三凹征 fuckyou
    • jieba: '三凹征/fuckyou'
    • pkuseg: '三凹征/j'

Named-entity recognition by tool

(deprecated) Using the medicine corpus offered by pkuseg (release v0.0.16)

This contain a string with medical words seperated by \n (but also other words...)

Found some thing in previous result which need to be fixed.

  • 小儿脑性/n 瘫痪/v

Idea: Common pattern

  • XX症
  • XX炎
  • XX損傷
  • XX病
  • XX疹

Make a medical dictionary with some technique

  • \w+: normal mode (this will have highest priority)
  • _\w+: as postfix
  • \w_: as prefix


  • 抗生素 tre
  • _症 sym
  • XX損傷 des

The score of the first phase (1_ 59.txt)

0.852 0.815 0.833 40/101 0.624 0.597 0.610 83/101 0.667 0.145 0.238 92/101
  • The recall rate of NER is really low because I didn't try hard to find out all the NER by my eyes...
  • Rank of POS is low either. Maybe is the standard problem?!

ref_59.txt is the other two random classmates' result

Second phase

Chinese word segmentation by learning more eyes

  • Don't seperate XX性 with length less than 2

Part-of-speech tagging by learning more eyes

  • Ag, Dg, Ng, Tg, Vg need to capitalize its first letter
  • unit need to be tagged with q
  • number including symbel style number (e.g. ) need to be tagged with m
  • and any symbol need to be w
  • Shouldn't left any x label!

Distinguish Words (b)

區別詞 (TODO)

  • XX性: 先天性/b, 外源性/b, 一过性/b
    • Include every
  • XX状: 网状/b, 点片状/b, 粟粒状/b
    • Except 症状
  • 大/b(手术), 末梢/b(神经), 相对/b(禁忌证)

Named-entity recognition by learning more eyes

  • Label out more NER...

Medical NER TODO

The multiple prefix, postfix!

Because the word segmentation will seperate the things like [检查/v 动脉血/n 气值/n]tes, [体格/n 检查/v]tes or [呼吸/v 治疗/v]tre

So its normal to be multiple word.

Maybe design a postfix or prefix that can including the following word in given count.

e.g. Like __治疗 with one additional _ that means two word. And 检查___ with two additional _ that means three word, respectively.

Error Debug (Fixed)

Log of the "Online Format Examination Program"


  • Filename should be 2nd_59.txt...
  • No eng, ag in POS tagging
  • Unexpected change on raw data on line 10, 19, 22, 37, 51, 55, 64, 67, 70, 116, 128, 134, 155, 157, 158, 186 (basically the <sup>, <sub> problem)


  • $$_ on line 9, 10, 23, 24, 28, 40, 51, 55, 64, 67, 69, 70, 88, 90, 98, 100, 116, 125, 134, 158, 170, 186

Tricky line 67 (Haven't fixed)

67 为最主要实验室检查。患儿呼吸治疗时必须测定动脉血氧分压(PaO<sub>2</sub>)、二氧化碳分压(PaCO<sub>2</sub>)和pH。发病早期,PaO<sub>2</sub><6.$$_5kPa(50mmHg),PaCO<sub>2</sub> .......

There are 4 tags (2 PaO<sub>2</sub> and 2 PaCO<sub>2</sub>). But they are intersect with each other.

So the offset will go wrong even if putting the right order in the dictionary (sub_sup.txt)

But I just leave it as TODO. Maybe next time.

Manual adjustment result: (only modify those 4 tags) a little more than that :P

67 为/p 最/a 主要/b 实验室/n 检查/vn 。/w 患儿/n [呼吸/v 治疗/v]tre 时/n 必须/d [测定/v 动脉血/n 氧分压/n]tes (/w PaO<sub>2</sub>/n )/w 、/w 二氧化碳/n 分压/v (/w PaCO<sub>2</sub>/n )/w 和/c pH/q 。/w 发病/v 早期/t ,/w PaO<sub>2</sub>/n </w 6.5/m kPa/q (/w 50/m mmHg/q )/w ,/w PaCO<sub>2</sub>/n >/w 8/m kPa/q $$_ (/w 60/m mmHg/q )/w ,/w pH/q </w 7.20/m ,/w BE/nx </w -/w 5.0/m mmol/q //w L/q ,/w 应/v 考虑/v [低氧/n 血症/n]sym 、/w [高/a 碳酸/n 血症/n]sym 、/w [代谢性/b 酸中毒/n]sym ,/w 经/n 吸氧/v 或/c [辅助/vn 通气/n 治疗/v]tre 无/v 改善/v ,/w 可/v 转为/v [气道/n 插管/n]tre 和/c [呼吸机/n 治疗/v]tre ,/w 避免/v 发生/v 严重/a [呼吸衰竭/n]sym 。/w 一般/a 在/p 开始/v 机械/n 通气/n 后/t 1/m ~/w 3/m 小时/n 以及/c 随后/d 2/m ~/w 3/m 天/q 的/u 每/r 12/m ~/w 24/m 小时/n ,/w 需要/v 检查/vn 动脉血/n 气值/n ,/w 以/p 判断/v 病情/n 转归/v 和/c 调节/vn 呼吸机/n 参数/n ,/w 以/p 保持/v 合适/a 的/u 通气/n 量/n 和/c 氧供/v 。/w

