info2cpe is a library that try to convert a simple string (a service banner, for example) into a CPE value. The library follows the CPE v2.3 specifications.
For more information, please visit the official website for CPE, maintained by MITRE:
info2cpe use different heuristic and mathematical methods to try to match a simple text into the an approximated CPE value.
** A lot of times, the library can't find an exact match with the CPE database. **
You can use the info2cpe as a library and as a command line tool:
Diplay the help:
python -h
usage: [-h] [-t INPUT_TEXT] [-c CPE_FILE] [--update]
info2cpe try to convert any string into CPE
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
text where looking for the CPE.
-c CPE_FILE, --cpe-db CPE_FILE
cpe database
--update update cpe database
Update the CPE database:
python --update
[*] Downloading CPE database (this can take some time).
[*] Loading XML CPE file.
[*] Converting XML to CPE database.
[*] Saving CPE database in 'cpe.db' file.
[*] Done!
Looking for a CPE from command line:
python -t "Microsoft IIS httpd 7.5"
[*] Starting analysis...
[*] Analysis time: 0.552829027176
[*] Results:
| CPE: cpe:/a:microsoft:iis:7.5
| Name: Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS) 7.5
| Probability: 100%
| CPE: cpe:/a:microsoft:iis:7.0
| Name: Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS) 7.0
| Probability: 98%
| CPE: cpe:/a:microsoft:iis:6.0
| Name: Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS) 6.0
| Probability: 90%
Looking for a CPE from command python code:
>>>from api import search_cpe
>>>banner="Microsoft IIS httpd 7.5"
>>>print result
[(100, 'cpe:/a:microsoft:iis:7.5', 'Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS) 7.5'), (98, 'cpe:/a:microsoft:iis:7.0', 'Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS) 7.0'), (90, 'cpe:/a:microsoft:iis:6.0', 'Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS) 6.0')]
- Mario Vilas | @MarioVilas
Any kind of contribution is wellcome. Feel free to make a fork and send me your changes.