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File metadata and controls

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The project is ARCHIVED. We focused on joseki instead

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image-scanner can scan a bunch of docker images for CVEs and serve scan results. It can run as web-application or as cli tool.

The scanner can audit images in a given Kubernetes cluster, or receive the list of tags as input parameter.

To scan all Kubernetes cluster images:

  • default kube-config:

    docker run --rm -v $HOME:/root deepnetwork/image-scanner-cli trivy -e File -i File
  • a custom k8s cluster:

    docker run --rm -v $HOME:/root deepnetwork/image-scanner-cli trivy -e File -i File -k /root/.kube/custom_k8s_config

To scan a list of images:

A sample image list can be found here

docker run --rm -v $HOME:/root deepnetwork/image-scanner-cli trivy -e File -i File -l /root/Repos/image-scanner/samples/sample-image-list 

At the moment, image-scanner support only trivy as scanner and local file-system as persistence layer. Supporting another scanners and storage implementation is part of the roadmap.

Getting Started

image-scanner is developed with .NET Core 3.0.

  1. Running From source code

    git clone
    cd image-scanner/src/cli
    dotnet run
  2. Running CLI via Docker image

    docker run --rm -v $HOME:/root deepnetwork/image-scanner-cli trivy -e File -i File
  3. Running Web application via Docker image

    docker run --rm \
            -p 8080:8080 \
            -v $HOME:/$HOME deepnetwork/image-scanner-web \
            -e IMAGE_SCANNER_CONFIG_FILE_PATH="$HOME/Repos/image-scanner/src/tests/image-scanner.config-sample.yaml"

    Then, navigate to http://localhost:8080/swagger/index.html address on your machine and run APIs to start scans.

Web application

TODO: add web app description and examples


The image-scanner CLI tool helps to scan a k8s cluster or a list of images. Following CLI options are used in scanning operations.


  1. Select a scanner:

    trivy      Run trivy scanner
    clair      Run clair scanner // not supported yet
    help       Display more information on a specific command.
    version    Display version information.

    image-scanner needs a scanner to be selected. At the moment, only Trivy scanner is supported.

  2. Trivy options:

    -t, --trivyBinaryPath              Binary path of Trivy executable (Default: /usr/local/bin/trivy) 
    -a, --trivyCachePath               Folder path of Trivy cache files
    -r, --registries                   The path of Container Registry Credentials file    
    -k, --kubeConfigPath               File path of Kube Config file
    -e, --exporter                     Required. Exporter type (e.g, File)
    -i, --importer                     Required. Importer type (e.g, File)    
    -f, --fileExporterPath             Folder path of file exporter
    -b, --isBulkUpload                 Is bulk upload (Default: false)    
    -m, --parallelismDegree            (Default: 10) Degree of Parallelism
    -l, --listOfImagesPath             The path of images list file
    --help                             Display this help screen.
    --version                          Display version information.


  1. Scan with Trivy

    1. Scan a Kubernetes cluster using local kube-config and save outputs into file exporter:

      docker run --rm\
          -v $HOME:/root/ \
          deepnetwork/image-scanner-cli trivy -e File -i File

      Scan results (json) and container log files are saved under $HOME/.image-scanner/exports folder.

    2. Using a cache directory on your machine:

      docker run --rm\
          -v $HOME:/root/ \
          deepnetwork/image-scanner-cli trivy -a [TRIVY_CACHE_PATH] -e File

      Replace [TRIVY_CACHE_PATH] with the cache directory on your machine.

    3. Running against a Private Container Registry (CR):

      Prepare your private CR list in a format like in this file

      docker run --rm\
          -v $HOME:/root/ \
          deepnetwork/image-scanner-cli trivy -e File -i File -r /root/Repos/image-scanner/samples/registries.config-sample.yaml
    4. Saving results into a custom folder:

      docker run --rm \
          -v $HOME:/root/ \
          deepnetwork/image-scanner-cli trivy -e File -i File -f /root/myfolder

      This command runs image-scanner against default Kubernetes cluster and saves export files into folder /root/myfolder

    5. Setting parallelism degree of percentage:

        docker run --rm\
            -v $HOME:/root/ \
            deepnetwork/image-scanner-cli trivy -e File -i File -m 50

      The maximum parallelism degree means that the number of the scanner (e.g.Trivy) processes to be run in parallel. The default value is 10.

  2. Scan with Clair:

    // TO BE ADDED