We contributors to Daytona:
- License all our contributions to the project under the Apache License, Version 2.0
- Have the legal rights to license our contributions ourselves, or get permission to license them from our employers, clients, or others who may have them
- Signoff on our commits with the Developer Certificate of Origin (DCO) Version 1.1 (https://developercertificate.org/)
- Previously we added our names and GitHub handles to this CONTRIBUTORS.md file. We leave these names here to record the commits that came before.
- Vedran Jukic (@vedranjukic)
- Ivan Burazin (@ivan-burazin)
- Chad Metcalf (@metcalfc)
- Toma Puljak (@tpuljak)
- Nikola Balic (@nkkko)
- Goran Draganic (@gdraganic)
- Ivan Dagelić (@idagelic)
- Fabjan Vučina (@fabjanvucina)
- Rutik Thakre (@Rutik7066, @rutikt7066)
- Neo (@neo773)
- Ezhil Shanmugham (@ezhil56x)
- Tarun Chauhan (@tarunrajput)
- Deepak gupta (@guptadeepak8)
- Vineeth Kumar (@vineeth-vk11)
- Jay Kumar (@35C4n0r)
- Twac (@Twacqwq)
- Mirko Dzaja (@MDzaja)
- Luke Bryant (@LDavidBryant)
- Marijan Cipcic (@marijancip123)
- Sara Lucija Dragicevic (@saralucijad)
- Ante Projić (@aprojic)
- Bruno Grbavac (@brunogrbavac)
- Juraj Štefanić (@stefanicjuraj)
- Ivan Kunjasic (@IvanKunjasic)
- Mo Jaafar (@mojafa)
- Ivan Novak (@inovak)
- Nikola Radisic (@radisicc)
- Andre Johnson (@andrejohnson2)