Robot fighting command line application.
- JUnit4 for Testing
- Java 1.8 Runtime
javac Transformer/*.java Exception/*.java
Use - main <input file.txt>
The input text file must follow this format:
<transformer name>, <A/D>, #,#,#,#,#,#,#,#
eg. Soundwave, D,8,9,2,6,7,5,6,10
Bluestreak, A,6,6,7,9,5,2,9,7
- Future improvements could be made by decoupling the 'Battle Rules' from the Battle class. A possible approach would be to use a Strategy Pattern.
- Dependency Injection could be used to modularize code for better maintainability, mocking and unit testing.
- Additional robustness could be added around the file input and scanning.