Other Tricky Things (solved)

If enable the postfix function, the medical NER will re-tag the multiple word named entities.

e.g. [细菌性/n', '[心内膜炎/n]dis]dis if use posfix _炎 and 细菌性心内膜炎 as the same time.


  • If determining postfix, check if the ending index is exist (because the postfix pattern is put in the end of the dictionary)
  • Also testing the starting index if it is single word too.
  • I've changed to use list instead of dict to make sure all the determination of postfix and prefix are later than normal one.

(So don't add duplicate thing in normal list of the dictionary)


NLP Tools

  • flair - A very simple framework for state-of-the-art NLP



Regular Expression



  • fix $$_
  • add user dictionary
  • num-num problem
  • <sup> </sup> <sub> </sub>
  • medical NER
    • find corpus
    • split
    • add tag
    • more than two words
    • prefix and postfix detection (especially postfix one!)
      • postfix
      • prefix
  • Split "3." ("3./m") to "3 ." and "3/m ./w"
  • maybe record detail procedure afterward
  • line 67
  • Medical NER Dict

pkuseg trace code

token accuracy

download model

default location ~/.pkuseg

pkuseg POS (deprecated)

POS Tags: tags.txt

dict: tag_to_idx

There are 35 different tags. But in our standard we only have 26. Thus we need some sort of map.

And I found that the first 26 POS is match the standard. The pkuseg has done some extra work on NER.

nr  人名
ns  地名
nt  机构名称
nx  外文字符
nz  其它专名
vd  副动词
vn  名动词
vx  形式动词
ad  副形词
an  名形词

But we only need nr, ns and nt in this experiment.

So I map nx, nz to n. And map vd, vn, vx to v. And map ad, an to a

dictionary format

medicine corpus

.pkuseg/medicine/features.pkl => a dict

import pickle as pkl
features = pkl.load(open('features.pkl', 'rb'))

features = {
    'unigram': ...,
    'bigram': ...,
    'feature_to_idx': ...,
    'tag_to_idx': ...

.pkuseg/medicine/medicine_dict.pkl => a str

medicine = pkl.load(open('medicine_dict.pkl', 'rb'))
medicine_dict = medicine.split('\n')

jieba trace code

jieba append dictionary

TODO: maybe try to use the dictionary offered by pkuseg for jieba (maybe need some adjustment)

Get the medical dictionary from pkuseg. Subtract the general words in other general corpus/dictionary. Then insert into jeiba

medicine = pickle.load(open('%smedicine_dict.pkl' % pickle_dir, 'rb'))
medicine_dict = medicine.split('\n')

ctb8 = pickle.load(open('%sctb8.pkl' % pickle_dir, 'rb'))
msra = pickle.load(open('%smsra.pkl' % pickle_dir, 'rb'))
weibo = pickle.load(open('%sweibo.pkl' % pickle_dir, 'rb'))
other_dict = set([*ctb8, *msra, *weibo])

jieba POS

medicine dictionary


In [15]: a[:100]
Out[15]: '中国\n发展\n工作\n经济\n国家\n记者\n我们\n一个\n问题\n建设\n人民\n全国\n进行\n政府\n社会\n市场\n他们\n改革\n\n北京\n我国\n国际\n地区\n管理\n领导\n公司\n技术\n关系\n世界\n重要\n干部\n美国\n组织\n群众'

In [17]: a[20000:20100]
Out[17]: '\n有的是\n服务器\n味精\n男生\n行当\n咀嚼\n博爱\n丛林\n和平区\n冒充\n小国\n滨州\n逆向\n漏水\n咽喉\n潜伏\n潜水\n中信\n灵芝\n天涯\n中年人\n白人\n自备\n触摸\n俗称\n刘建国\n诊疗\n反倒\n改动\n说说\n节制\n板'


  • TypeError: object of type 'generator' has no len()
  • TypeError: 'generator' object is not subscriptable

Python match